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Boxwise dev-setup

What is doodba?

This is just a little customization of the Docker Odoo Base created by Tecnativa for Boxwise. The complete doc can be fount here

Why should you use it?

Within a few commands you can create use a lot of odoo dev tools, e.g. the python debugger wdb or the odoo-shell.


In short

    git clone
    cd boxwise-doodba
    chown -R $USER:1000 odoo/auto
    chmod -R ug+rwX odoo/auto
    export UID GID="$(id -g $USER)" UMASK="$(umask)"
    docker-compose -f setup-devel.yaml run --rm odoo
    ln -s devel.yaml docker-compose.yml
    docker-compose run --rm odoo --stop-after-init -i module_auto_update,boxwise_wms,boxwise_wms_pampiraiki && docker-compose run --rm odoo autoupdate --stop-after-init
    docker-compose up

step by step

  1. Clone this repo.

  2. Enter the folder.

    cd boxwise-doodba
  3. Make sure that the folder odoo/auto has the right access rights.

     chown -R $USER:1000 odoo/auto
     chmod -R ug+rwX odoo/auto
  4. Populate the id variables UID, GID and UMASK.

    export UID GID="$(id -g $USER)" UMASK="$(umask)"

    We recommend to put this line in to your .bashrc

  5. Build your development setup.

    docker-compose -f setup-devel.yaml run --rm odoo
  6. Create a link of the development docker-compose file devel.yaml to make it your default docker-compose file.

    ln -s devel.yaml docker-compose.yml
  7. Install all boxwise modules and the module_auto_update module.

     docker-compose run --rm odoo --stop-after-init -i module_auto_update,boxwise_wms,boxwise_wms_pampiraiki && docker-compose run --rm odoo autoupdate --stop-after-init

    The second command creates a hash stored in the db to track if modules changed over time.

You are now ready to go. All boxwise repos and modules are already checked out and installed.

  1. Start your development environment.

    docker-compose up


URL / Port for 11.0

localhost:11069 or

Login credentials

email: admin
password: admin

Quick ref

Feel free to add useful commands you found in this section.

Some section titles are links, too.

Odoo frontend developer mode

To activate the developer mode in the odoo frontend, there two ways:

1. Add `debug` in the url --> `localhost:11069/web?debug#....` or
2. Go to settings and click the link hidden beneath the credentials on the far right!

Update your doodba

When you pulled changes to the boxwise-doodba, you should rerun parts of the installation. Since they are explained above, here just the commands in short.

    export UID GID="$(id -g $USER)" UMASK="$(umask)"
    docker-compose -f setup-devel.yaml run --rm odoo
    docker-compose -f devel.yaml up --build

Restarting the servers

  • If you changed CSS/JS press F5

  • If you changed the contents of a preexisting view in a preexisting XML file, on Odoo v9+: F5

  • If you changed some python code that doesn't involve database modifications:

      docker-compose restart odoo odoo_proxy
  • Otherwise (add/rm data to XML files, add/rm XML files, change model definitions):

      docker-compose run --rm odoo autoupdate && docker-compose restart odoo odoo_proxy

Update addons

To update all modules which have changed since the last update run

    docker-compose run --rm odoo autoupdate

If you want to update a specific addon run

    docker-compose run --rm odoo odoo -u addon1,addon2 --stop-after-init

Install OCA addons

If you need to install any other custom modules, e.g. from the odoo community (OCA), then adjust the files odoo/custom/src/repos.yaml and odoo/custom/src/addons.yaml. Check out the original doc for more help and some examples. BTW, our Boxwise modules and repos are specified there, too.

After adjust the .yaml-files, repeat the steps 4.) and 5.) of the installation! Please stop all running docker containers for this step!

To finally install the modules in the instance run

    docker-compose run --rm odoo odoo -i addon1,addon2 --stop-after-init

To put breakpoints in your code, put this in your python scrict:

import wdb

To acces wdb, browse http://localhost:1984


To start the odoo-shell run

docker-compose run --rm odoo odoo shell

If you want to start the odoo-shell hooked up to another database than the doodba default, run

docker-compose run --rm odoo odoo shell -d <your_database>

Create, duplicate, delete databases

in the front end

Open a browser window and go to


There you can choose your own log in credentials and leave out the demo data of the default installation.

in the odoo-shell

Open odoo shell and import the following

    from openerp.service import db

Here, some useful commands

    #Prove list of avalibale db
    #Drop an existing db
    #Duplicate an  existing db
    #Create a new  db

Run unittests

Your tests must be stored in the tests-subfolder of your module. A test class should look like:

    class TestRandomIdSequence(common.TransactionCase):
        def setUp(self):
            # this is a method which sets up some global variables needed in the tests

        @common.post_install(True)   # this one executes test on module update
        @common.at_install(True)     # his one executes test on module installation
        def test_random_id_sequence(self):  # test methods have to start with 'test_' for the odoo test autodiscovery process

To run the unittests

    docker-compose run --rm odoo unittest addon1,addon2

VSCode optimization

To optimize all VSCode run the setup script in .vscode!


access to database manager is not granted

Tecnativa updated their odoo docker image recently which breaks the access to the database manager. A issue is filed and they are on it to solve it. Until then, you can create a new database by changing the fields DOODBA_ENVIRONMENT and PGDATABASE in devel.yaml:

        DOODBA_ENVIRONMENT: "${DOODBA_ENVIRONMENT-<my new database>}"
        PGDATABASE: &dbname <my new database>

In your browser you can log into your new database by typing:

    localhost:11069/web?db=<my new database>