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File metadata and controls

138 lines (107 loc) · 4.42 KB

E-commerce MERN Stack Project

Back-end Development

✅ Project setup

  • create express server
  • setup export & import
  • nodemon and morgan package -> developer dependencies
  • How to secure API -> xss-clean, express-rate-limit
  • API testing with postman
  • Environment variable & .gitignore
  • create file
  • MVC pattern in software architecture

✅ Database setup

  • connect to mongodb atlas database / local mongodb compass

✅ Users API

  • 🔖 User model and schema with validations for user
  1. POST /api/users/process-register -> create the user account (D)

    • get multi-part form data from the request body using multer
    • input validation check -> presence, image size, user exist
    • password hashing with bcrypt
    • create a jwt for storing user data temporarily
    • for jwt secret key: require("crypto").randomBytes(64).toString('hex')
    • send email with nodemailer (SMTP gmail username, password)
  2. POST /api/users/activate -> activate the user account (D)

    • get the jwt from request
    • check existing of jwt
    • verify the jwt & decode the data
    • create & save the new user
  3. GET /api/users/profile -> get the user account (D)

    • get the id from request body
    • findById()
    • send response based on user found or not
    • handle the mongoose Cast error
  4. DELETE /api/users/:id -> delete the user account (D)

    • get the id from request body
    • findById(id)
    • if found delete the image from the server folder
    • findByIdAndDelete(id)
    • clear the cookies
    • send response
  5. PUT /api/users/:id -> update the user account (D)

    • get the data from request body and params
    • create filter, updates, options
    • check image exist -> image size -> change updates
    • findByIdAndUpdate(filter, updates, options)
    • if user was updated then send response
  6. PUT /api/users/update-password/:id -> update the password

  7. POST /api/users/forget-password -> forget the password

  8. PUT /api/users/reset-password -> reset the password

  9. PUT /api/users/ban/:id -> ban the user

  10. PUT /api/users/unban/:id -> unban the user

  11. GET - Admin - /api/users/all-users -> get all users including search & pagination (D)

    • get data from request body
    • search users using regex
    • include pagination
    • send response

✅ Auth API

  1. POST /api/auth/login -> isLoggedOut -> user login (D)

    • middlewares: validateUserLogin, runValidation using express-validator, isLoggedOut
    • extract request body
    • check user existing
    • compare the password & return response
    • check user is banned & return response
    • create jwt token with an expiry time
    • create http only cookie with less time
  2. POST /api/auth/logout -> isLoggedIn -> user logout (D)

    • clear the cookie
    • send the response
  3. GET /api/auth/refresh-token -> get refresh token (D)

    • get old access token from cookie
    • verify old token
    • if verified - clear existing cookie, create refresh token (new token), cookie, return refresh token
  4. GET /api/auth/protected -> protected route (D)

✅ Category API

  • 🔖 Create category schema and model
    • name, slug (how to use slugify npm)
    • slug
    • Create category validations
    • Create category routes and controller
    • Category CRUD Operations
  1. POST /api/categories -> create category (D)
  2. GET /api/categories -> get all categories (D)
  3. GET /api/categories/:slug -> get single category (D)
  4. DELETE /api/categories/:slug -> delete category (D)
  5. PUT /api/categories/:slug -> update category (D)

✅ Product API

  • 🔖 create product schema and model
    • ref Category model
    • create product validation
    • create product routes and controller
  1. POST /api/products -> create product (D)
  2. GET /api/products -> get all products including search & pagination (D)
  3. GET /api/products/:slug -> get single product (D)
  4. DELETE /api/products/:slug -> delete product (D)
  5. PUT /api/products/:slug -> update product (D)

✅ Middleware

  • isLoggedIn
  • isLoggedOut
  • isAdmin
  • uploadFile
  • getRefreshToken
  • userValidation

✅ Seed API For Testing

  1. GET /api/seed/users -> users create (D)
  2. GET /api/seed/products -> products create (D)

✅ package that we will need

  • npm install express cors http-errors multer body-parser bcrypt jsonwebtoken nodemailer cookie-parser express-validator dotenv express-rate-limit mongoose slugify xss-clean
  • npm install --save-dev morgan nodemon