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226 lines (165 loc) · 8.01 KB


.. default-domain:: c++

C++20 introduced a new way to share declarations between translation units. Instead of repeating declarations manually or implicitly through header inclusion, they can be directly imported from a binary file.

To define a module, write a :cxx20:`module interface unit <module.unit#2>`- a C++ source file with an export module declaration:

export module foo;
export int foo_score() { return 3; }
export int doubled_foo_score();

Module interface units may export declarations. Those exported declarations will be usable in any translation unit which imports the module:

import foo;
bool foo_score_is_critical() { return foo_score() > 5; }

In addition to interface units, module implementation units can be written which include definitions and implementation details for the declarations exported by interface units:

module foo;
int doubled_foo_score() { return foo_score() * 2; }

The details for how to compile source files into object files, libraries, and executables are compiler-specific. For further information, consult the Clang, GCC, and Microsoft documentation on C++ modules.

Module = library

In a Maud project, we (mostly) make the extra stipulation that modules correspond to libraries. This is not part of the C++ spec for modules but it is a natural simplification for a build system, since it maps them onto well-understood cmake objects. The way sources should be compiled is inferred from the module declarations in the C++ sources: C++ sources are scanned as part of the cmake configure step and their imports and exports enumerated.

  • For each module declared, a library will be built from all the interface and implementation units of that module.

  • For each module imported, a library will be linked- either one built by your project or one discovered using :cmake:`find_package() <command/find_package.html>`.

  • For each module declared, installation of its library will be configured along with installation of its module interface units. This includes find_package()-compatible cmake scripts which will enable other Maud based projects to find your library with no hand-written cmake; just import.


    Modules whose name ends in _ produce non-installed OBJECT libraries. This is useful for projects which organize internal functions into libraries, but require those not be installed.

Executables are generated from each source which imports the special module executable. The executable's name the :cmake:`STEM <command/cmake_path.html#decomposition>` (source file name, stripped of all extensions).

:ref:`unit tests` are generated from sources which import the special module test_.

Executables and tests can both be implementation units of a module. This can be helpful when testing a module's non-exported declaration or when an executable is a trivial front end to a module.

Source files with no module declaration or special import will not be automatically attached to any target, and other target types require explicit cmake. To manipulate a target before Maud has attached sources to it, you can write add_library(foo SHARED) in cmake. Sources which declare module foo will still be attached to it.


Whether libraries are static or shared by default is controlled by :cmake:`option(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS) <variable/BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.html>`

Module partitions:

Module partitions are a useful way to compartmentalize a module interface:

// foo-bar.cxx
export module foo:bar;
export int foo_bar();

// foo-quux.cxx
export module foo:quux;
import :bar;
export int foo_quux() { return foo_bar() + 1; }

// foo-bar-impl.cxx
module foo;
int foo_bar() { return 0; }

Partitioning your module interface is a purely internal organizational choice; only whole partitions can be imported outside their module of origin.

export module foo;
// import bar:alpha; // ERROR!
import bar; // includes bar:alpha anyway

If you want to define independently importable but still related modules, note that module names may be dot-separated identifiers. export module foo.base; and export module foo.extensions; will produce two entirely distinct libraries.


The :cxx20:`standard <module.unit#3>` requires that a primary module interface unit must be provided with an export import declaration for every partition interface unit.

export module foo;
export import :bar;
export import :quux;

In a Maud project a correct primary module interface unit will be generated if none is detected; if you have written partitions then you probably don't require anything but those export import declarations in your primary module interface unit.

Questionable support:

  • Translation units other than module interface units are not necessarily :cxx20:`reachable <module.reach#1>` and importing translation units other than necessarily reachable ones is implementation defined. For example this includes importing a partition which is not an interface unit.
  • As of this writing GCC 14 does not support module:private.
  • Header units are not currently supported by Maud.
  • import std might be supported by your compiler, but Maud does not guarantee it.


By default, maud uses a custom module scanner which ignores preprocessing for efficiency and stops reading source files after the import declarations. This works in the most common case where the preprocessor only encounters #include directives and an occasional #define, which leaves the module dependency graph unaffected. However it is possible for the preprocessor to affect module and import declarations. For example:

  • an import declaration could be inside a conditional preprocessing block
module foo;
#if BAR_VERSION >= 3
import bar;
  • a set of import declarations could be included
module foo;
#include "common_imports.hxx"
  • a macro could expand to a pragma directive which modifies an #include
#include "macros.hxx"
#include "dodgy.hxx"
module foo;
  • a macro could be used to derive the name of the module
#include "macros.hxx"
module PP_CAT(foo_, FOO_VERSION);

(I'm actually not sure that the last two are even legal since a global module fragment should exclusively contain preprocessing directives :cxx20:``, however clang allows both.)

IMHO, it is not desirable to write interface blocks which depend on preprocessing. Moreover C++26 will restrict usage of the preprocessor severely in module declarations as described in P3034R1.

For source files which require it, the property MAUD_PREPROCESSING_SCAN_OPTIONS can be set in cmake. This property should contain all compile options necessary to correctly preprocess the source file, for example -I /home/i/foo/include -isystem /home/i/boost/include -DFOO_ENABLE_BAR=1.

Note that the output of these tools is in the JSON format described by p1689 and does not distinguish between a module implementation unit of foo from a source file which happens to import foo. Without information about which module an implementation unit is associated with, it cannot be automatically added to the corresponding target. As a workaround if you must have a preprocessing scan of an implementation unit, you can split the implementation unit into partitions whose primary module is exposed.