This guide is designed for anyone interested in using sparse neural networks in deep reinforcement learning. It was part of the IJCAI 2023 tutorial T27: Sparse Training for Supervised, Unsupervised, Continual, and Deep Reinforcement Learning with Deep Neural Networks. In the following we will play around with some of the settings in this repository. I hope this will give you a feeling for the types of problems we are researching in this field.
Author: Bram Grooten.
First git clone
and install this repository,
by following the instructions in
We have included a trained agent in the repository already,
so let's view what this actually looks like!
Go to this repository's main folder in your terminal
(the directory with the
file in it),
make sure your venv is activated, and run:
A window should pop up showing you one episode of a running HalfCheetah!
The camera doesn't track the agent by default, press TAB
to do that.
The agent is rewarded for moving forward as quickly as possible. See the exact details in the documentation of MuJoCo Gym.
At the bottom of the
file there are some instructions on downloading more of our trained agents,
if you want to compare a few or look at some agents move in different environments.
In this repository you can train a sparse version of SAC or TD3.
Run the script
as follows:
python --policy ANF-SAC --env HalfCheetah-v3 --global_sparsity 0.5 --wandb_mode disabled
to train a sparse SAC agent on the HalfCheetah-v3 environment with 50% sparsity. The original DS-TD3 and DS-SAC algorithms from Sokar et al. (which this repository is based on) apply Dynamic Sparse Training to show that only using half of the weights can actually improve performance over dense models in many environments!
A training run in reinforcement learning can take quite a while (i.e., between 4-24 hours depending on the settings and compute hardware you use). However, you should be able to see the rewards go up pretty quickly for HalfCheetah. Running the above command on my laptop with an NVIDIA Quadro P2000 GPU shows:
Total Steps: 1000 Episode Num: 0 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -106.9 Epi. Time: 0:00:38.113582 Total Train Time: 0:01:04.060303
Total Steps: 2000 Episode Num: 1 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -229.72 Epi. Time: 0:00:36.587989 Total Train Time: 0:01:40.648814
Total Steps: 3000 Episode Num: 2 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -254.99 Epi. Time: 0:00:34.820381 Total Train Time: 0:02:15.469734
Total Steps: 4000 Episode Num: 3 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -123.78 Epi. Time: 0:00:36.723802 Total Train Time: 0:02:52.194053
Total Steps: 5000 Episode Num: 4 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -65.56 Epi. Time: 0:00:37.499780 Total Train Time: 0:03:29.694346
Evaluation over 5 episode(s): -88.544
Total Steps: 6000 Episode Num: 5 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -98.79 Epi. Time: 0:00:54.771722 Total Train Time: 0:04:24.466859
Total Steps: 7000 Episode Num: 6 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: -20.56 Epi. Time: 0:00:38.878653 Total Train Time: 0:05:03.346438
Total Steps: 8000 Episode Num: 7 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 261.05 Epi. Time: 0:00:40.444133 Total Train Time: 0:05:43.791106
Total Steps: 9000 Episode Num: 8 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 186.32 Epi. Time: 0:00:39.042627 Total Train Time: 0:06:22.834215
Total Steps: 10000 Episode Num: 9 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 1363.95 Epi. Time: 0:00:37.373520 Total Train Time: 0:07:00.208328
Evaluation over 5 episode(s): 1635.536
Total Steps: 11000 Episode Num: 10 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 1653.07 Epi. Time: 0:00:48.873239 Total Train Time: 0:07:49.082014
Total Steps: 12000 Episode Num: 11 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 1855.95 Epi. Time: 0:00:34.300092 Total Train Time: 0:08:23.382577
Total Steps: 13000 Episode Num: 12 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 2008.34 Epi. Time: 0:00:37.275500 Total Train Time: 0:09:00.658566
Total Steps: 14000 Episode Num: 13 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 2141.13 Epi. Time: 0:00:39.403169 Total Train Time: 0:09:40.062282
Total Steps: 15000 Episode Num: 14 Epi. Steps: 1000 Reward: 2531.5 Epi. Time: 0:00:41.110036 Total Train Time: 0:10:21.172832
Evaluation over 5 episode(s): 3113.252
After 10 minutes of training we already have an average evaluation return (=sum of rewards) of >3000. There is often a lot of variance in RL unfortunately, so the results will probably differ for you. We need to run many seeds in RL to get a good indication of an algorithm's performance.
