Function to get post by condition
* Function to get post by condition
function get_group_control_query_posts () {
$ args = [
'post_type ' => array ( 'post ' , 'movies ' ),
'posts_per_page ' => 10 ,
'post_status ' => 'publish ' ,
$ args ['tax_query ' ] = array (
'relation ' => 'OR ' ,
array (
'taxonomy ' => 'category ' ,
'field ' => 'slug ' ,
'terms ' => array ( 'bangla ' , 'default-post-cat-2 ' ),
array (
'taxonomy ' => 'movies_categories ' ,
'field ' => 'slug ' ,
'terms ' => array ( 'bangla ' , 'hindi ' ),
$ posts = get_posts ( $ args );
$ posts = array_column ( $ posts , 'post_title ' , 'ID ' );
echo '<pre> ' ;
print_r ( $ posts );
echo '</pre> ' ;
return $ posts ;
add_action ( 'init ' , 'get_group_control_query_posts ' );
$ categories = array (
'category_slug_1 ' ,
'category_slug_2 ' ,
'category_slug_3 ' ,
// Add more category slugs as needed
$ args = array (
'post_type ' => array ( 'custom_post_type_1 ' , 'custom_post_type_2 ' ),
'tax_query ' => array (
'relation ' => 'OR ' ,
foreach ($ categories as $ category_slug ) {
$ args ['tax_query ' ][] = array (
'taxonomy ' => 'category ' , // Replace with the actual taxonomy name
'field ' => 'slug ' ,
'terms ' => $ category_slug ,
$ query = new WP_Query ( $ args );
if ( $ query ->have_posts () ) {
while ( $ query ->have_posts () ) {
$ query ->the_post ();
// Output your post content here
wp_reset_postdata ();
} else {
// No posts found
* Function to get post by condition
* Final RND
function get_group_control_query_posts () {
$ args = array (
'post_type ' => array ( 'post ' , 'movies ' ),
'posts_per_page ' => 10 ,
'post_status ' => 'publish ' ,
'tax_query ' => array (
'relation ' => 'OR ' ,
// $args['tax_query'][] = array(
// 'taxonomy' => 'movies_categories',
// 'field' => 'slug',
// 'terms' => array( 'bangla', 'hindi' ),
// );
// $args['tax_query'][] = array(
// 'taxonomy' => 'category',
// 'field' => 'slug',
// 'terms' => array( 'bangla', 'default-post-cat-2' ),
// );
// 2nd
// $term = get_term( 22 );
// $taxonomy_name = $term->taxonomy;
// $args['tax_query'][] = array(
// 'taxonomy' => $taxonomy_name,
// 'field' => 'term_id',
// 'terms' => array( 22, 21 ),
// );
// new final rnd
$ data = get_option ( 'linkboss_custom_query ' , '' );
$ cat = $ data ['__categories ' ];
$ args ['tax_query ' ] = array_merge ( $ args ['tax_query ' ], $ cat );
$ posts = get_posts ( $ args );
$ posts = array_column ( $ posts , 'post_title ' , 'ID ' );
echo '<pre> ' ;
print_r ( $ posts );
echo '</pre> ' ;
return $ posts ;
if ( ! is_admin () ) {
add_action ( 'init ' , function () {
$ query_data = get_option ( 'linkboss_custom_query ' , '' );
$ post_type = isset ( $ query_data ['post_sources ' ] ) && ! empty ( $ query_data ['post_sources ' ] ) ? $ query_data ['post_sources ' ] : array ( 'post ' , 'page ' );
$ posts_args = array (
'numberposts ' => 11 ,
'post_type ' => $ post_type ,
'post_status ' => array ( 'publish ' , 'draft ' , 'trash ' ),
'tax_query ' => array (
'relation ' => 'OR ' ,
$ cat = $ query_data ['__categories ' ];
if ( ! empty ( $ cat ) ) {
$ posts_args ['tax_query ' ] = array_merge ( $ posts_args ['tax_query ' ], $ cat );
$ posts = get_posts ( $ posts_args );
// Query for pages without taxonomy filtering
$ page_args = [
'post_type ' => 'page ' ,
'posts_per_page ' => 10 ,
'post_status ' => 'publish ' ,
$ pages = get_posts ( $ page_args );
// Merge the results
$ all_posts = array_merge ( $ posts , $ pages );
$ all_posts = array_column ( $ all_posts , 'ID ' , 'post_title ' );
if ( ! empty ( $ all_posts ) ) {
echo '<pre> ' ;
print_r ( $ all_posts );
echo '</pre> ' ;
} else {
echo '<pre> ' ;
echo 'No posts found ' ;
echo '</pre> ' ;
} );
Custom Post Type with Category
// custom post type 'movies' with category
function create_post_type () {
register_post_type ('movies ' ,
array (
'labels ' => array (
'name ' => __ ('Movies ' ),
'singular_name ' => __ ('Movie ' )
'public ' => true ,
'has_archive ' => true ,
'taxonomies ' => array ('category ' ),
'show_in_rest ' => true ,
'supports ' => array ( 'title ' , 'editor ' , 'author ' , 'thumbnail ' , 'excerpt ' , 'comments ' )
add_action ('init ' , 'create_post_type ' );
Custom Post Type Response
function custom_publish_post_function ( $ post_id ) {
// Perform custom actions when a post is published
error_log ( 'Post ID: ' . $ post_id );
// default post type
add_action ( 'publish_post ' , 'custom_publish_post_function ' );
// 'movies' post type
add_action ( 'publish_movies ' , 'custom_publish_post_function ' );