You will build a program for the Zoo's Manager. The Zoo manager will use your program via the terminal(command line)
The manager will can add the following animals to the zoo: Dogs, cats, tigers, snakes, crocodiles, turtles, penguins, monkeys and pandas
The manager would like to know how many animals are in the zoo, and for each animal for example how many cats are there.
The manager can remove animals from the zoo.
The manager would like to know which animals are old. a 10 years old dog is old, but a 10 year old turtle is young. fun fact turtles can live up to 180 years.
The manager can ask the animals to do tricks, walk or eat. The manager can also ask only dogs to eat and only cats to do sleep
Monkeys get injured easily, so some monkeys can not do tricks when they are injured.
Each animal should have a name, age, food, description(The description should be the same for each animal). Animals can walk, eat, and monkeys can do tricks.
Your zoo has a maximum capacity of 200 people, the manager would like to know how many people are currently at the zoo