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CLI Wallet Cookbook
Right now, there is no public testnet, so the only way to test is to run your own private network. To do this, launch a witness node to generate blocks. In the directory where you built your graphene distribution:
cd programs/witness_node
# if you have previously run a witness node, you may need to remove the old blockchain.
# at this early stage, new commits often make it impossible to reuse an old database
# rm -r witness_node_data_dir
./witness_node --rpc-endpoint "" --enable-stale-production -w \""1.6.0"\" \""1.6.1"\" \""1.6.2"\" \""1.6.3"\" \""1.6.4"\"
The initial genesis state has ten pre-configured delegates (1.6.0-9) that all
use the same private key to sign their blocks, and the witness node has the
private keys for these initial delgates built in.. Launching witness_node
this way allows you to act as all ten delegates.
Now, in a second window, launch a cli_wallet
process to interact with the
cd programs/cli_wallet
# similarly, if you have previously run a wallet, you may need to wipe out your
# old wallet
# rm wallet.json
Before doing anything with the new wallet, set a password and unlock the wallet.
Warning: your passwords will be displayed on the screen.
new >>> set_password my_password
locked >>> unlock my_password
unlocked >>>
To create a new account, you will need to start with an existing account with some of the CORE asset that will pay the transaction fee registering your new account. The account paying this fee will be the Registrar.
In the initial genesis state, there are about a dozen pre-existing accounts. We use the 'nathan' account as a general purpose test account, and its private key is printed at witness startup to allow us to import it here:
# first, import the private key to take ownership of the 'nathan' account
unlocked >>> import_key "nathan" 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
unlocked >>> list_my_accounts
"id": "1.2.15",
"name": "nathan",
unlocked >>> list_account_balances nathan
unlocked >>>
We control the account now, but there is no money in the account yet. In the genesis state, none of the accounts have balances in them. In the first BitShares network, accounts were less tightly coupled to balances. Balances were associated with public keys, and an account could have hundreds of public keys with balances (or, conversely, public keys with balances could exist without any account associated with them). When the real network launches, each of the public keys with a balance will be converted into a balance object in Graphene, and they will not be associated with any account until their owner publishes a transaction claiming the balance.
In the test genesis state, there is only one balance object and it owns 100% of the funds in the system. Let's import that here:
unlocked >>> import_balance nathan [5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3] true
unlocked >>> list_account_balances nathan
10000000000 CORE
So we now have an account to act as registrar and it has plenty of funds to pay
the registration key for new accounts. Only lifetime (prime?) members are allowed
to register accounts, so we must upgrade nathan
first. Then, go ahead and create
our test account named my-account:
# before nathan can create other accounts, we need to upgrade it to a prime member.
unlocked >>> upgrade_account nathan true
# register our account. we list nathan as both the referrer and registrar.
unlocked >>> create_account_with_brain_key "this is the brain key for my account" my-account nathan nathan true
Like most methods in the wallet, create_account_with_brain_key
's last
parameter is the boolean broadcast
. This parameter tells the wallet whether
you want to publish the transaction on the network immediately, which is
usually what you want to do. If you pass false, it will just create the
transaction and sign it, and display it on the console, but it wouldn't be sent
out onto the network. This could be used to build up a multi-sig transaction
and collect the other signatures offline, or it could be used to construct a
transaction in a offline cold wallet that you could put on a flash drive and
broadcast from a machine connected to the network. Here, we'll always pass
for the broadcast
If you were to execute list_my_accounts
now, you would see that you
control both nathan
and my-account
Your newly-created account doesn't have any funds in it yet, the nathan
account still has all the money. To send some CORE from nathan
to your
account, use the transfer
unlocked >>> transfer nathan my-account 10000 CORE "have some CORE" true
To become a witness and be able to produce blocks, you first need to create a witness object that can be voted in.
Note: If you want to experiment with things that require voting, be aware that
votes are only tallied once per day at the maintenance interval. For testing,
to, say, 10 minutes.
Before we get started, we can see the current list of witnesses voted in, which will simply be the ten default witnesses:
unlocked >>> get_global_properties
"active_witnesses": [
Only lifetime members can become witnesses, so you must first upgrade to a lifetime member. Upgrade and create our witness object.
unlocked >>> upgrade_account my-account true
unlocked >>> create_witness my-account "http://witness.bar.com/" true
"ref_block_num": 139,
"ref_block_prefix": 3692461913,
"relative_expiration": 3,
"operations": [[
"fee": {
"amount": 0,
"asset_id": "1.3.0"
"witness_account": "1.2.16",
"url": "http://witness.bar.com/",
"block_signing_key": "PUBLIC KEY",
"initial_secret": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
"signatures": [
Our witness is registered, but it can't produce blocks because nobody has voted
it in. You can see the current list of active witnesses with
unlocked >>> get_global_properties
"active_witnesses": [
Now, we should vote our witness in. Vote all of the shares in both
and nathan
in favor of your new witness.
unlocked >>> vote_for_witness my-account my-account true true
unlocked >>> vote_for_witness nathan my-account true true
Now we wait until the next maintenance interval.
tells us when that will be in
. Once the next maintenance interval passes, run
again and you should see that your new witness has been
voted in.
