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451 lines (413 loc) · 22.9 KB

Text Layout Classification and

File metadata and controls

451 lines (413 loc) · 22.9 KB

Text Layout Algorithm (called "TL" below)

TL uses the location of almost every word on the page to either classify the page or register OCR zones. Every unique word on the page is aligned to it's corresponding word on the other document. This gives the precise vertical shift and stretch, and horizontal shift and stretch. TL is VERY robust against OCR errors because even if 60% of the words had OCR errors, we would still find the correct alignment with the remaining 40% easily.

TL allows subpixel accuracy in registering OCR zones because we have used 100s of words on the page to do the registration. TL allows very precise classification because if the documents are only slightly different then words don't have the same alignment with each other. This can easily detect when an extra line of text has been added to the middle of a document

TL takes about 1 second for the comparison between the document and the training sample in the project class.

Place this code into the Project level script. Add a reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

Text Layout Classification

TL is very useful when

  • 2 document classes differ only by a few words. Maybe an extra sentence or 1 less sentence.

If you use it to compare with 10 documents, then it would take 10 seconds. It is best to classify documents with the in-built fast "Layout Classification" and "Text Classification", and then do sub-classification with the variants of a class.
Here is a Classification Benchmark for a set of Japanese Forms that are almost identical with each other - they vary only in a few words and phrases.

Private Sub Document_AfterClassifyXDoc(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument)
End Sub

Private Sub Document_Reclassify(pXDoc As CscXDocument)
   Dim C As Long, ClassId As Long, ClassName As String, confidence As Double, CR As CscResult
   Dim BestClassID As Long, BestConfidence As Double
   Set CR=pXDoc.ClassificationResult
   For C=0 To CR.NumberOfConfidences-1 'Loop through all the best classification results from Layout and Text Classification.
      confidence=Document_TextLayoutClassification(pXDoc,CR.BestClassId(C)) 'Recalculate the confidence using "Text Layout" Algorithm
      If confidence>BestConfidence Then 'keep track of the best result
      End If
   pXDoc.Reclassify(Project.ClassByID(BestClassID).Name,BestConfidence) 'reclassify the document to the best class
End Sub

Private Function Document_TextLayoutClassification(pXDoc As CscXDocument, ClassId As Long) As Double 'returns confidence of "text layout" algorithm
   Dim Sample As New CscXDocument, FolderName As String, FileName As String, ClassName As String, R As Long
   Dim confidence As Double
   'Get the first classification training sample  :TODO look in the SQLLite database for the first active document
   FolderName=Left(Project.FileName,InStrRev(Project.FileName,"\")-1) & "\ClassificationTraining\" & Project.ClassByID(ClassId).Name
   FileName=Dir(FolderName & "\*.xdc")
   If FileName ="" Then Return 0' check that this class actually has training samples
   Sample.Load(FolderName & "\" & FileName)
   Dim Results As CscXDocField
   Set Results=Pages_Compare(pXDoc.Pages(0),Sample.Pages(0),pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(0).XRes,pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(0).YRes) 'compare the first pages only
   'Multiply the R factor (smoothness of linear fit) and raise to the power of 10 to punish poor matches
   confidence=(Results.Alternatives(0).SubFields.ItemByName("Smoothness").Confidence * Results.Alternatives(1).SubFields.ItemByName("Smoothness").Confidence)^10
   Return confidence
End Function

Private Sub SL_UniqueWords_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
   'Your document MUST be classified before calling this locator, in order to be able to find the sample image in the AZL.
   'This function is purely here for debugging. it is so that you can see the unique words that are used for matching
   Dim I As Long, StartWordIndexRef As Long, StartWordIndex As Long, EndWordIndexRef As Long, EndWordIndex As Long
   Dim AZLSampleDoc As CscXDocument, LeftShift As Double, DownShift As Double, Tolerance As Double, confidence As Double
   Dim AZLSampleDocFileName As String
   AZLSampleDocFileName =Left(Project.FileName,InStrRev(Project.FileName,"\")) & "Samples\" & Class_GetClassPath(pXDoc.ExtractionClass) & "\Sample0.xdc"
   Set AZLSampleDoc = New CscXDocument
   For I=0 To pXDoc.Pages.Count - 1
End Sub

Private Function Class_GetClassPath(ClassName As String) As String
   'Recursively work out the ClassPath
   Dim ParentClass As CscClass
   Set ParentClass=Project.ClassByName(ClassName).ParentClass
   If ParentClass Is Nothing Then
      Return ClassName
      Return Class_GetClassPath(ParentClass.Name) & "\" & ClassName
   End If
End Function

