- Why are macros starting with backslash-at (\@) allowed in bluebook.sty?
- Why do edefs in some places cause errors?
- Maintain backward compatibility.
- Allow state customizations.
- Allow for modifications.
- The [n] flag for reporter or reporter year citations is not working properly. Does not seem to work at all for first cite, and is pincite page only for subsequent cites.
Use tests like https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/42328/testing-framework-api-for-latex.
Write a partial application of citation and citationAt using the currying techniques in curry1 and curry2. Test seperately and make all the tests in test*.tex pass. This should take a few hours, but after this the job should be largely done.
Use a bash script, because the latex build fails when the test passes. I tried to use colors but abandoned the effort because it was taking too much time.
The assert macro of the testing framework only tests clean strings. (It cannot handle emphasized strings.) The macros in bluebook should be rewritten so as to allow the testing of clean strings. We can also test the output of the final `\textbackslash{}cite` and `\textbackslash{}pincite` macros by eye, not using the assert macro.
Need to track down how cases are printed. Start with \cite then \pincite \cite -> @bbsource -> @bbReporterOnlyCite \cite -> @bbsource -> @bbReporterOnlyPinCite \cite -> @bbsource -> @bbLongCite -> \@bbCaseLongCite \cite -> @bbsource -> @bbShortCite
Extend the existing framework to allow parallel citations and slip opinions.
States have different rules for citations. It would be nice to make all the localizations in one file to avoid the development of incompatible development between different states.