Even though it's voted in, it isn't producing any blocks yet because we only
told the witness_node to produce blocks for 1.6.0 - 1.6.9 on the command line,
and it doesn't know the private key for the witness. Get the witness object
using get_witness
and take note of two things. The id
is displayed in
when the witness is voted in, and we will need it
on the witness_node
command line to produce blocks. We'll also need the
public signing_key
so we can look up the correspoinding private key.
Once we have that, run dump_private_keys
which lists the public-key
private-key pairs to find the private key.
Warning: dump_private_keys
will display your keys unencrypted on the
terminal, don't do this with someone looking over your shoulder.
unlocked >>> get_witness my-account
"id": "1.6.10",
"witness_account": "1.2.16",
"signing_key": "GPH7vQ7GmRSJfDHxKdBmWMeDMFENpmHWKn99J457BNApiX1T5TNM8",
unlocked >>> dump_private_keys
Now we need to re-start the witness, so shut down the wallet (ctrl-d), and shut down the witness (ctrl-c). Re-launch the witness, now mentioning the new witness 1.6.10 and its keypair:
./witness_node --rpc-endpoint= --enable-stale-production --witness-id \""1.6.0"\" \""1.6.1"\" \""1.6.2"\" \""1.6.3"\" \""1.6.4"\" \""1.6.5"\" \""1.6.6"\" \""1.6.7"\" \""1.6.8"\" \""1.6.9"\" \""1.6.10"\" --private-key "[\"GPH7vQ7GmRSJfDHxKdBmWMeDMFENpmHWKn99J457BNApiX1T5TNM8\", \"5JGi7DM7J8fSTizZ4D9roNgd8dUc5pirUe9taxYCUUsnvQ4zCaQ\"]"
If you monitor the output of the witness_node
, you should see it generate
blocks signed by your witness:
Witness 1.6.10 production slot has arrived; generating a block now...
Generated block #367 with timestamp 2015-07-05T20:46:30 at time 2015-07-05T20:46:30
Becoming a delegate is almost the same as becoming a witness, but it is simpler because delegates don't have a separate private key for signing blocks.
As for witnesses, only lifetime members can become delegates, so you must first upgrade to a lifetime member if you haven't already. Upgrade and create our delegate object.
unlocked >>> upgrade_account my-account true
unlocked >>> create_delegate my-account "http://delegate.baz.com/" true
Now that we're registered as a delegate, we should vote e should vote our delegate
in. Vote all of the shares in both my-account
and nathan
in favor of your new delegate.
unlocked >>> vote_for_delegate my-account my-account true true
unlocked >>> vote_for_delegate nathan my-account true true
Like with witnesses, you will have to wait for the next maintenance interval before the delegate becomes active. Get the id of the delegate with:
unlocked >>> get_delegate my-account
"id": "1.5.10",
and then run get_global_properties
after the maintenance period and you should
see the new delegate 1.5.10
listed in the active_delegates
Registering a new account requires the provision of at least two public keys to the registrar: one for the owner key and another for the active key. Some registrars require a third public key for the memo.
Pseudo-random keys for an account can be created by using the CLI Wallet command suggest_brain_key
locked >>> suggest_brain_key
"brain_priv_key": "XXXXXX ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......",
"wif_priv_key": "5......",
"pub_key": "TEST......"
The public key is provided to a registrar during account registration. The WIF private key should be securely archived.
After account registration, a key can be imported into a CLI wallet with the command import_key
locked >>> gethelp import_key
example: import_key "1.3.11" 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
example: import_key "usera" 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
The accumulated fees for the asset owner can be claimed with the following steps.
Two identifiers will be needed to claim the vesting balance.
- The identifier of the account (1.2.x)
- The identifier of the asset (1.3.y)
- The amount to be claimed in satoshis (N)
The identifier of the account can be found by inspecting the id
("1.3.x") in the output of get_account
get_account <ACCOUNT_NAME>
The identifier of the asset can be found by inspecting the id
in the output of get_asset
get_asset <ACCOUNT_NAME>
Withdraw the vesting balance with the asset_claim_fees_operation which has an operation identifier of 43. This will require building a transaction in the CLI Wallet.
add_operation_to_builder_transaction 0 [43, {"issuer":"1.2.x", "amount_to_claim":{"amount":N, "asset_id":"1.3.y"}}]
set_fees_on_builder_transaction 0 1.3.0
Optionally preview the transaction before signing.
preview_builder_transaction 0
Sign and broadcast the transaction.
sign_builder_transaction 0 true