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cihatkapusuz edited this page Oct 28, 2020 · 76 revisions


  • 1. User: A person capable of contributing to or collaborating with others Projects/Papers, and has their own profile page. Authentication is required.
  • 2. Collaborator: A user that participates a project/paper.
  • 3. Profile Page: Page that users shall be able to share information about themselves.
  • 4. Events: The news about upcoming conferences, meetings and important dates.
  • 5. Profile: A visual display of personal data associated with a specific user.
  • 6. Search: Find semantically similar users and Projects/Papers on the context information provided in the semantic tags.
  • 7. Password: Consists of at least six characters and at most sixteen characters that are a combination of letters, numbers and special characters.
  • 8. Projects: Long-term works that involve milestones, business packages, deadlines.
  • 9. Papers: Short-term works that contain original research results or review existing results or show a totally new invention.
  • 10. Basic Search: Only text matching based search.
  • 11. Tag: Small labels that indicates related aspects of a project/paper.
  • 12. Notification: Message that informs the user about a specific event.
  • 13. Recommendation System: System that recommends contents, papers, and project that user might interested in.
  • 14. Conference: An event where researchers in a field meet, present and discuss their researches.
  • 15. Academician: Users that teach or do researchs in university.
  • 16. Public: Projects and papers that can be seen by all users and can be requested to join by all users.
  • 17. Private: Projects and papers that can be seen by only collaborators and the authors of them can invite other users.
  • 18. Author: Owner of the project/paper.

Project Requirements

1. Functional Requirements

  • 1.1 User Requirements

  • 1.1.1 Registration

    • Users shall be able to register by providing name, surname, unique email address and password
    • Users shall validate the e-mail address for completing the registration phase
    • Users shall be able to specify the research interests by tags
    • Users shall provide the information about affiliation
  • 1.1.2 Users shall be able to search and view users, public papers and projects

  • 1.1.3 Users shall be able to view profile pages of authors, and collaborators of papers and projects

  • 1.1.4 Users shall be able to search related information about the upcoming conferences or journal special issues

  • 1.1.5 Users shall login by email and password provided

  • 1.1.6 Users shall be able to send request to join the public papers or projects as collaborators

  • 1.1.7 Users, as the owner of the papers or projects, shall be able to accept or reject requests

  • 1.1.8 Users shall be able to invite any user to their papers/projects

  • 1.1.9 Users shall be able to accept or reject invitations

  • 1.1.10 Users shall be able to rate and comment other users that their collaborated with during the collaboration and after the project is completed

  • 1.1.11 Users shall be able to collaborate on more than one paper/project

  • 1.1.12 Users shall be able to have more than one paper/project topic posted

  • 1.1.13 Users shall be able to specify a deadline for the paper/project

  • 1.1.14 Users shall not be able to delete a paper/project that is in progress

  • 1.1.15 Users shall be able to log out from his account.

  • 1.1.16 Users shall be able to delete his account.

  • 1.1.17 Users shall be able to delete or update a comment they made before.

  • 1.1.18 Users shall be able to delete or update a rate they gave before.

  • 1.1.19 Users shall be able to add additional files to the collaborated projects/papers.

  • 1.1.20 Profile Page

    • Users shall be able to provide information about the research area, recent publications and affiliation.
    • Users shall be able to link their Google Scholar or ResearchGate accounts.
    • Users shall be able to edit their own profile page.
    • Users shall be able to see invitations that are sent from the other users.
    • Users shall be able to see ratings and comments that are made by other users.
  • 1.1.21 Creating / Editing Page

    • Users shall be able to provide information about: topic of the research, deadline of submission, milestones, codes, documents, result plots / figures, required skills in order to apply and if the project is funded or not.
    • Users shall be able to add a summary(abstract) part.
    • Users shall be able to state the type of the content (Paper or Project).
    • Users shall be able to state whether project/paper is private or public.
    • Users shall be able to add collaborators during creation of a project.
    • Users shall be able to add tags related to project/paper.
    • Collaborators shall be able to track the information shared by other collaborating users.
    • Collaborators shall be able to prepare document or article for submission simultaneously.
  • 1.1.22 Paper/Project Page

    • Users shall be able to create a new paper/project.
    • Users shall be able to see the status of their paper/project(s).
    • Users shall be able to edit the specifications of their paper/project(s).
    • Users shall be able to see their paper/project(s) in progress.
    • Users shall be able to edit the specifications of their paper/project(s) in progress.
    • Users shall be able to invite another user to collaborate on their own paper/project(s) in progress.
    • Users shall be able to accept or reject other users' request to collaborate on their own paper/project
  • 1.1.23 Search Page

    • Users shall be able to search; other users, papers, projects, conferences and journals within the system.
    • Users shall not be able to see private projects/papers unless being a contributor of that project/paper.
    • Users shall be able to filter search results with regards to the tag, research area, topic, scope and difficulty.
    • Users shall be able to find related posts searching related keywords.
  • 1.1.24 Events Page

    • Users shall be able to see upcoming conferences.
    • Users shall be able to see closing deadlines of joined projects/papers.
    • Users shall be able to travel in the timeline to see past and future events.
    • Users shall be able to view particular event more detailed when clicked/tapped.
  • 1.2 System Requirements

    • 1.2.1 Search & Recommendation

      • System shall support basic search of the available content.
      • System shall support semantic search.
      • System shall provide a tagging system.
      • System shall provide a filtering system. This system filters the content such as projects/papers/profiles showed to the user.
      • System shall provide a recommendation mechanism that recommends papers/journals/projects/conferences to the user based on the user activities and profile.
    • 1.2.2 Homepage

      • System shall provide a homepage for each user, showcasing recent paper/project(s).
      • System shall provide ongoing activities of the collaborators for each user.
    • 1.2.3 Profile Page

      • System shall provide a profile page for each user, showcasing their interests, past contributions to projects/papers,and their related links (example: Google Scholar).
      • System shall retrieve information of a user from their Google Scholar/ResearchGate pages.
    • 1.2.4 Notifications

      • System shall provide a notification mechanism for informing users about the incoming invitations
      • System shall provide a notification mechanism for informing users about whether their requests to join a project/paper accepted or rejected
      • System shall provide a notification mechanism for informing users about whether someone has commented/rated on their profile
    • 1.2.5 Events

      • System shall provide a page of events for every user.
      • System shall fill this page with the events related to user.

2. Nonfunctional Requirements

  • 2.1 Activity Streams

  • 2.2 Availability & Accessibility

    • 2.2.1 The system shall be available as a web application and an Android application.
    • 2.2.2 Applications shall be available in English.
    • 2.2.3 The system shall notify users in case of a failure.
    • 2.2.4 The system shall support Safari, Chrome and Firexfox as a browser and shall support Android 6.0 and later versions.
  • 2.3 Perfomance & Scalability

    • 2.3.1 The system shall use caching mechanism to reduce response time.
    • 2.3.2 The system shall respond to a request at most 15 seconds.
    • 2.3.3 The system shall be able to respond up to 100 requests per second.
  • 2.4 Security

    • 2.4.1 The system shall be protected from unauthorized accesses and attacks to the system and its stored data according to KVKK and GDPR
    • 2.4.2 The system shall force users to use strong passwords that contain a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, a number and a special character and contain 6-16 characters in total.
    • 2.4.3 The system shall store only the hashed version of passwords.
    • 2.4.4 The system shall provide a validation code for users during registration.
    • 2.4.5 The system shall be protected against SQL injection and DDOS attacks.

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