Public Function Pages_Compare(page1 As CscXDocPage, page2 As CscXDocPage,XRes As Long, YRes As Long) As CscXDocField
   'Find as many unique anchors between the two pages and work out the shift and scaling between them
   'This algorithm is very robust against OCR errors.
   'The algorithm has order of page.words.count, i.e. linear, so VERY FAST.
   Dim Words1 As Dictionary, Words2 As Dictionary, WordText As String, X() As Long, Y() As Long
   Dim Word1 As CscXDocWord, Word2 As CscXDocWord, Results As New CscXDocField
   Dim VectorField As CscXDocField, Result As CscXDocFieldAlternative, B As Long, C As Long
   Dim Vectors As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, Vector As CscXDocFieldAlternative
   Set VectorField=New CscXDocField
   Set Vectors=VectorField.Alternatives
   Set Words1=Page_GetUniqueWords(page1,0,page1.Words.Count-1)
   Set Words2=Page_GetUniqueWords(page2,0,page2.Words.Count-1)
   'Build a list of the unique words that appear on BOTH pages
   For Each WordText In Words1.Keys
     If Len(WordText) >= 6  And IsNumeric(WordText) = False Then 'only match words with 6 or more characters
         If Words2.Exists(WordText) Then 'This unique word appears on both pages
            Set Word1=Words1(WordText)
            Set Word2=Words2(WordText)
            Set Vector=Vectors.Create
         End If
    End If
   LinearRegression(Vectors,True,Results.Alternatives.Create,XRes,Results.Alternatives.Count-1) 'Calculate horizontal shift, scale and smoothness
   LinearRegression(Vectors,False,Results.Alternatives.Create,YRes,Results.Alternatives.Count-1) 'Calculate vertical shift, scale and smoothness
   Return Results
End Function

Public Function Page_GetUniqueWords(page As CscXDocPage,StartWordIndex As Long,EndWordIndex As Long) As Dictionary
   'Add Reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" for Dictionary
   'Find all words on the page that only appear once
   Dim w As Long, Word As CscXDocWord, WordText As String
   Dim Words As New Dictionary
   For w=StartWordIndex To EndWordIndex
      Set Word=page.Words(w)
      If Words.Exists(Word.Text) Then
         Set Words(Word.Text) = Nothing 'this word is not unique
      End If
   For Each WordText In Words.Keys 'Remove the non-unique words
      If Words(WordText) Is Nothing Then Words.Remove(WordText)
   Return Words
End Function

Public Sub LinearRegression(Vectors As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, Vector As Boolean, Result As CscXDocFieldAlternative, Resolution As Long,AlternativeIndex As Double)
   'The 1st Alternative has the horizonatal Scaling=M, displacement=B, and Confidence=flatness of the paper.
   'The 2nd Alternative has the vertical    Scaling=M, displacement=B, and Confidence=flatness of the paper.
   Dim X As Double, Y As Double, Sx As Double, Sy As Double, Sxy As Double, Sxx As Double, Syy As Double, V As Long
   Dim B As Double, M As Double, N As Long, R As Double
   For V= 0 To Vectors.Count-1
      If Vector Then
      End If
   M=(N*Sxy-Sx*Sy)/(N*Sxx-Sx^2)  'slope of linear regression
   B=(Sy-M*Sx)/N                 'y intercept of linear regression
   R=(N*Sxy-Sx*Sy)/Sqr((N*Sxx-Sx^2)*(N*Syy-Sy^2))  'correlation 1.00=perfect fit= smooth paper
   With Result.SubFields.Create("M")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("B")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("Smoothness")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("N")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("Resolution")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("Direction")
   End With
   'this was done To maintain the Right order For All the pages. Each page will have 2 alternatives (Horizontal And Vertical)
End Sub


Your project has document classes A, B and C, which are quite different from each other. Document B has variants B1 to B6 that are quite similiar to each other and are subclasses of B because although they have the same fields, some or all of the locators need to be different.
After a document is either classified as B or B1 to B6, TL tests the document with all 7 classes with the Text Layout algorithm and assigns the document to the class with the best match.

Text Layout Registration

This algorithm is very useful when you need to perform OCR on a document and the document

  • has MANY background words on the page, as is typical on a US government or insurance form
  • is highly stretched in one direction.
  • has a strong zoom (e.g. a photo from a mobile phone with the camera far back)
  • came from a mobile phone and the camera was at an angle to the paper

TL uses almost every word on the page as an anchor. This is much better than manually configuring a few anchors yourself.

