1.0.0 (2017-04-22)
Closed issues:
- Library doesn't recognize leader change #38
Merged pull requests:
- Make a hierarchy of exceptions #36 (theosotr)
- Initial support for chronos 3.x for #33 #35 (thekad)
- Added travis deployment to pypi. Fixes #27 #28 (solarkennedy)
v0.38.0 (2016-11-16)
Closed issues:
- Setup travis to push packages to pypi #27
Merged pull requests:
- Generalize auth token #32 (hylandm)
- epsilon is not required field of job definition #31 (xkrt)
- container required fields validation #30 (xkrt)
v0.37.0 (2016-09-29)
Merged pull requests:
- Add metrics endpoint #26 (Rob-Johnson)
v0.36.0 (2016-09-13)
Closed issues:
- Client doesn't deal with unauthorized access correctly #17
- parent job #16
- new version in pypi #12
- An issue with connect method #2
- Can't find the package on PyPi #1
Merged pull requests:
- retry other chronos servers on connection errors #24 (Rob-Johnson)
- Add method to get undocumented job graph #23 (keshavdv)
- Fix typo in README #22 (keshavdv)
- Python 3 support #21 (navidurrahman)
- raise an exception when unauthorized #19 (Rob-Johnson)
- Update docs chronos #18 (Rob-Johnson)
- fail if more than one of the 'one-of' parameters exist #15 (Rob-Johnson)
- release 0.34.0 #13 (Rob-Johnson)
- add /job/stat/{job_name} and /scheduler/stats/* endpoints #11 (Rob-Johnson)
- Deal with chronos jobs that have spaces in the name #10 (solarkennedy)
- Added to pypi #8 (keshavdv)
- Allow a list of servers to be passed in to the client #7 (keshavdv)
- Run itests in a docker container #6 (keshavdv)
- Added unit test framework #5 (solarkennedy)
- Added basic itest framework with travis integration #4 (solarkennedy)
- Correctly pass in username and password in the connect method #3 (solarkennedy)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator