- Added Nova canvas notebook
- Added Nova Reel notebook
- Added inline agents
New (cool) shortlink for you to remember and share! https://catalog.workshops.aws/amazon-bedrock :blob-cat-party:
Bedrock Workshop will now be run in the new JupyterLab on SageMaker Studio and not classic Studio notebooks
Instructions and Prereq’s have been changed in the pinned build (to be published) ... Changes go live on 8/15 :alert:
Weekly automated testing to make sure all labs run successfully!
- rolled back TTP to Titan Large in text generation
- rolled back Claude 3 to 2.1 in basic testing of RAG folder (0_ notebook)
- fixed utility file saying "Done!" every 30 seconds. Now it just does the dots. Can improve further but this should work for now.
- fixed %store etc. issues in RAG folder
- changed pre-req notebook
- Titan text premier (TTP) tested and works
- Titan emb v2 tested and works
- claude Haiku v2 instead of v2 in the messages API
- changed few 01_Text_generation notebooks:
- 00 now has both Claude and TTP
- 01 now uses TTP
- 02 now uses Claude and TTP examples
- 03, depending on the model can answer even though for demonstration purposes we want the model to say it is unsure. Sticking to Titan Large for this, for now.
- 04 changed readme to encourage customers to try TTP.
- new 'basic' set up and testing which removes the need for bedrock utils folder. All notebooks now just use default boto3 bedrock/bedrock-runtime
- Some notebooks have moved as is, and others have been merged. Making sure instructions in the notebook are still correct (markdown sections) is important
- Open source examples (Langchain, Nemo) have been moved to a separate folder. Some existing PRs can be fixed and tested directly here. Once we test it we can resolve those PRs and point to the new release.
- Fine tuning and other new feature examples are needed
- Pending Major PRs
- Major structural changes
- working branch is BR-workshop-v2