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Lab Report 9

Taha Baturhan Akbulut edited this page Dec 12, 2023 · 36 revisions

Project Development Weekly Progress Report 9

Team Name: Group 3 - Prediction Poll
Date: 12.12.2023

Progress Summary

This week we added voting mechansim, implemented moderator views such as poll creation and outcome verification requests and user reports. We also revised our project plan. Looking ahead to the next week, we will be implementing algorithms for rating, adding images to our app, and improving our ranks, tags and badges components.

What was planned for the week? How did it go?

Description Issue Assignee Due PR Estimated Duration Actual Duration
Implement edit profile options #525 FE/Serra 12.12.2023 #546 1hr 1.5hr
Add change password to settings #526 FE/Serra 12.12.2023 #546 1hr 0.5hr
Implement report polls/users #527 FE/Serra 12.12.2023 #546 2hr 1.5hr
Overall Design Improvements after Milestone 2 #513 FE/Beyza 12.12.2023 #542 2hr 2.5hr
Implement apply for moderator page #537 FE/Beyza 12.12.2023 #569 1.5hr 1hr
Improve design for settled polls #538 FE/Beyza 12.12.2023 #542 2hr 1.5hr
Implement poll vote #535 FE/Berk 12.12.2023 --- 2h ---
Implementing highlight for poll filter buttons #517 FE/Berk 12.12.2023 --- 0.5hr ---
Implementing modify tags & moderator feedback for moderator #516 FE/Berk 12.12.2023 --- 3h ---
Annotations for badges #550 FE/Ali 12.12.2023 --- 2h ---
Add more poll and users #551 FE/Ali 12.12.2023 --- 1.5hr ---
Semantic Search #520 BE/Batuhan Çetin 12.12.2023 --- 3hr ---
Change Password #518 BE/Batuhan Çetin 10.12.2023 #541 1hr 1hr
Annotation #531 BE/Alp Tuna 12.12.2023 #554 3hr 3hr
Adding isLikedByMe to fetch poll endpoints #533 BE/Alp Tuna 12.12.2023 #540 1hr 1hr
Vote Functionality #529 BE/Batuhan İlhan 12.12.2023 #543 2hr 4hr
Create Poll Request Moderator Feedback #530 BE/Batuhan İlhan 12.12.2023 #545 1hr 1hr
Settle Poll Request Moderator Feedback #532 BE/Batuhan İlhan 12.12.2023 #547 1hr 20m
Enable user to make multiple comments on polls #534 BE/Batuhan İlhan 12.12.2023 #544 1hr 45m
Create voting mechanism #521 MT/Baturhan 12.12.2023 #575 3hr 3.5h
Moderator settle poll mechanism #519 MT/Simar 12.12.2023 #561 2.5hr 2h
Fix comment bug #524 MT/Faruk 12.12.2023 #555 1hr 2hr
Add pending polls to profile page #528 MT/Faruk 12.12.2023 --- 1hr ---
Milestone 2 review fixes #523 MT/Berke 12.12.2023 --- 1.5hr ---
Like dislike mechanism #522 MT/Berke 12.12.2023 #553 1.5hr 2hr
Revise your your project plan #536 Everyone 12.12.2023 Revised RAM 3hr 1.5hr

Planned vs. Actual

  • Batuhan Çetin: I wasn't able to complete my semantic search task. Semantic search development is still in progress.
  • Beyza Akçınar: My task under issue #513 side-bar design improvement is not completed yet and extended to next week.
  • Faruk: I didn't yet complete the #528
  • Berk: I wasn't able to complete my poll vote and moderator tasks.

Your plans for the next week

Description Issue Assignee Due Estimated Duration
Add users pending request page #556 FE/Beyza 19.12.2023 1hr
Improve side-bar styling #562 FE/Beyza 19.12.2023 1hr
Add sectioning to polls #557 FE/Berk, FE/Serra 19.12.2023 1.5hr
Add images to poll #563 FE/Berk, FE/Ali 19.12.2023 1.5hr
Complete moderator requirements #564 FE/Serra, FE/Ali 19.12.2023 1.5hr
Add view for seeing followers and followings #565 FE/Serra 19.12.2023 1.5hr
Improve detailed poll request page for moderator #566 FE/Beyza 19.12.2023 1.5hr
Improve voting view #567 FE/Serra 19.12.2023 1.5hr
Handle console error messages #568 FE/Berk, FE/Serra 19.12.2023 1hr
Implement ranking functionality #558 BE/ Batuhan İlhan 19.12.2023 4hr
Add image url field to polls #560 BE/ Batuhan İlhan 19.12.2023 1hr
Semantic Search #520 BE/Batuhan Çetin 19.12.2023 4hr
Implement Notification #570 MT/Baturhan 19.12.2023 4hr
Implement Annotations #571 MT/Berke, MT/Simar 19.12.2023 4hr
Add user profile link in polls #572 MT/Faruk 19.12.2023 0.5hr
fix profile pictures in polls #573 MT/Faruk 19.12.2023 1hr
edit profile page #574 MT/Faruk 19.12.2023 2hr

Path Convergence

For the upcoming two weeks, we need to complete the voting mechanism, add rating, ranks, leaderboard and badge annotations. These are dependent on each other so we built a convergence path for these tasks. The diagram can be seen below: image


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