Rarely you can use the information from a file directly. Most of the time you will need to parse it, that is extracting relevant information.
Parsing means for instance:
- dividing tables into columns
- converting numbers to integers or floats.
- discarding unnecessary lines.
Create a text file in a text editor. Write the following line there:
Alice Smith;23;Macroeconomics
Save the file with the name alice.txt
Then run the following program:
f = open('alice.txt')
text = f.read()
columns = text.strip().split(';')
name = columns[0]
age = int(columns[1])
studies = columns[2]
What happens?
What does the following line produce?
"Take That".split('a')
Create a text file with the contents:
Alice Smith;23;Macroeconomics
Bob Smith;22;Chemistry
Charlie Parker;77;Jazz
Write a program that reads all names and puts them into a list. Print the list.
Collect the ages into a separate list.
Collect the occupations into a separate list.
Leave the strip()
command away from the above program. What happens?
Write a program that finds out how often your name occurs in the list of 2014 baby names and print that number.
- Calculate the total number of babies registered in 2014.