A good custom Field Formatter uses the standard field formatters instead of trying to replace them. When formatting amounts or dates, use the Default Amount Formatter or Default Date Formatter - they are very powerful and robust. This example shows how to extend the default formatters to make them do more.
You can use this script to correct OCR errors in amounts before running the DefaultAmountFormatter.
This example deals with numbers that contain "D" after the number to mark "debit". The "D" will be removed and a "-" will be added before the number, and then it calls the default amount formatter.
This example also converts any "B" in an number to an "8", and any "S" into a "5", correcting typical OCR errors.
- Make a Custom Script Formatter
- Select the Field data Type as Double / Amount
- Click Show Script..
- Add the following script to the Project Level Script
Private Sub NumberDebit_FormatDoubleField(ByVal FieldText As String, FormattedText As String, ErrDescription As String, ValidFormat As Boolean, ByRef DoubleVal As Double, ByRef DoubleFormatted As Boolean)
Dim Field As New CscXDocField
If Len(FieldText) = 0 Then
ValidFormat = False
ErrDescription = "Field must not be empty"
Exit Sub
End If
If Right(FieldText,1)="D" Then Field.Text="-"& Left(FieldText,Len(FieldText)-1) ' Replace final "D" with initial "-"
End Sub