Author : Djoudi Bensid - [email protected]
This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and additions, modifications and deletions) done in 4.1.0 minor versions.
- [Application] - Adding getAppParameter method to retrieve values defined in app key into res/repository/Config/config.yml
- [Assets] - Adding a condition to align the text to the right for the Arabic language into backbee/core-php/assets/css/components/_reset.scss
- [Config] - elasticsearch.dist.yml, mailchimp.dist.yml, mailer.dist.yml, redis.dist.yml, recaptcha.yml, optimize_image.yml into res/dist/
- [Config] - res/dist/ folder into backbee/core-php/res/dist
- [Config] - Adding whitelist key to reference the IPs of users who have access to the backoffice into res/repository/Config/config.yml
- [Config] - Adding Arabic language in the available languages
- [Console] - parseYaml method to parse yaml file and askFor to ask the user a question into BackBee\Command\AbstractCommand
- [Console] - Adding the options (app_name, server_name, db_host, db_name, db_username, db_password, elasticsearch_host, redis_host, mailer_host, mailer_port, mailer_from, admin_username, admin_password) to install the site into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Call install with core.installer.assets service to install assets into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - getAppName method to retrieve or request the name of the application into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Composer] - moveConfigDistResources method moves config dist resources from vendor/backbee/core-php/res/dist to res/ into BackBee\Installer\Composer\ScriptHandler
- [Elasticsearch] - getIndexName method witch generate a clean unique index name to be used by elasticsearch into BackBeeCloud\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchManager
- [Helper] - To get the label of current language into the twig, you must use this.getCurrentLang.getLabel()
- [Helper] - BackBee\Renderer\Helper\checkUserIP class to check if an IP is valid in the case of IPs listed in the whitelist parameter located in res/repository/Config/config.yml
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\AbstractInstaller class allowing child classes to retrieve entityManager and application service
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\AssetsInstaller class contains install method for install assets
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\DatabaseInstaller class contains createDatabase method to create database (either in parameter or by input) and updateDatabaseSchema to update database schema
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\ElasticsearchInstaller class contains index method to index site
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\KeywordInstaller class contains createRootKeyword method to create a new root keyword instance
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\LayoutInstaller class contains createCleanLayout method to create a new layout instance
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\PageInstaller class contains createRootPage method to create a new root page instance
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\RepositoryInstaller class allows to generate generate the configuration files from the dist sources (either in parameter or by input)
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\SiteInstaller class contains createSite method to create a new site instance (either in parameter or by input)
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\SudoerInstaller class contains createSudoer method to create the user admin (either in parameter or by input)
- [Installer] - BackBee\Installer\UserRightsInstaller class contains install method for install user rights
- [Service] - core.listener into services.yml to load BackBeeCloud\Listener\CoreListener class
- [Service] - core.cache.listener into services.yml to load BackBeeCloud\Listener\CacheListener class
- [Service] - into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\PageInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.keyword into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\PageInstaller class
- [Service] - into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\SiteInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.layout into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\LayoutInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.sudoer into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\SudoerInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.database into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\DatabaseInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.repository into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\RepositoryInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.assets into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\AssetsInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.user_rights into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\UserRightsInstaller class
- [Service] - core.installer.elasticsearch into services.yml to load BackBee\Installer\ElasticsearchInstaller class
- [Service] - core.standalone.abstract_standalone.helper into services.yml to load BackBeePlanet\Standalone\AbstractStandaloneHelper class
- [Service] - core.redis.manager into services.yml to load BackBee\Cache\RedisManager class
- [Template] - Adding the dir attribute to the main html tag to respect the reading direction
- [Toolbar] - isValidTitle method to checks if the title contains only Latin characters
- [Bundle] - Merge res/repository/Config/optimize_image.yml with default configuration of core bundle into backbee/core-php/src/EntryPoint.php
- [Config] - Upgrade CKEditor version 4.7.0 to 4.16.0 and added the Arabic language into backbee/core-php/res/dist/config.yml.dist
- [Config] - In app/src/Standalone/Config/services.yml change BackBeePlanet\Standalone\ElasticsearchManager to BackBeeCloud\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchManager
- [Console] - Use core.redis.manager service to remove page cache into BackBee\Command\ClearAllCacheCommand
- [Console] - Use core.installer.elasticsearch service to index pages into BackBee\Command\IndexElasticsearchCommand
- [Console] - Use core.installer.assets service to install assets into BackBee\Command\InstallAssetsCommand
- [Console] - Use core.installer.user_rights service to install user rights into BackBee\Command\InstallAssetsCommand
- [Console] - Use RepositoryInstaller::buildRepository in place of buildRepository method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use DatabaseInstaller::createDatabase in place of createDatabase method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use updateDatabaseSchema method (with core.installer.database service) in place of updateDatabaseSchema method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use createSuoder method (with core.installer.sudoer service) in place of createSuoder method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use createSite method (with service) in place of createSite method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use createCleanLayout method (with core.installer.layout service) in place of createCleanLayout method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use createRootPage method (with service) in place of createRootPage method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use createRootKeyword method (with core.installer.keyword service) in place of createRootKeyword method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use install method (with core.installer.user_rights service) in place of installUserRights method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use index method (with core.installer.elasticsearch service) in place of indexElasticsearch method into BackBee\Command\InstallCommand
- [Console] - Use updateDatabaseSchema method (with core.installer.database service) in place of updateDatabaseSchema method into BackBee\Command\UpdateDatabaseSchemaCommand
- [Console] - Use core.redis.manager service to remove page cache and as a parameter for JobManager class into BackBee\Command\RunJobCommand
- [Controller] - Use res/repository/Config/mailchimp.yml into BackBeeCloud\Api\Controller\MailchimpController
- [Controller] - Use res/repository/Config/mailchimp.yml into BackBeeCloud\Controller\NewsletterController
- [Controller] - Use res/repository/Config/redis.yml into BackBee\Cache\RedisManager
- [Controller] - Use redisManager service in place of BackBeePlanet\Redis\RedisManager::getClient() to retrieve redis client and use BackBee\HttpClient\UserAgent in place of BackBeeCloud\UserAgentHelper into BackBeeCloud\Controller\ColorPanelController
- [Controller] - Use res/repository/Config/mailer.yml into BackBeeCloud\Controller\ContactController
- [Composer] - Use filesystem in moveDistResources method to create dest directory into BackBee\Installer\Composer\ScriptHandler
- [Elasticsearch] - Use res/repository/Config/elasticsearch.yml to retrive elasticsearch configuration and change ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_NAME value, backbee_planet to backbee into BackBeeCloud\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchClient
- [Events] - Replace BackBeeCloud\Listener\CoreListener namespace with @core.listener service
- [Events] - Replace BackBeeCloud\Listener\CacheListener namespace with @core.cache.listener service
- [Helper] - To get the code of current language into the twig, you must use this.getCurrentLang.getCode()
- [Helper] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBee\Renderer\Helper\bbtoolbar to retrieve configuration about the cdn
- [Helper] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBee\Renderer\Helper\getCdnUri to retrieve configuration about the cdn
