In this section, we cover the main mechanism for requesting data in rescript-urql
– hooks!
comes with a set of custom hooks to use in your rescript-react
components, including useQuery
, useMutation
, and useSubscription
. These are fully type safe and will automatically infer the type of your GraphQL response if using graphql_ppx_re
or graphql_ppx
allows you to execute a GraphQL query.
Argument | Type | Description |
query |
(module Types.Operation) |
The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation. |
requestPolicy |
Types.requestPolicy=? |
Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first" . |
pause |
bool=? |
Optional. A boolean flag instructing useQuery to pause execution of the query operation. |
fetchOptions |
Fetch.requestInit=? |
Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request. |
requestPolicy |
Types.requestPolicy=? |
Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first" . |
url |
string=? |
Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make ). |
meta |
Types.operationDebugMeta=? |
Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools. |
suspense |
bool=? |
Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false . |
preferGetMethod |
bool=? |
Optional. If true , will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query . Defaults to false . |
variables |
Types.Operation.t_variables |
Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed. |
returns a tuple containing the result of executing your GraphQL query and a function for re-executing the query imperatively.
Return Value | Type | Description |
state |
Hooks.hookResponse('response) |
A record containing fields for fetching , data , error , response , extensions , and stale . response is a variant containing constructors for Data , PartialData , Error , Fetching , and Empty . Useful for pattern matching to render conditional UI. |
executeQuery |
(~fetchOptions: Fetch.requestInit=?, ~requestPolicy: Types.requestPolicy=?, ~url: string=?, ~meta: Types.operationDebugMeta=?, ~suspense: bool=?, ~preferGetMethod: bool=?, unit) => unit |
A function for imperatively re-executing the query. Accepts labelled arguments for modifying specific conditions of the query execution. |
open ReScriptUrql
module GetPokémon = %graphql(`
query pokémon($name: String!) {
pokemon(name: $name) {
let make = () => {
let ({Hooks.response: response}, reexecuteQuery) =
Hooks.useQuery(~query=(module GetPokemon), {name: "Butterfree"})
switch response {
| Fetching => <div> "Loading"->React.string </div>
| Data(d)
| PartialData(d, _e) =>
<img src=d.pokemon.image>
<span>>React.string </span>
<span> d.pokemon.classification->React.string </span>
onClick={_e =>
`Refetch data for $`->React.string
| Error(_e) => <div> "Error"->React.string </div>
| Empty => <div> "Empty"->React.string </div>
Check out examples/2-query
to see an example of using the useQuery
allows you to execute a GraphQL mutation via the returned executeMutation
Argument | Type | Description |
mutation |
(module Types.Operation) |
The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation. |
returns a tuple containing the result of executing your GraphQL mutation and a function for executing the mutation imperatively, executeMutation
. By default, useMutation
does not execute your mutation when your component renders – rather, it is up to you to call executeMutation
when you want to by attaching it to on an event handler or running it inside of an effect. Read more on the urql
Return Value | Type | Description |
state |
Hooks.hookResponse('response) |
A record containing fields for fetching , data , error , response , extensions , and stale . response is a variant containing constructors for Data , PartialData , Error , Fetching , and Empty . Useful for pattern matching to render conditional UI. |
executeMutation |
(~fetchOptions: Fetch.requestInit=?, ~requestPolicy: Types.requestPolicy=?, ~url: string=?, ~meta: Types.operationDebugMeta=?, ~suspense: bool=?, ~preferGetMethod: bool=?, 'variables) => Js.Promise.t(Types.operationResult('data)) |
A function for imperatively re-executing the mutation. Accepts labelled arguments for modifying specific conditions of the mutation execution. |
open ReScriptUrql
module LikeDog = %graphql(`
mutation likeDog($key: ID!) {
likeDog(key: $key) {
let make = (~id) => {
let (_, executeMutation) = Hooks.useMutation(~mutation=(module LikeDog))
<button onClick={_e => executeMutation({key: id}) |> ignore}>
"Like This Dog!"->React.string
Check out examples/3-mutation
to see an example of using the useMutation
allows you to execute a GraphQL subscription. You can accumulate the results of executing subscriptions by passing a handler
function to useSubscription
If using the useSubscription
hook, be sure your client is configured with the subscriptionExchange
Argument | Type | Description |
subscription |
(module Types.Operation) |
The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation. |
handler |
Hooks.handler |
A variant type to allow for proper type inference of accumulated subscription data. A handler function allows you to accumulate subscription responses in the data field of the returned state record. |
requestPolicy |
Types.requestPolicy=? |
Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first" . |
pause |
bool=? |
Optional. A boolean flag instructing useSubscription to pause execution of the subscription. |
fetchOptions |
Fetch.requestInit=? |
Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request. |
requestPolicy |
Types.requestPolicy=? |
Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first" . |
url |
string=? |
Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make ). |
meta |
Types.operationDebugMeta=? |
Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools. |
suspense |
bool=? |
Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false . |
preferGetMethod |
bool=? |
Optional. If true , will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query . Defaults to false . |
variables |
Types.Operation.t_variables |
Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed. |
returns a tuple containing the result of executing your GraphQL subscription and a function for re-executing the subscription imperatively.
Return Value | Type | Description |
result |
Hooks.hookResponse('response) |
A record containing fields for fetching , data , error , response , extensions , and stale . response is a variant containing constructors for Data , PartialData , Error , Fetching , and Empty . Useful for pattern matching to render conditional UI. |
executeSubscription |
(~fetchOptions: Fetch.requestInit=?, ~requestPolicy: Types.requestPolicy=?, ~url: string=?, ~meta: Types.operationDebugMeta=?, ~suspense: bool=?, ~preferGetMethod: bool=?, unit) => unit |
A function for imperatively re-executing the subscription. Accepts labelled arguments for modifying specific conditions of the subscription execution. |
open ReScriptUrql
module SubscribeRandomInt = %graphql(`
subscription subscribeNumbers {
/* Accumulate subscriptions as new values arrive from your GraphQL endpoint. */
let handler = (prevSubscriptions, subscription) => {
switch prevSubscriptions {
| Some(subs) => Array.append(subs, [subscription])
| None => [subscription]
let make = () => {
let ({Hooks.response: response}) =
~request=(module SubscribeRandomInt),
switch response {
| Fetching => <text> "Loading"->React.string </text>
| Data(d)
| PartialData(d, _e) =>
(datum) =>
|> React.array
| Error(_e) => <text> "Error"->React.string </text>
| Empty => <text> "Empty"->React.string </text>
Check out examples/5-subscription
to see an example of using the useSubscription
allows you to access your urql
client instance anywhere within your React tree.
Return Value | Type | Description |
client |
Client.t |
The urql client instance for your application. |
open ReScriptUrql
module GetAllDogs = %graphql(`
query dogs {
dogs {
let make = () => {
let client = Hooks.useClient()
React.useEffect1(() => {
let subscription = Client.executeQuery(~client, ~query=(module GetDogs), ())
|> Wonka.subscribe((. result) => Js.log(result))
}, [client]);
<div> "You can now use your client!"->React.string </div>