This is a Python client library for the Chronos HTTP Rest API
pip install chronos-python
# or
git clone [email protected]/asher/chronos-python
python install
Create a ChronosClient
>>> import chronos
>>> client = chronos.connect("")
# or specify multilple servers that will be tried in order
>>> client = chronos.connect(["", ""])
List all jobs:
>>> client.list()
[{u'softError': False, u'scheduleTimeZone': u'null', u'successCount': 702, u'cpus': 0.25, u'disabled': False, u'ownerName': u'', u'owner': u'noop', u'disk': 256.0, u'errorCount': 0, u'container': {u'image': u'my-docker-registry:443/myimage', u'type': u'docker', u'network': u'BRIDGE', u'volumes': []}, u'errorsSinceLastSuccess': 0, u'highPriority': False, u'dataProcessingJobType': False, u'arguments': [], u'uris': [u'file:///root/.dockercfg'], u'shell': True, u'description': u'', u'schedule': u'R/2015-12-18T10:40:00.000Z/PT10M', u'mem': 1024.0, u'epsilon': u'PT60S', u'retries': 2, u'name': u'my job 1', u'runAsUser': u'root', u'lastSuccess': u'2015-12-18T10:30:09.755Z', u'environmentVariables': [], u'executorFlags': u'', u'command': u'', u'executor': u'', u'async': False, u'lastError': u'', u'constraints': []}, {u'softError': False, u'scheduleTimeZone': u'null', u'successCount': 40, u'cpus': 0.25, u'disabled': False, u'ownerName': u'', u'owner': u'noop', u'disk': 256.0, u'errorCount': 0, u'container': {u'image': u'my-docker-regsitry:443/myimage', u'type': u'docker', u'network': u'BRIDGE', u'volumes': [], u'errorsSinceLastSuccess': 0, u'highPriority': False, u'dataProcessingJobType': False, u'arguments': [], u'uris': [u'file:///root/.dockercfg'], u'shell': True, u'description': u'', u'schedule': u'R/2015-12-18T11:00:00.000Z/PT60M', u'mem': 1024.0, u'epsilon': u'PT60S', u'retries': 2, u'name': u'example_service mesosstage_kwabatch gitfb0c7ac5 config95bc9b2f', u'runAsUser': u'root', u'lastSuccess': u'2015-12-18T08:00:12.965Z', u'environmentVariables': [], u'executorFlags': u'', u'command': u'echo "This batch should run once per hour, and take 2 hours" && sleep 2h', u'executor': u'', u'async': False, u'lastError': u'', u'constraints': []}]
Add a new job:
>>> job = { 'async': False, 'command': 'echo 1', 'epsilon': 'PT15M', 'name': 'foo',
'owner': '[email protected]', 'disabled': True, 'schedule': 'R/2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/PT60M'}
>>> client.add(job)
Update an existing job:
>>> job = { 'async': False, 'command': 'echo 1', 'epsilon': 'PT15M', 'name': 'foo',
'owner': '[email protected]', 'disabled': True, 'schedule': 'R/2014-01-01T00:00:00Z/PT60M'}
>>> client.update(job)
Run a job:
Delete a job:
>>> client.delete("job123")
Delete all the in flight tasks for a job:
>>> client.delete_tasks("job123")
- Sync chronos jobs from a directory tree containing job.json --hostname --sync /path/to/job.json/files
- Nagios/Icinga style monitor of --hostname --crit 3 --prefix etl. --prefix data. --hostname --crit 3 --exclude etl.
uses Travis to test against multiple versions of Chronos. You can run the tests locally on any machine
with Docker and Docker compose on it.
To run the tests:
make itests
To run against a different version of Chronos:
CHRONOSVERSION=3.0.2 make itests