Releases: bkw777/dl2
Releases · bkw777/dl2
- add DSKMGR.100, .200, .K85, .M10, and TEENY.NEC, bundled with app and installed in /usr/share/...
- change -b to take any of the above filenames, or any filename searched for in /usr/share/..., or any arbitrary filename specified by either full path /path/to/file or leading dot ./file
- un-hardcode teeny - no built-in assumptions about teeny, bootstrap directions in the form of external files in the /usr/share/... dir searched based on filenames matching the -b=filename. loader files and associated loader directions may be added or edited any time without recompiling.
Initial release of this fork.
The original "dl" was at version 1.3 when John Hogerhuis forked it to make dlplus.
So I'm calling John's dlplus version 1.4, even though there isn't actually a version number anywhere.
This package is forked from John's, and thus I'm starting this package's version at 1.5
- code reorganizing
- add -b option to bootstrap from the command line on the host
- add debugging to the loader & login preambles XX & YY