tmux -S /tmp/shared new -s shared
sudo chgrp google-sudoers /tmp/shared
sudo chmod 775 /tmp/shared
# ...
tmux -S /tmp/shared attach -t shared
Move a window from one session to another
move () {
local session_name window_name session_index session_window \
window_to_move target_session target_index
local -A tmux_windows
# Create a list of each window in every session
while read -r session_name; do
while read -r window_name; do
session_index=" $( awk -F ' :' ' {print $1}' <<< " $window_name" ) "
session_window=" $( awk -F ' :' ' {print $2}' <<< " $window_name" ) "
tmux_windows[" ${session_name} : ${session_window} " ]=" ${session_name} :${session_index} "
done < <( tmux list-windows -F " #{window_index}:#{window_name}" -t " $session_name " )
done < <( tmux list-sessions -F " #{session_name}" )
[[ ${# tmux_windows[@]} -eq 0 ]] && return 1
while read -r window_to_move; do
target_session=" $( _select_session) "
target_index=" $( tmux list-windows -F " #{window_index}" -t " $target_session " | tail -n1) "
tmux move-window \
-s " ${tmux_windows["$window_to_move"]} " -t " ${target_session} :${target_index} " -da
done < <( printf " %s\n" " ${! tmux_windows[@]} " | sort | fzf-tmux -p --multi)
Rearrange tmux panes into new layout
_get_layouts () {
tmux list-keys | sed -rn " s/^bind-key.*M-[0-9]\s+select-layout\s(.*)/\1/p"
layout () {
[[ -z $argc_layout ]] && argc_layout=" $( _get_layouts | fzf-tmux -p --no-multi -1) "
[[ -z $argc_layout ]] && return 0
tmux select-layout " $argc_layout "