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Chatbots, Machine Learning & AI

This is a cook bock for developing a chat bot for Teams. The steps are in several branches to reduce the complexity of the code.

Check out the 01_welcome_user branch.

Welcome User

This is the reduced Core Bot Template from Visual Studio. The IBot is the DialogAndWelcomeBot with the MainDialog. So all incoming messages are routed to DialogAndWelcomeBot and then to MainDialog.

In DialogAndWelcomeBot we create a adaptive card. MainDialog has a waterfall dialog with a prompt an echo.

Deploy to Azure

See for a detailed description.

  • Create a Azure AD App Registration
    • az ad app create --display-name "SickBot" --password "AtLeastSixteenCharacters_0" --available-to-other-tenants
    • Remember the AppId and PWD for later use
  • Deploy with ARM Template from the Visual Studio Solution
    • Navigate to the DeploymentTemplates Sub directory
    • az group deployment create --name "SickBotDeployment" --resource-group "SickBot" --template-file "template-with-preexisting-rg.json" --parameters appId="" appSecret="" botId="SickBot" newWebAppName="SickBot" newAppServicePlanName="SickBot" appServicePlanLocation="westeurope"
  • Prepare code for deployment
    • Navigate to root directory
    • az bot prepare-deploy --lang Csharp --code-dir "." --proj-file-path "SickBot.csproj"
  • Deploy code
    • Deploy with Visual Studio
    • Update the settings
  • Test in Web Chat

Debug with ngrok

Download ngrok and start ngrok http 3978 -host-header="localhost:3978


Check out the 02_add_luis branch.

We just created a bot which accepts messages. With this, we could create a command oriented UI like a console app. But we want a more smart solution. We will use LUIS to add natural language processing to catch the intent of the user.

  • Add a LUIS App
  • Add an Indent NotificationOfIllness
  • Add an prebuild entity datetimeV2
  • Add some samples
  • Add a Indent None
  • Add some samples
  • Add predefined intents from the domains

Now we have to train and publish the model

  • Train
  • Publish Production
  • Remember the items in Azure Resources for later use

We will test the model with Postman. Copy the Sample Url and paste it to Postman.

For later use of the model we will generate C# code for strongly typed enumerations of intents.

luis export version --appId "Application ID" --versionId 0.1 --authoringKey "key" | luisgen --stdin -cs -o "path to directory"

In code we have update the MainDialog. In the ActStepAsync-Method we call the LUIS recognizer with the chat message we get. After that we switch over the recognized intents.

Set a breakpoint at line 60.

For the NotificationOfIllness Intent we will delegate the further processing of the conversation to another dialog. Before that we will create state and pass it to the dialog NotificationOfIllnessDialog.

The NotificationOfIllnessDialog has to deal with unrecognized date and will prompt for confirmation. Unrecognized dates will be passed again to another dialog for conversation. DateResolverDialog uses the DateTimeRecognizer from bot builder to recognize and validate the date.

After recognition, we will prompt the user for confirmation.

Add Authentication to Azure AD

In the next step we want to authenticate the user in preparation to add our domain logic.

Check out the 03_add_authentication branch.


  • Create a Azure AD App registration
  • Go to bot settings and add the App registration
  • Check connection and paste the token to

In MainDialog we have add a new step (the first one) with a prompt to login. This is done by the OAuthPrompt of the framework. This dialog can be called every time we need a Identity-Token. If there is a cached token, the logon dialog will not appear.

Having a JWT-Token we can parse it and get the user identity.

We also show the token in the chat the first time after login. To remember first time we use the user state. The state is written to the blob storage.

For authentication in Bot Emulator, ngrok has to be configured globaly. 
Also configure all secrets in the bot configuration dialog.

Add domain logic for notification of illness

Now we have all details of the user by authentication and recognizing indent. We will start adding the domain logic now. Notify back office and cancel appointments.

Check out the 04_add_domain branch.

In NotificationOfIllnessDialog we have add a new step to delegate the dialog to the NotificationOfTeammateDialog. With the identity of the user and the sick date we call Microsoft Graph and gather the back office mail and all the appointments (Implemented as a mock).

We have create a CarouselCard and add a ThumbnailCard for every appointment.

Add Teams channel

We will now add the bot to the Teams Channel.

Check out the 05_add_teams branch.


We have a special activity handler for teams which handle teams specialties. Now we will add the bot to the teams channel.

  • Add the teams channel to the bot registration
  • Download Teams AppStudio and create new app
  • Add existing bot
  • Remember to add to the Domains and Permissions
  • Install the bot

Add Exchange support

Check out the 06_add_exchange_support branch.

We will use the Exchange Web Service API to get the list of appointments, cancel them and send mails. Add the Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices Nuget package to the project

To get the list of appointments and to send mails we will impersonate to the current user. In order to get the current user, we use the jwt-token and parse it. Add the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt to the project and parse the token. The upn claim contains the user Id to impersonate.

See the ExchangeClient, Appointments and ExchangeMailClient class for details.

Add MS Graph support

Check out the 07_add_graph_support branch.

We will now use the Graph API to get the list of Teams the user has joined. With this information we will get a list of persons working with the user.

We add the Microsoft.Graph Nuget-Package and update the Application registration in Azure AD for the needed permissions.

See the Graph Explorer ( for how to use the API and which permissions are needed.