Releases: bbottema/simple-java-mail
v8.10.0 EmailConverter update
#508: [enhancement+bug] Make EmailConverter API more consistent regarding Session parameter, don't use Session.getDefaultInstance
anymore and fix bug where emlToEmailBuilder
used emlToMimeMessage
v8.9.0 - Security update
#507: [security] Update 3rd party dependencies to get rid of all currently known CVE issues
- Spring 5.3.27 -> 5.3.34
- Spring Boot 2.5.15 -> 2.7.18
- commons-io 2.7 -> 2.11.0
- utils-mail-smime 2.3.1 -> 2.3.3
- org.bouncycastle:bcjmail-jdk15to18 1.75 -> org.bouncycastle:bcjmail-jdk18on 1.78.1
- ical4j 2.2.4 -> ical4j-vcard 2.0.0-beta2
- Junit 4 -> Junit 5 (including Mockito, AssertJ and got rid of Powermock)
- maven-surefire-plugin 2.19.1 -> 3.2.5
v8.8.4 CVE smime-module (bouncycastle)
#506: [CVE] Upgrade utils-mail-smime dependency to 2.3.2, to resolve CVE issue in bouncycastle
- #495: Add config support for 'verifyingServerIdentity' with SMTP, also: since Angus 1.1.0 (8.6.0) server identity checks are on by default and can be countered by mailerBuilder.verifyingServerIdentity(false)
- #501: [dependency] Update outlook-message-parser dependency, which has improved support for X500 addresses
- #499 (fix): [maintenance] Added missing finer-grained DKIM Spring Boot properties
v8.8.0 Enhanced DKIM API
- #499: [Enhancement] Expose finer-grained DKIM configuration through the builder api and disable 'l-param' by default)
NOTE: this release changes the default for DKIM signing from 'l-param' true to false. If you rely on this feature, you need to enable it explicitly. Refer to the DKIM documentation for the update.
v8.7.1 Enhanced S/Mime API
- v8.7.1 (20-March-2024): #498: [feature] Make S/MIME algorithms configurable (signature algorithm for signing, key encapsulation and cipher algorithms for encryption)
- v8.7.1 (20-March-2024): #497: [bug] Order of attachments is lost when converting a MimeMessage to an Email
NOTE: this breaks the API for S/MIME related builder methods. Refer to the S/MIME documentation for the new API.
8.7.0: Ignore this version
Don't use this version, as the versioning was messed up here. Refer to 8.7.1 instead.