Note that the evaluation returns will almost always be better than the returns during training, as the agents often use extra stochasticity during training to boost exploration. During evaluation this is turned off, so the expected best action is always selected.
The graph below should give an indication of the expected returns for HalfCheetah-v3. Note that the graph is from Figure 5 of the ANF paper, where we used environments with large amounts of noise features. Sparse neural networks can help to focus on the task-relevant features, but we'll cover that in the section on Automatic Noise Filtering further below.
The number of environment steps to train on is set to 1 million by default,
but you can change this with the argument --max_timesteps
See the file
for all the arguments you can play with, or run python --help
in the terminal.
To see the code showing how this actually works under the hood, check out the files:
: where the training call is startedalgorithms/sac_based/
: to see when we update and apply the sparsity masksutils/
: to see how we initialize and update the sparsity masks
Go ahead and try out different values for the --global_sparsity
and see how that affects the performance.
There is an interesting paper called "The State of Sparse Training in Deep RL"
that investigated how far sparsity levels can be pushed in Deep RL,
going all the way to 99%.
In RL, often the performance stays competitive with fully dense networks until a sparsity level of about 90%.
An example of a setting that you can play around with is the distribution of sparsity levels over the different layers of your neural network. In the simplest setting of Dynamic Sparse Training (DST) we usually have a fixed global sparsity level throughout training. Also, the sparsity distribution over the layers is usually kept fixed. What is always adapted in DST is which weights are currently activated.
In this repository for RL we often use small MLP networks with 3 layers. The hidden layer has 256 neurons on each side. The input layer size depends on the environment, and the output layer has either the same number of neurons as the number of actions (for the Actor network) or just 1 neuron (for the Critic networks). For example, the Actor network on HalfCheetah consists of: 17-256-256-6. We often keep the crucial output layer dense, which especially makes sense for the Critic.
A typical sparsity distribution for a 90% sparse NN in our work would be:
Layer 1 | Layer 2 | Layer 3 |
90.3% | 90.3% | 0% |
Notice that to get a 90% sparsity level over the whole network while keeping the output layer dense, we need to increase the sparsity level of the sparse layers by just a bit. (Since the output layer is much smaller, i.e., has much fewer weights.)
The table above uses the default --sparsity_distribution_method
: uniform
This means it uniformly distributes the sparsity levels over all layers that are not kept dense,
such that the requested global_sparsity
level is reached.
Another popular sparsity distribution method is ER
, which is developed by Mocanu et al.
in the SET paper.
The name comes from the famous Erdős-Rényi random graph.
This method gives larger layers a higher sparsity level, as they may be able to handle more pruning.
(Similar to how richer people pay a higher percentage of income tax.)
Start a training run with:
python --sparsity_distribution_method ER --global_sparsity 0.9 --policy ANF-SAC --env HalfCheetah-v3 --wandb_mode disabled
and check how the sparsity distribution differs from the table above.
In this repository there's also a method included which for now is just called "new".
It's a method that I came up with to define a distribution that would sit
somewhere in between ER and uniform.
I have plotted the differences in this graph.
See all the details in the function compute_sparsity_per_layer
In the ANF paper, we discovered that sparsity can be very beneficial in filtering noise. In environments with large amounts of noise features (where just a small subset of all state features are task-relevant), Dynamic Sparse Training learns to focus the network's connections on the important features.
We simulate environments with lots of irrelevant features
by adding many fake / noise features to the existing MuJoCo environments.
The fraction of noise features you want in your environment can be set with --fake_features
The main difference in ANF is that we only sparsify the input layer. Our sparsity distribution that we use in the paper is thus as follows:
Layer 1 | Layer 2 | Layer 3 |
80% | 0% | 0% |
This can be set by using the argument --input_layer_sparsity
. (Even if you then set --global_sparsity
to 0, which is default,
the input layer will still be sparse and the new global sparsity level will be printed for you.)
Let's try out an environment with 90% noise features by running:
python --input_layer_sparsity 0.8 --fake_features 0.9 --policy ANF-SAC --env HalfCheetah-v3 --wandb_mode disabled
and compare the performance with
python --input_layer_sparsity 0.8 --fake_features 0.9 --policy SAC --env HalfCheetah-v3 --wandb_mode disabled
Note that the state space of the environment is now 10X larger, so the runtime will increase. As shown in the graph with learning curves above, ANF is able to outperform standard dense networks by a wide margin on environments with lots of noise.