- [Helper] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBee\Renderer\Helper\isPrivacyPolicyEnabled to check if privacy policy is enabled
- [Helper] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBee\Renderer\Helper\knowledgeGraphHelper to check if knowledge graph is enabled
- [Helper] - Use BackBee\HttpClient\UserAgent in place of BackBeeCloud\UserAgentHelper into BackBee\Renderer\Helper\userAgentHelper
- [Job] - Use res/repository/Config/redis.yml into BackBeePlanet\Job\JobManager
- [Listener] - Use res/repository/Config/recaptcha.yml into BackBeeCloud\ReCaptcha\ReCaptchaListener
- [Listener] - Use core.redis.manager to retrieve redis client and remove page cache into BackBeeCloud\Listener\CacheListener
- [Listener] - Use BackBee\HttpClient\UserAgent in place of BackBeeCloud\UserAgentHelper into BackBeeCloud\Listener\ClassContent\ContentListener
- [Listener] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBeeCloud\Listener\CoreListener to check if debug mode is enabled in onKernelException method
- [Listener] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBeeCloud\Listener\PageListener to check if privacy policy is enabled in onPageRender method
- [Listener] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBeeCloud\Listener\PrivacyPolicyListener to check if privacy policy is enabled in onKernelResponse method
- [Namespace] - BackBeePlanet\Redis\RedisManager to BackBee\Cache\RedisManager
- [Namespace] - BackBeePlanet\Standalone\ElasticsearchManager to BackBeeCloud\Elasticsearch\ElasticsearchManager
- [Namespace] - BackBeeCloud\UserAgentHelper to BackBee\HttpClient\UserAgent
- [Namespace] - BackBeePlanet\Standalone\Composer\ScriptHandler to BackBee\Installer\Composer\ScriptHandler
- [MultiLang] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBeeCloud\MultiLang\MultiLangManager to retrieve available languages list and use core.redis.manager service to remove page cache and as a parameter for JobManager
- [OptimizeImage] - Use res/repository/Config/optimize_image.yml into BackBeePlanet\OptimizeImage\OptimizeImageManager to retrieve options related to image optimization and use BackBee\HttpClient\UserAgent in place of BackBeeCloud\UserAgentHelper
- [Security] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBeeCloud\Security\UserRightManager to check if knowledge graph is enabled in getSuperAdminRights method
- [SiteOption] - Use res/repository/Config/site_options.yml into BackBeeCloud\SiteOption\OptionManager to retrieve site options
- [Standalone] - Use res/repository/Config/config.yml into BackBeePlanet\Standalone\AbstractStandaloneHelper to retrieve application name, redis configuration and use core.redis.manager service to remove page cache. Moreover use of BackBee\HttpClient\UserAgent class in place of BackBeeCloud\UserAgentHelper
- [Template] - The addition of scripts to launch the toolbar is conditioned by the validation of the user's IP if the whitelist has been filled in into backbee/core-php/res/views/common/toolbar.html.twig
- [Toolbar] - Adaptation of the CKEditor according to the language of the page (language + text direction)
- [Toolbar] - Checking the title at creation and at edition to avoid titles not using Latin characters
- [Web] - Adding $app parameter in getCachedResponse into web/index.php
- [Config] - global_settings.yml file into res/repository/Config folder
- [Controller] - backbee/core-php/src/Controller/NewsletterController.php
- [Listener] - getImageCdnHost method into BackBeeCloud\Listener\ClassContent\ContentListener
- [Listener] - onApplicationInit method into BackBeePlanet\Listener\OptimizeImageListener
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/CacheLayer.php
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/GlobalSettings.php
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/Standalone/UpdateDatabaseSchemaTrait.php replaced by backbee/core-php/src/Installer/DatabaseInstaller with method updateDatabaseSchema
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/Standalone/ManageUserRightsTrait.php replaced by backbee/core-php/src/Installer/UserRightsInstaller with method install
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/Elasticsearch/IndexElasticsearchTrait.php replaced by backbee/core-php/src/Installer/ElasticsearchInstaller with method index
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/Standalone/ElasticsearchManager.php replaced by backbee/core-php/src/Elasticsearch/ElasticsearchManager
- [Not used] - backbee/core-php/src/Template/TemplateManager.php replaced by backbee/core-php/src/Installer/AssetsInstaller
- [Route] - cloud.hauth.authenticate route into backbee/core-php/src/Config/route.yml
- [Service] - core.template.manager into services.yml
- [Template] - backbee/core-php/res/views/HAuth/hook.js.twig
- [Template] - backbee/core-php/res/views/HAuth/rest_api_area.html.twig
- [Multilang] - Fix of the default language when multilang is not activated