NOTICE Please test the Advanced Zone Locator** with the following registration settings before you try this algorithm. Usually these settings mean you do not

  1. Make sure Registration Type is custom
  2. Disable Anchors (don't use anchors as they are lots of work and don't do as good a job
  3. Enable Lines if your document has many vertical and horizontal lines on it
  4. Enable OCR if your document has a lot of background text (which is what Layout Classification uses as well!)
  5. Enable Layout
  6. Enable Account for Local Distortion. (TL checks for distortion across the whole page)
  7. Set Local re-registration to max of 10 mm horizontally and vertically. (TL has unlimited distance)
  8. Disable Registration Failure makes zone invalid as you want to see where the zones would be found. image

Kofax Transformation has support for adjusting the zones of a Zone Locator by script - we will use this technique here as well.

How TL Works

TL uses the following algorithm

  1. Find all unique words on Document A (This is the document you want to classify or register) using a Dictionary object. This is very fast.
  2. Find all unique words on Document B (This is either the classification sample document or Zone Locator's sample document)
  3. Find all unique words on Document A that are on Document B. These are the anchor words we will use to align the documents.
  4. Plot the X coordinate of each word in Document A against the X coordinate of each word in Document B and calculate the line passing through them using linear regression, a High School math technique.
  5. Linear Regression calculates
  • the slope, M, of the line, which corresponds to the stretch. In the example you see that the document has 97.8% of the width of the original document and 96.0% of the height.
  • the intercept, B, of the line, which corresponds to the shift. In the example you see that the document has shifted 118.2 pixels horizontally and 65.3 pixels vertically
  • the R, R, of the line, shows how well the dots fit on a straight line. 1.000 is perfect alignment. In this case we have perfect alignment horizontally and vertically. image
'#Language "WWB-COM"

Option Explicit
'This script uses all unique words on a page to register OCR and OMR zones to subpixel accuracy.
'!!! IMPORTANT !!!!
' Add on Menu/Edit/References... "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" for Dictionary
'Create Locators
'  SL_UniqueWords (used for debugging so you can see the unique words)
'  SL_CalculatePageShift (with subfields M, B, Smoothness, N, Resolution, Direction
'  SL_MoveZones (this moves all the OCR and OMR zones for the AZL)
'  AZL (on the Registration Tab set to "None")

Private Sub SL_UniqueWords_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
   'Your document MUST be classified before calling this locator, in order to be able to find the sample image in the AZL.
   'This function is purely here for debugging. it is so that you can see the unique words that are used for matching
   Dim I As Long, StartWordIndexRef As Long, StartWordIndex As Long, EndWordIndexRef As Long, EndWordIndex As Long
   Dim AZLSampleDoc As CscXDocument, LeftShift As Double, DownShift As Double, Tolerance As Double, Confidence As Double
   Dim AZLSampleDocFileName As String
   AZLSampleDocFileName =Left(Project.FileName,InStrRev(Project.FileName,"\")) & "Samples\" & Class_GetClassPath(pXDoc.ExtractionClass) & "\Sample0.xdc"
   Set AZLSampleDoc = New CscXDocument
   For I=0 To pXDoc.Pages.Count - 1
End Sub

Private Sub SL_CalculatePageShift_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
   'this works out the page shift between the pages
   Dim P As Long
   Dim AZLSampleDoc As CscXDocument, LeftShift As Double, DownShift As Double, Tolerance As Double, Confidence As Double
   Dim AZLSampleDocFileName As String
   AZLSampleDocFileName =Left(Project.FileName,InStrRev(Project.FileName,"\")) & "Samples\" & Class_GetClassPath(pXDoc.ExtractionClass) & "\Sample0.xdc"
   Set AZLSampleDoc = New CscXDocument
   For P=0 To pXDoc.Pages.Count - 1
End Sub

Private Function Class_GetClassPath(ClassName As String) As String
   'Recursively work out the ClassPath
   Dim ParentClass As CscClass
   Set ParentClass=Project.ClassByName(ClassName).ParentClass
   If ParentClass Is Nothing Then
      Return ClassName
      Return Class_GetClassPath(ParentClass.Name) & "\" & ClassName
   End If
End Function

Private Sub SL_MoveZones_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
   'Move the Zones in the Advanced Zone Locator based on the Shifts,scale and smoothness
   'Add reference to "Kofax Advanced Zone Locator 4.0"
   Dim Shifts As CscXDocFieldAlternatives
   Dim Zones As CscXDocSubFields, AZL As CscAdvZoneLocator
   Set Shifts=pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("SL_CalculatePageShift").Alternatives
   Set AZL = Project.ClassByName(pXDoc.ExtractionClass).Locators.ItemByName("AZL").LocatorMethod
End Sub

