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368 lines (286 loc) · 21.3 KB

Client and Provider

The client is the central orchestrator of rescript-urql, and is responsible for executing queries, mutations, and subscriptions passed to useQuery, useMutation, and useSubscription. The Provider wraps the root of your application and passes your rescript-urql client instance, via React context, to hooks in your React tree.


The Provider's responsibility is to pass the rescript-urql client instance down to useQuery, useMutation, and useSubcription hooks through context. Wrap the root of your application with Provider.

You can access the Provider component by referencing Context.Provider after opening ReScriptUrql.


Prop Type Description
value Client.t The urql client instance.


open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

switch ReactDOM.querySelector("#root") {
| Some(el) => ReactDOM.render(<Context.Provider value=client><App /></Context.Provider>, el)
| None => ()


The client executes all requests in rescript-urql and delegates all incoming responses to subscribed hooks. Its full API is below; you can also look at its associated interface file.


Create an instance of an urql client.

open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

Client.make accepts the following arguments:

Argument Type Description
url string The url of your GraphQL API.
fetchOptions Client.fetchOptions('a)=? Optional. A variant type representing fetch options to be used by your client. You can pass your fetchOptions as a plain Fetch.requestInit by wrapping it in the Client.FetchOpts tag, or instantiate it dynamically in a function wrapped by the Client.FetchFn tag.
fetch fetchImpl('a)=? Optional. A custom fetch implementation to use in lieu of window.fetch. For now, see __tests__/ for examples of how to use this option.
exchanges array( Optional. The array of exchanges to be used by your client.
suspense bool=? Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. A polymorphic variant defining the default requestPolicy to use for all outgoing requests. Defaults to CacheFirst. Additional options include CacheOnly, NetworkOnly, and CacheAndNetwork. See Types.rei for the full definition.
preferGetMethod bool=? Optional. If true, will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query. Defaults to false.
maskTypename bool=? Optional. If true, will apply the maskTypename utility to data returned on all operations. This makes the __typename properties non-enumerable.

Client.make will return an instance of an urql client, represented by the abstract type Client.t.


Create a client with just a url.

open ReScriptUrql;

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

Create a client with fetchOptions.

open ReScriptUrql

let fetchOptions = Fetch.RequestInit.make(
  ~headers=Fetch.HeadersInit.make({"Content-Type": "application/json"}),

let client = Client.make(

Create a client with exchanges.

open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(

Create a client with a non-default requestPolicy.

open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(


Imperatively execute a GraphQL query operation.

Argument Type Description
client Client.t The urql client instance.
query (module Types.Operation) The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation.
additionalTypenames array(string)=? Optional. Flag that this operation depends on certain __typenames. Used by default in the document cache.
fetchOptions Fetch.requestInit=? Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
url string=? Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make).
meta Types.operationDebugMeta=? Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools.
suspense bool=? Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false.
preferGetMethod bool=? Optional. If true, will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query. Defaults to false.
variables Types.Operation.t_variables Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed.

client.executeQuery returns a wonka source containing the results of executing the query. The result record has a variant type called response with constructors for Data(d), PartialData(d, e), Error(e), and Empty, in addition to data and error fields for accessing the raw response values if desired.

Return Description
Wonka.Types.sourceT(Client.clientResponse('data)) A wonka source containing a record of the results of query execution. Use the response field on this record for pattern matching.


open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

module GetAllDogs = %graphql(`
    dogs {

Client.executeQuery(~client, ~query=(module GetAllDogs), ())
  |> Wonka.subscribe((. data) => {
      open Types
    }) {
    | Data(d) => /* Access data returned from executing the request. */
    | Error(e) => /* Access any errors returned from executing the request. */
    | _ => /* Fallback if neither Data nor Error return information. */


The same as Client.executeQuery, but returns a Js.Promise.t rather than a wonka source. This method accepts all of the same arguments as Client.executeQuery.

Return Description
Js.Promise.t(Client.clientResponse('data)) A Js.Promise.t containing a record of the results of query execution. Use the response field on this record for pattern matching.


open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

module GetAllDogs = %graphql(`
    dogs {

Client.query(~client, ~query=(module GetAllDogs), ())
  |> Js.Promise.then_(data => {
      open Types
    }) {
    | Data(d) => /* Access data returned from executing the request. */
    | Error(e) => /* Access any errors returned from executing the request. */
    | _ => /* Fallback if neither Data nor Error return information. */


Execute a GraphQL mutation operation.

