BC Registiries E2E Testing is an automated SRE-driven end-to-end Testing app for the BC Registries applications in general.
- Cypress - is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern web. We address the key pain points developers and QA engineers face when testing modern applications.
- Puppeteer - is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control Chrome or Chromium over the DevTools Protocol. Puppeteer runs headless by default, but can be configured to run full (non-headless) Chrome or Chromium.
- Due to cypress web security issue, we are using Puppeteer as a plugin to handle thirdparty applications (ie. BC Service Card, BCeID, PayBC) during testing.
cypress/ - Source folder
├── fixtures - holds optional JSON data for mocking
├── integration - holds the actual test files
├── pages - holds page objects of application
├── plugins - allow you to customize how tests are loaded
├── support - runs before all tests and load additional custom commands
├── screenshots - holds screenshots during running the test
└── videos - holds video recording after the test
browserstack.json - file to configure your test runs on BrowserStack
cypress.json - file to configure cypress
cypress.env.json - file to configure local environment variable
Install the cypress.
Setup project by this guide.
Install dependencies using:
npm install
Run the test locally:
cypress run
cypress run --spec cypress/intgration/entity/*.spec.js
cypress run --spec cypress/intgration/relationship/*.spec.js
cypress run --browser chrome
cypress run --browser firefox
See this
- Write a page object in '/pages' folder then define the page elements and the actions as function;
// Decide Business page
export class DecideBusiness {
constructor () {
this.manageExistingBusinessButton = 'button:contains("Manage an Existing Business")'
visit (url) {
verifyElements () {
manageExistingBusiness () {
export const decideBusiness = new DecideBusiness()
- Write a test spec in '/integration' folder;
import { decideBusiness } from '../../pages/relationship/decideBusiness'
import { userProfileTerms } from '../../pages/relationship/userProfileTerms'
describe('User Profile Terms of Use test Suite ', function () {
// Setup data and login as BC Service Card
before(function () {
cy.fixture('relationship/bcsc').then(function (data) {
this.data = data
this.loginUrl = Cypress.env('BCRS_DOMAIN') + '/auth/signin/bcsc'
cy.bcscLogin(this.loginUrl, data.username, data.password)
it('Decide Business Page', function () {
decideBusiness.visit(Cypress.env('BCRS_DOMAIN') + '/auth/home/decide-business')
// Mostly Used for TearDown
after(function () {
- Run the test.
cypress run