Implementation of the Chord Algorithm, which consists on connect multiples nodes in a ring network, the connections are handle by sockets (client_endPoint and server_endPoint). The nodes have a finger-table, which is used to save multiple successors of a node, to make the algorithm faster than the linear implementation. The nodes must organize themselves in order, so we can have something like this:
... -> 15 -> 11 -> 12 -> 13 -> 14 -> ...
is the linear implementation without a finger-table (only saves the predecessor and successor).
is the implementation with the finger-table.
ZMQ was used to handle all the connections.
g++ -std=c++11 ring2.cpp -lzmq -lzmqpp -lpthread -o ring.out
g++ -std=c++11 subscriber.cpp -lzmq -lzmqpp -o subscriber.out
In this order:
./ring.out "<local ip>" "<local port>" "<remote ip>" "<remote port>" <node identifier (number)>
E.g In ring execution:
./ring.out "*" "5552" "localhost" "5553" 11
./ring.out "*" "5552" "localhost" "5553" 12
./ring.out "*" "5552" "localhost" "5553" 10