Argument Type Description
client Client.t The urql client instance.
mutation (module Types.Operation) The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation.
additionalTypenames array(string)=? Optional. Flag that this operation depends on certain __typenames. Used by default in the document cache.
fetchOptions Fetch.requestInit=? Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
url string=? Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make).
meta Types.operationDebugMeta=? Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools.
suspense bool=? Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false.
preferGetMethod bool=? Optional. If true, will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query. Defaults to false.
variables Types.Operation.t_variables Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed.

Client.executeMutation returns a wonka source containing the results of executing the mutation. The result record has a variant type called response with constructors for Data(d), PartialData(d, e), Error(e), and Empty, in addition to data and error fields for accessing the raw response values if desired.

Return Description
Wonka.Types.sourceT(Client.clientResponse('data)) A wonka source containing a record of the results of mutation execution. Use the response field on this record for pattern matching.


open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

module LikeDog = %graphql(`
  mutation likeDog($key: ID!) {
    likeDog(key: $key) {

  ~mutation=(module LikeDog),
    open LikeDog
    { key: "VmeRTX7j-" }
) |> Wonka.subscribe((. data) => {
    switch {
      open Types
    } {
    | Data(d) => /* Access data returned from executing the request. */
    | Error(e) => /* Access any errors returned from executing the request. */
    | _ => /* Fallback if neither Data nor Error return information. */


The same as Client.executeMutation, but returns a Js.Promise.t rather than a wonka source. This method accepts all of the same arguments as Client.executeMutation.

Return Description
Js.Promise.t(Client.clientResponse('data)) A Js.Promise.t containing a record of the results of mutation execution. Use the response field on this record for pattern matching.


open ReScriptUrql

let client = Client.make(~url="https://localhost:3000/graphql", ())

module LikeDog = %graphql(`
  mutation likeDog($key: ID!) {
    likeDog(key: $key) {

  ~mutation=(module LikeDog),
    open LikeDog
    { key: "VmeRTX7j-" }
) |> Js.Promise.then_(data => {
    switch {
      open Types
    } {
    | Data(d) => /* Access data returned from executing the request. */
    | Error(e) => /* Access any errors returned from executing the request. */
    | Empty => /* Fallback if neither Data nor Error return information. */


Execute a GraphQL subscription operation. If using the executeSubscription method, be sure your client is configured with the subscriptionExchange.

Argument Type Description
client Client.t The urql client instance.
subscription (module Types.Operation) The graphql_ppx module representing your GraphQL operation.
additionalTypenames array(string)=? Optional. Flag that this operation depends on certain __typenames. Used by default in the document cache.
fetchOptions Fetch.requestInit=? Optional. The fetch options to apply on the outgoing request.
requestPolicy Types.requestPolicy=? Optional. The request policy to use to execute the query. Defaults to "cache-first".
url string=? Optional. The GraphQL endpoint to use for the executing operation (if different from the one specified by Client.make).
meta Types.operationDebugMeta=? Optional. Add metadata that is only available in development with devtools.
suspense bool=? Optional. A flag activating the experimental React suspense mode, which can be used during server-side rendering to prefetch data. Defaults to false.
preferGetMethod bool=? Optional. If true, will use the HTTP GET method rather than POST for operations of type query. Defaults to false.
variables Types.Operation.t_variables Optional. Variables to pass as part of your GraphQL query. This should be passed as the last positional argument, if needed.
Return Description
Wonka.Types.sourceT(Client.clientResponse('data)) A wonka source containing a record of the results of subscription execution. Use the response field on this record for pattern matching.


open ReScriptUrql

module SubscribeMessages = %graphql(`
  subscription subscribeMessages {
    newMessage {

Client.executeSubscription(~client, ~subscription=(module SubscribeMessages), ())
  |> Wonka.subscribe((. data) => {
      open Types
    }) {
      | Data(d) => /* Access data returned from executing the request. */
      | Error(e) => /* Access any errors returned from executing the request. */
      | _ => /* Fallback if neither Data nor Error return information. */


An alias for Client.executeSubscription.


Execute a GraphQL query, but immediately unsubscribe from the result. This method is particularly useful for reading directly from the cache without issuing a request to your GraphQL API. This method accepts all of the same arguments as Client.executeQuery and Client.query.

Return Description
option(Client.clientResponse('data)) Some(response) if a result was found in the cache, otherwise None.