- Client device command tuple calls changed to requiring class structures. If you were actually using the tuple calls, PLEASE GET AHOLD OF ME, everyone I asked wasn't and I'm very curious if they were useful. I can't personally see how they were.
- Websockets are now included in this library, in the Buttplug.Client namespace.
- Update to Buttplug C# v4.0.0
- Moves websockets to Buttplug.Client module
- Removes extra dependencies for Websockets
- Removes uses of System.ValueTuple
- Remove Newtonsoft.Json.dll
- Move to using unity's version, which should stop conflicts
- Update to Buttplug C# v3.0.1
- DLLs from .Net Standard 2.0 build, but work with .Net 4.7
- Fixes memory leak issue
- Removes dependency for DataFlow DLL
- Remove IntifaceCLI executable, expect that users will now connect to Intiface Central.
- Update to Buttplug C# v3.0
- Returns to working with pure native C# libraries, no more architecture-specific Rust FFI required.
- Basically make this a copy of the nuget package
- Probably piss off devs but it's either do that or just drop this project completely
- Update to Buttplug C# v2.0.2, fixes some crashes relating to the logging system
- Add in binary files
- Reorganize files to support full Unity-compatible example project
- Improve example C# script with intensity slider and connected device list in Inspector
- Allow choice of connector type: Internal/External Process or Embedded
- Allow using Raw Messages
- Update to Buttplug C# v2.0.1
- Fixes issue with RawWriteCmd JSON Schema
- Sorter now throws ButtplugConnectorException in live tasks on shutdown, similar to having a connector disconnect.
- Move from using Buttplug C# to Buttplug Rust v3.x
- Buttplug C# is dead anyways.
- Fix system to work with Mono and IL2CPP, support back to Unity 2018
- Unity 2018-2019 will have slight delays in IL2CPP connections due to Mono weirdness, but should work fine otherwise.
- Reduced version requirements to Unity 2018.2
- Added ButtplugUnityHelper for client bringup and server management
- Simplified and fixed example code
- First release of Unity Package
- Current feature list:
- Exposes executable and client API
- Copies/updates executable to assets automatically