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How to use a thesaurus with Vim ? (




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How to use a thesaurus with Vim ? {#how-to-use-a-thesaurus-with-vim .mt-5 .p-name}

2024-02-15 00:42:01 +0000 UTC  about 433 words   2 min

tags: Vim{.p-category} neovim{.p-category} thesaurus{.p-category}


Neovim, along with tmux, is probably the software I use the most on a daily basis. I use it for taking notes, configuring servers, coding, and writing blog posts. I cannot imagine my life without it anymore.

Occasionally, when writing blog posts or documentation, I need to find synonyms. While I could search for them online, the good news is that I can use Vim/Neovim for this purpose.


First, a little definition. What is a thesaurus?

A thesaurus is a reference work that lists words grouped by similarity of meaning, often with definitions, antonyms and usage examples.

By default, Vim/Neovim doesn't come with a thesaurus installed.

There are plugins available to add them, but that's not what we're going to do. I'll show you how to use a text file full of synonyms.

Here is a French, and an English one, that you can also find in the documentation (:h compl-thesaurus)

Those files contains lines like this:

    spy operative spectator witness viewer watcher looker descry spot espy sight 
    spyeria Spyeria
    spyglass glass
    spyhole peephole hole
    spying watch vigil intelligence detection catching espial spotting discovery 

There is nothing particularly noteworthy about those files. It is possible to add your own words if desired.


If you use Vim:

  • download or create your thesaurus files
  • configure your ~/.vimrc to use them by adding that line:
    set thesaurus += ~/.vim/thesaurus/thesaurus-english.txt # or any path you want
    set thesaurus += ~/.vim/thesaurus/thesaurus-french.txt  # if you have more than one 

That's all!

For Neovim, I have a ~/.config/nvim/lua/hyde/options.lua with a small loop:

    -- options.lua 
    local o = vim.opt

    -- thesaurus
    local thesaurusfiles = {

    for _, path in ipairs(thesaurusfiles) do

Let learn how to use once it has been configured.


When using Vim/Neovim, you can access a thesaurus completion feature by typing Ctrl-x Ctrl-t while in Insert mode. This will provide you with a list of synonyms.

    abbey[Ctrl-x Ctrl-t]
        abbey       /home/hyde/.config/nvim/thesaurus/thesaurus-english.txt
        church      /home/hyde/.config/nvim/thesaurus/thesaurus-english.txt
        convent     /home/hyde/.config/nvim/thesaurus/thesaurus-english.txt
        monastery   /home/hyde/.config/nvim/thesaurus/thesaurus-english.txt

The only issue arises when a completion occurs on certain words, such as 'spy'. This word is also present on different lines of the thesaurus file:

    a*spy* rough gruff hoarse husky piercing raucous strident rending ripping splitting noisy
    counterspy mole spy
    cri*spy* crisp
    descry spot e*spy* spy sight
    detection espial *spy*ing spotting discovery find uncovering contracting acquiring getting

The line completion feature searches for and suggests the following lines based on the input. Therefore, the suggested synonyms may not be accurate.

I have raised an issue, and hope that it will be resolved soon.

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