The goal is to demonstrate what is Kafka and How it works with a show & tell approach.
Required tools:
- a container runtime: docker (+docker-compose), podman..
- kafkacat : available on docker hub, github ..
- kafka
You can use the docker-compose file availble in this repo, it'll setup zookeeper/kafka. You will still need to download kafka and possibly kafkacat. Kafka is delivered with a basic client when kafkacat which is only a client comes with nice features which really helps exploring the vast world of Kafka.
- let's start Kafka
In the DIRECTORY dir., run:
docker-compose up
This should make your kafka broker available on, try it out but first, you'll need a client to work with.
docker run --rm --network docker_app-tier bitnami/kafka:2.5.0 --bootstrap-server kafka:9092 --list