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Search Studies

jlchang edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 8 revisions

Study Search in Single Cell Portal

You can look for studies of interest through keyword search or by using the filters provided in the search bar on the Single Cell Portal Home page.

Keyword Search

Search for interesting studies by typing a word of interest into the keyword search field, click the search icon and the portal will return matching results. Keyword search looks for text matches in either the study title or description.

Searching more than one word will return all studies that match ANY of the entered words.

To search for an exact phrase, surround your phrase with double quotes. Example: "heart disease" will find all studies with the exact phrase. Without quotes, studies with the word 'heart' AND studies with the word 'disease' will all match your search.

Faceted Search

SCP studies can be found through search facets when study metadata is submitted using the SCP metadata convention. Such studies are filterable through facets such as species, organ and disease, providing a way to narrow down keyword search by applying filters in multiple dimensions. Studies returned are marked with badges showing the filters that matched each study.

A summary of the search logic for faceted search is shown under the search bar for reference and updated as additional filters are applied.

Searches using both keyword and facets will only return studies that match the criteria of both the keyword search and faceted search (aka. AND logic).

Inferred Search

To find studies unavailable directly by faceted search, facet filters are converted to exact phrase keyword searches, to identify studies additional studies. Studies found by inferred search are marked with "text match only" indicators.

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