+++ title = "Changelog" description = "Changelog" weight = 3 +++
- Optimize filter word matching using the ahocorasick crate (#263)
- Configure the max number of filter words with the env var (#264)
- Re-use the http client for all requests (#265)
- Parse links along with their content (#266)
- Fix long links in templates (#257)
- Add template helpers (html links, text formatting) (#244)
- Update diesel crate to 2.0 version. (#247)
- Update fang crate to 0.9.0 version. (#247)
- Docker push automatization. (#239)
- Do not reply to message replies (#219)
- Allow spaces in local filters (#222)
- Use rayon instead of tokio for processing user commands (#231)
- Add global commands for filters (#214)
- Update frankenstein to 0.15 by @ayrat555 in #212
- Sync and deliver during subscription by @ayrat555 in #213
- Add ability to change primary key of feed items table (#206)
- Remove custom templates (handlebars can be used directly) (#196)
- Add
- Migrate from html2text to nanohtml2text (#189)
- Change the primary key of feed_items from
(feed_id, title, link)
to(feed_id, content_hash)
- #183, #184, #185, #186
- Update frankenstein
- if
is set, process commands only from this user - #8bd0253d8f7ae7fb0ac70c - Update deps
- Update frankenstein
- Bump deps (tokio, serde_json, feed-rs, diesel, isahc, frankenstein)
- Set retention mode for workers - RemoveAll
- Add exponential backoff for failing feeds (#155)
- Add admin stats (/info) commands (#156, #157)
- Decrease docker image size (#c93b02233bff)
- always update synced_at in feeds (#154)
- migrate all background processing to fang
- allow to start all services from the main binary with
env var - maintain db pool for processing user commands
- Allow docker to run all commands at once (#99)
- The first release on docker hub 🎉