All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Note: This changelog is no longer maintained. Please see changelog details.
- Import of ssn extension
- tern:ObservationCollection
- tern-org:Organization as one of the value types of prov:wasAttributedTo on tern:Sampling and tern:Observation
- sosa:madeBySensor to tern:Observation
- sosa:madeBySampler to tern:Sampling
- tern:observationType to tern:Observation
- tern:samplingType to tern:Sampling
- tern:Distribution
- tern:Dataset
- Add description
- void:inDataset
- tern:attribute
- tern:hasSimpleValue
- tern:hasValue
- tern:isAttributeOf
- tern:Integer
- tern:Float
- tern:System
- Add new property called tern:systemType
- Added property tern:systemType and dcterms:type
- tern:Sampler
- SHACL constraints added
- prov:wasAttributedTo on activities (Observation, Sampling) change to prov:wasAssociatedWith
- All classes may have dcterms:type. There should be no cardinality here.
- tern:Observation
- sosa:hasResult sh:class is an AND between tern:Value and tern:Result.
- tern:Result no longer a subclass of tern:Value
- Import of datatype vocabulary
- tern:isAttributeOf a sub-property of ssn:isPropertyOf because the TopBraid Composer diagram view is inferring that the range of values is sosa:FeatureOfInterest.
- Some OWL restrictions as it doubles up in the diagram view in TopBraid Composer with the SHACL constraints.
- Slowly remove OWL restrictions as they are unused besides expressing the OWL side of the model. More in favour of SHACL now.
- void:inDataset
- Remove sh:minCount = 1 and sh:maxCount = 1
- tern:Count
- tern:QuantitativeRange
- tern:Percent
- tern:PercentRange
- tern:QuantitativeMeasure
- tern:Plot
- tern:Instrument
- tern:Concept
- sosa:isSampleOf is now a transitive property
- Classes ManagedFeature, Plot, Quadrat, Transect, RDFDataset, Value
- Properties hasSimpleValue, hasValue
- tern:Taxon class
- tern:siteType
- References to Site directly on Sampling and Observation
- Duplicate properties in subclasses (they already exist in parent classes)
- sh:NodeShape and sh:PropertyShape are now directly on the owl:Class instead of in a separate file.
- tern:Transect class and node shape
- tern:Attribute, tern:hasAttribute and tern:isAttributeOf are now subclasses and subproperties of SSN
- inverse properties to tern:isSiteOf and tern:isSiteVisitOf to tern:hasSite and tern:hasSiteVisit
- Specialised classes of tern:Site
- Removed dependency on the Datatype vocabulary and redefined the datatype classes in this ontology with a few minor tweaks
- Removed other unused classes such as AutomaticWeatherStation, SAR, SoilProfile, PropertyValue, etc
- tern:Method OWL restrictions for tern:hasParameter, tern:hasCategoricalCollection, schema:timeRequired and skos:note
- tern:equipment expected datatype changed from xsd:string to skos:Concept
- tern:instructions expected datatype changed from xsd:string to rdf:Seq
- tern:AusPlotsRangelandsSite
- tern:AusPlotsForestsSite
- tern:purpose to tern:FluxTower
- dcterms:type to tern:Instrument
- schema:serialNumber to tern:Method
- tern:domain
- tern:FeatureOfInterest
- Ontology description
- Ontology organisation metadata - use's https for pylode generation
- tern:hadSubActivity -> tern:hasSubActivity
- tern:wasSubActivityOf -> tern:isSubActivityOf
- Label of tern:Site from "Site" to "Ecological Site"
- tern:methodType added to tern:Procedure
- tern:SoilProfile and tern:SoilHorizon class with new properties tern:soilClassification and tern:soilHorizon
- tern:DigitalCamera rdfs:subClassOf tern:Sampler
- tern:Sampler rdfs:subClassOff tern:Instrument
- tern:Instrument
- tern:PhenologyCamera
- tern:RadiationSensor
- tern:Radiometer
- tern:SAR
- tern:Sensor
- tern:Spectroradiometer
- tern:Method definition - added "in water or in space".
- tern:CosmOzStation
- Moved almost all classes and properties from the plot: namespace to tern:
- tern:DerivedObservation
- tern:TERNDerivedObservation
- plot:globalVocabulary
- plot:upperParameter
- plot:datasetParameter
- plot:globalValue
- plot:weight
- plot:SamplingPoint subclass of tern-loc:Point
- plot:Site restrictions for plot:mapScale, plot:mapsheetName and plot:mapsheetNumber
- plot:PropertyValue
- plot:Site restriction on schema:additionalProperty
- plot:area and plot:dimension
- plot:width and plot:length
- plot:Dimension
- plot:siteDescription and plot:locationDescription
- plot:Transect
- plot:SamplingPoint
- plot:transectDirection
- plot:transectStart
- plot:transectEnd
- plot:hasSamplingPoint
- plot:isSamplingPointOf
- plot:Site label from "Site and location" to "Site"
- plot: label from "The PLOT ontology" to The Plot Ontology"
- class restrictions for plot:Site
- class restrictions for plot:SiteVisit
- class restrictions for sosa:Observation
- class restrictions for sosa:ObservableProperty
- class restrictions for sosa:Procedure
- class restrictions for ssn:Input
- class restrictions for sosa:Result
- class restrictions for data:Boolean
- class restrictions for data:Count
- class restrictions for data:QuantitativeMeasure
- class restrictions for data:QuantitativeRange
- class restrictions for data:Text
- class restrictions for data:Percent
- class restrictions for data:PercentRange
- class restrictions for sosa:ObservationCollection
- class restrictions for sosa:Sample
- class restrictions for sosa:Sampling
- class restrictions for plot:SiteStratum
- class restrictions for plot:SiteTaxon
- class restrictions for plot:SiteStratumTaxon
- plot:datasetParameter
- plot:upperParameter
- Initial release - created by Simon Cox