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Arthur Gomes edited this page Jun 17, 2022 · 8 revisions

Nokia Bell Labs Project


Get frontier exploration working with the Omron LD60 robot model in a unity environment, preferably a factory setting.

Current Progress

Robot model with velocity controller, lidar, Clock and TF broadcaster working in Unity Scene.

Description of various components currently in use


  • ROS_tcp_endpoint: This ROS package has been cloned from here. It sets up a TCP endpoint as a ROS node that handles topics and services between unity and ROS.
  • omron_ld60_description: This ROS package contains the omron ld60 xacro files and is used to load robot description to RVIZ.
  • omron_ld60_navigation: This ROS package contains the launch files and params for the nav stack to be implemented.


  • C# scripts: These scripts have been attached to the omron robot model in the unity simulation. They use C# API that isnt documented anywhere. But their general function is similar to the plugins used in gazebo. They've been cloned from here. There are scripts for TF, Clock, Velocity control and Lidar.

  • ROS tcp connector: This is a unity package that has been added in the scene via the package manager. It forms the other end of the tcp bridge for communication with the ROS side.

  • URDF importer: This is a unity package that has been added in the scene via the package manager. It enables a URDF file along with its meshes to be imported driectly into the unity scene as a articulation body.

Pending Tasks

  • Write a C# script for publishing odometry msgs from unity to ROS. This is required for move_base's local planner. Position data is already being received from TF. But the local planner needs the current velocity of the robot in addition to position.
  • Write a C# script for sending IMU data from unity to ROS.
  • Visualize the lidar in Unity. Best bet is to use something from the unity visualizations package.
  • Prepare a guide/documentation for ARCL commands and how they can be used.
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