Pages that are processed in Kofax Transformation may contain unintelligible gibberish because of scanning problems, image quality or obfuscation occuring in a pdf document. This fast script detects whether the document contains "readable language".
- Create a Dictionary.
- Create locators to test a document with the Dictionary.
- Load a set of documents into Project Builder that contain the kind of language you need. Add as many documents as possible; hundreds or thousands are better.
- Switch the Document Viewer to Hierarchy View.
- Swtich the Runtime Script Events to Event Batch_Close.
- Copy the script below to the Project Class.
- In the Script Debugger Edit/References... a refrence to Microsoft Scripting Runtime so you can use the Dictionary object.
- Execute the script by clicking the Lightning icon.
This script can process 100 documents in about 10 seconds. It removes punctation, ignores numbers and stores words that are 2 or more characters long - Copy the dictionary file c:\temp\english.dict into your project's dictionary folder.
- Add the dictionary to your project. Delimiter=comma, and select replacement values.
in this example you see that the dictionary contains the word "contra", which has a length of 6 and appears in 41.1% of the documents
- At the project level add a Format Locator FL_English and a script locator SL_English.
you cannot use a database locator because a database locator only returns one result per document, we need to use a format locator to return all results.
- Configure the format locator to use only the dictionary by selecting Regular Expression and adding a dictionary.
this makes a fuzzy dictionary locator and does not use regular expressions.
- Test the locator and you will see all meaningful words on the document highlighted and their text replaced with their length & frequency.
note in the example below that the 4th alternative is 8 characters long and appears on average 1.667 times per document. - The Script Locator SL_English then sums the length of all words found (multiplied by their frequency) and then divides by the number of characters in the document. This should return a number above 100% for meaningful words and a number close to zero for gibberish.
- Use a benchmark set of real language documents and gibberish documents to find the best confidence threshhold for your project.
- Make multiple dictionaries for different document sets.
- test each page individually for gibberish.
- Find areas on a page where particular language is - eg doctor's diagnosis text inside a larger document.
- Change the scoring method - eg ignore frequency and only use word length.
Const digits="0123456789"
Const punc="!£$%^&*()<>,.;:'@[]#{}\|/"","
Private Sub Batch_Close(ByVal pXRootFolder As CASCADELib.CscXFolder, ByVal CloseMode As CASCADELib.CscBatchCloseMode)
Dim X As Long, XDoc As CscXDocument, Dict As New Dictionary, W As Long, Word As String, key As String, Count As Long, DocCount As Long, c As Long, ch As String
Dim numeric As Boolean
For X=0 To pXRootFolder.DocInfos.Count-1
Set XDoc=pXRootFolder.DocInfos(X).XDocument
For W=0 To XDoc.Words.Count-1
For c=1 To Len(digits)
If numeric Then Exit For
If Not numeric Then
For c=1 To Len(punc)
If Len(Word)>1 Then
If Dict.Exists(Word) Then
End If
End If
End If
Open "c:\temp\english.dict" For Output As 1
Print #1, vbUTF8BOM;
For Each key In Dict.Keys
If Count>DocCount/10 Then 'if the word appears in at least 10% of documents
Print #1, key & "," & Format(Len(key),"#") & "-" & Format (Count/DocCount,"0.000")
End If
Close #1
End Sub
Private Sub SL_English_LocateAlternatives(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument, ByVal pLocator As CASCADELib.CscXDocField)
Dim Words As CscXDocFieldAlternatives, W As Long
Set Words=pXDoc.Locators.ItemByName("FL_English").Alternatives
With pLocator.Alternatives.Create
For W=0 To Words.Count-1
'Add the length of each word found multiplied by its average frequency on documents
.Confidence=.Confidence+ CInt(Split(Words(W).Text,"-")(0))*CDbl(Split(Words(W).Text,"-")(1))
.Confidence=.Confidence/(len(pxdoc.words.text)-pxdoc.words.count) ' divide by length of text minus the spaces between words
End With
End Sub