The scripts in this folder allow you to upload files saved to the Data Acquisition Store during robot operation to various endpoints, with the target use case having the callback run when Spot docks at the end of an Autowalk mission.
Run the below to install the necessary dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
For AWS, you must have your config file saved at ~/.aws/config
with format:
If running on a CORE I/O, you will need access to the internet or your local network.
Run the scripts by the following commands: AWS:
python3 -m daq_upload_docking_callback --destination aws --bucket-name YOUR_BUCKET --host-ip HOST_COMPUTER_IP SPOT_IP
Note: You can either use a config file at ~/.aws/config
or use the --aws-access-key
and --aws-secret-key
arguments to have this service create the file.
python3 -m daq_upload_docking_callback --destination gcp --key-filepath PATH_TO_KEY_JSON --bucket-name YOUR_BUCKET --host-ip HOST_COMPUTER_IP SPOT_IP
python3 -m daq_upload_docking_callback --destination local --destination-folder DESTINATION --host-ip HOST_COMPUTER_IP SPOT_IP
You can use the optional --time-period
argument to adjust how far back the callback should look for files. If not specified, the callback will look for files starting from when the callback was initialized. After running once, the start time will be reset.
Please refer to this document for general instructions on how to run software applications on computation payloads as docker containers.
You can find general instructions on how to build and use the docker image here.
To build the Docker image, run:
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile -t docking_callback .
sudo docker save docking_callback | pigz > docking_callback.tar.gz
To run the Docker image on the same computer where it was built, run:
sudo docker run -it --network=host docking_callback --time-period 90 --destination local --destination-folder test_folder --host-ip HOST_IP ROBOT_IP
where --time-period 90 --destination local --destination-folder test_folder --host-ip HOST_IP ROBOT_IP
is one possibility of many for the command-line and positional arguments. This command results in the corresponding data (i.e., the last 90 minutes), if any, being retrieved from Data Acquisition Store service and copied to a folder inside of the Docker container, not the host machine. To copy this folder from the Docker container to the host machine, run:
sudo docker cp CONTAINER_ID:/app/test_folder .
is the container ID for the docking_callback
To build the Docker image for an arm64 platform (e.g. CORE I/O), run:
# Prerequisites
# Install the pigz and qemu packages
sudo apt-get install qemu binfmt-support qemu-user-static pigz
# This step will execute the registering scripts
sudo docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
# Builds the image
sudo docker build -f Dockerfile.arm64 -t docking_callback:arm64 .
# Exports the image, uses pigz
sudo docker save docking_callback:arm64 | pigz > docking_callback_arm64.tar.gz
Note: For the AWS callback, you must copy your config file as config
to this directory for docker build
to work. You will then uncomment COPY ./config ~/.aws/config
in Dockerfile. Alternatively, you can supply your keys by using the --aws-access-key
and --aws-secret-key
This example can also be built into a Spot Extension using a provided convenience script
cd {/path/to/python/examples/post_docking_callbacks/}
python3 ../extensions/ \
--dockerfile-paths Dockerfile.arm64 \
--build-image-tags docking_callback:arm64 \
-i aws_docking_callback_arm64.tar.gz \
--package-dir . \
--spx aws_docking_callback.spx
The output file will be called aws_docking_callback_arm64.spx and can be uploaded to a CORE I/O.