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Customer Milestone 1 ‐ Individual Contribution Report ‐ Taha Baturhan Akbulut

Taha Baturhan Akbulut edited this page Nov 3, 2023 · 3 revisions


I am Baturhan, member of the group 3 for CMPE451 course.  


For our project, I am a member of our mobile application development team. We are using Flutter. I worked in both of the development and planning stages of the project.

Code-related significant issues:

  • I have contributed to Faruk to implement the welcome page of our app. #142.
  • I have designed and implemented the forget password page and implemented necessary API calls for sending OTP to the email. #192.
  • I have designed and implemented the create password page for forgetting password. It both contains user verification and new password fields. Besides, I implemented necessary API calls for sending new password and verifying the user. #193 and #196.
  • I designed and implemented the e-mail verification page.#197
  • I, Simar and Faruk adjusted the color palette of our mobile application after deciding the color palette of the application together with the frontend team. #255 and #144.
  • I added our app's name to the welcome page. #252
  • I edited the AndroidManifest.xml file to fix our deployment issue of our app.#261
  • After the mobile application was ready I built one of the APK versions of our app due to some deployment problems(apk)(now fixed, #261). #201.
  • I connected the new password creation(forget password) to the new backend API.#263

Management-related significant issues:

  • Together with our team, I reviewed our project's requirements. We then made some changes to the use case, sequence, and class diagrams. #117, #137, #139, #140
  • I highly contributed to our project plan as well. I took part in the preparation of the roadmap and RAM of our project. #118, #119
  • I added my about me page to the wiki.#120
  • Together with the mobile development team, we chose the tech stack that we are going to use and did some research about it to get familiar with it before starting the development process. #123
  • I did research on flutter and studied a lot to get familiar with it before starting development. #128
  • Together with Simar, we prepared the Customer Milestone 1 release. #269
  • I've actively participated in all lab group meetings except one, offering my ideas for our project. For the week that I missed, I was one of the biggest contributors that week. Additionally, we organized additional sessions with our mobile application team to collaborate and provide mutual assistance.

Pull requests:

  • #152: In this pull request, I reviewed Simar's initialisation of the flutter project.

  • #153: In this pull request, I reviewed the deletion of /lib from .gitignore that is done by Simar.

  • #154: In this pull request, I reviewed the addition of lib folder that is completed by Simar.

  • #178: In this pull request, I reviewed Faruk's code for the welcome page.

  • #211: In this pull request, I implemented first version of forget password page and fixed it later due to forgetting adding the fixes I have done before.

  • #226: In this pull request, I implemented the first forget password page completely.

  • #241: In this pull request, I reviewed Simar's code for the logout implementation and the update on poll creation route.

  • #250: In this pull request, I implemented password verification and new password pages.

  • #251: In this pull request, I implemented the e-mail verification page for sign up.

  • #253: In this pull request, I added the title to our welcome page.

  • #260: In this pull request, I, Simar and Faruk adjusted the color palette of our app.

  • #230, #235: In these pull requests, I implemented the necessary class that handles the calls to the backend.

  • #231: In this pull request, I have created the poll view page which is the datailed view of a poll.

  • #241: In this pull request, I upgraded the sidebar of the application by adding necessary routes.

  • #260: In this pull request, I contributed to the adjustment of the color palette of our mobile application.

  • #153, #154, #185: In these pull request, made some minor adjustments such as modifying the gitignore file and reformatting the code with the necessary code format.

  • #179, #236: In these pull request, I reviewed Berke's code of the signup page. There were no conflicts.

  • #211: In this pull request, I reviewed Baturhan's code for the forget password page. I requested some changes.

  • #233: In this pull request, I reviewed Berke's code for the poll view in the homepage. There were no conflicts.

  • #242: In this pull request, I reviewed Berke's code for an upgrade in the homepage.

  • #250: In this pull request, I reviewed Baturhan's code for the password verification and new password pages.

  • #251: In this pull request, I reviewed Baturhan's code for the email verification page.

  • #213: In this pull request, I reviewed Faruk's code for the poll creation page.

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