Public Sub Pages_Compare(page1 As CscXDocPage, page2 As CscXDocPage,Results As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, XRes As Long, YRes As Long)
   'Find as many unique anchors between the two pages and work out the shift and scaling between them
   'This algorithm is very robust against OCR errors.
   'The algorithm has order of page.words.count, i.e. linear, so VERY FAST.
   Dim Words1 As Dictionary, Words2 As Dictionary, WordText As String, X() As Long, Y() As Long
   Dim Word1 As CscXDocWord, Word2 As CscXDocWord
   Dim VectorField As CscXDocField, Result As CscXDocFieldAlternative, B As Long, C As Long
   Dim Vectors As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, Vector As CscXDocFieldAlternative
   Set VectorField=New CscXDocField
   Set Vectors=VectorField.Alternatives
   Set Words1=Page_GetUniqueWords(page1,0,page1.Words.Count-1)
   Set Words2=Page_GetUniqueWords(page2,0,page2.Words.Count-1)
   'Build a list of the unique words that appear on BOTH pages
   For Each WordText In Words1.Keys
     If Len(WordText) >= 6  And IsNumeric(WordText) = False Then 'only match words with 6 or more characters
         If Words2.Exists(WordText) Then 'This unique word appears on both pages
            Set Word1=Words1(WordText)
            Set Word2=Words2(WordText)
            Set Vector=Vectors.Create
         End If
    End If
   LinearRegression(Vectors,True,Results.Create,XRes,Results.Count-1) 'Calculate horizontal shift, scale and smoothness
   LinearRegression(Vectors,False,Results.Create,YRes,Results.Count-1) 'Calculate vertical shift, scale and smoothness
End Sub

Public Function Page_GetUniqueWords(page As CscXDocPage,StartWordIndex As Long,EndWordIndex As Long) As Dictionary
   'Add Reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" for Dictionary
   'Find all words on the page that only appear once
   Dim w As Long, Word As CscXDocWord, WordText As String
   Dim Words As New Dictionary
   For w=StartWordIndex To EndWordIndex
      Set Word=page.Words(w)
      If Words.Exists(Word.Text) Then
         Set Words(Word.Text) = Nothing 'this word is not unique
      End If
   For Each WordText In Words.Keys 'Remove the non-unique words
      If Words(WordText) Is Nothing Then Words.Remove(WordText)
   Return Words
End Function

Public Sub LinearRegression(Vectors As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, Vector As Boolean, Result As CscXDocFieldAlternative, Resolution As Long,AlternativeIndex As Double)
   'The 1st Alternative has the horizonatal Scaling=M, displacement=B, and Confidence=flatness of the paper.
   'The 2nd Alternative has the vertical    Scaling=M, displacement=B, and Confidence=flatness of the paper.
   Dim X As Double, Y As Double, Sx As Double, Sy As Double, Sxy As Double, Sxx As Double, Syy As Double, V As Long
   Dim B As Double, M As Double, N As Long, R As Double
   For V= 0 To Vectors.Count-1
      If Vector Then
      End If
   M=(N*Sxy-Sx*Sy)/(N*Sxx-Sx^2)  'slope of linear regression
   B=(Sy-M*Sx)/N                 'y intercept of linear regression
   R=(N*Sxy-Sx*Sy)/Sqr((N*Sxx-Sx^2)*(N*Syy-Sy^2))  'correlation 1.00=perfect fit= smooth paper
   With Result.SubFields.Create("M")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("B")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("Smoothness")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("N")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("Resolution")
   End With
   With Result.SubFields.Create("Direction")
   End With

   ' Result.Confidence=IIf(Vector,1.1,1.0)

'this was done To maintain the Right order For All the pages. Each page will have 2 alternatives (Horizontal And Vertical)
End Sub

Public Sub Zones_Shift(AZLZones As CscAdvZoneLocZones, Shifts As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, Rep As CscXDocRepresentation)
   'Add reference to
   Dim Z As Long, XDocZone As CscXDocZone
   While Rep.Zones.Count>0
   For Z=0 To AZLZones.Count-1
      Set XDocZone=Zone_Shift(AZLZones(Z),Shifts,Rep)
End Sub

Public Function Zone_Shift(AZLZone As CscAdvZoneLocZone, Shifts As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, Rep As CscXDocRepresentation) As CscXDocZone
   Dim XDocZone As CscXDocZone, X As Double, Y As Double, Right As Long, Bottom As Long
   Set XDocZone=New CscXDocZone
   'Shift the top right corner
   'Shift the bottom left corner
   'Shift the Top Left corner
   Return XDocZone
End Function

Public Sub Coordinate_Shift(ByRef X As Double, ByRef Y As Double, Shifts As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, page As Integer)
   Dim XRes As Long, YRes As Long, xm As Double, xb As Double, ym As Double, yb As Double
   With Shifts(page*2)
   End With
   With Shifts(page*2+1)
   End With
   X=xm*X+xb  'The Linear regression function gave us these slopes m and intercepts b.
End Sub