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Github Package Personas

Bryant Ung edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 3 revisions

Debbie the CS Student

  • Debbie constantly has to create new projects for her homework assignments
  • She does frequent commits and usually has 1-2 contributors to her projects
  • She's still fairly new to git, command line and programming and likes to do things through UI.


  • Easy to start a new git project through the UI.
  • Easy to initialize a git project locally and add a remote url.
  • Doing basic features(commit, push, pull, fetch) through the GUI.

Josh the investigator

  • Josh is a release engineer at a small startup company
  • Josh doesn't write a lot of code but usually has to dig into issues when site goes down or has issue.
  • Josh values the ability to see history of commits and being able to pin point what code changed between each commit.
  • Josh usually has to amend or revert changes or even modifying the file to make quick fixes to get the code base in a good state again.


  • Seeing commit history
  • Easy to see diff between two shas of a given file. (even opening would be great for now)
  • Being able to take a version of a file, modifying it and committing.

Sarah the Engineer at a midsize company

  • Sarah mainly works on one code base with a lot of contributors.
  • She frequently creates branches.
  • Every time Sarah wants to make a change, she has to create a branch and create a PR.
  • She creates a branch every time he wants to add a feature.
  • Sometimes she has to resolve merge conflicts when she's working on similar code block as other people.


  • create branches
  • create/view pull request.
  • merge/rebase from master to a given branch

Tom the Open Source Contributor

  • Tom loves open source and contributing to open source.
  • Tom forks a lot of open source projects, makes changes and creates PR back to that project
  • Tom has a lot of repos on his local machine and would like a way to find the project he wants to contribute to easily

Ashley the Open Source Maintainer

  • Ashley is a maintain of a Open source project.
  • She spends a lot of times reviewing issues, and PRs
  • She submit code some times but usually for small changes or fixes
  • She has to checkout PRs frequently and look at the code.


  • Easy to filter and see issues
  • Able to look at PRs and do code review
  • Easy to commit and push code.
  • Easy to checkout PRs and see changes from that to master

Eric the multi-tasker

  • Eric tends to work on multiple features at once and thus switches branches a lot.
  • Eric also stashes his changes a lot when he's not ready to commit his change when he switches branches.
  • Eric checkout remote branches a lot as he collaborates with a lot of people on task.


  • Easy to see remote branches
  • Stashes his changes often, great to see list of his stash changes

Emma the light committer

  • Emma tends to make smaller commits with only 1-2 files.
  • Emma rarely needs to partially stage changes
  • Emma doesn't necessarily need to see the diff because the changes are small and still on her mind




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