Here is our project of LTPF!
Made by:
- Arle Alexandre
- Cole Axel
- Del Medico Rémi
- Gundogan Emin
You can find the files compatible with an emacs execution in ./analyseurLexicalSyntaxique
And you will be able to execute area program in ./areaWhile
(the files in this directory are the same as in analyseurLexicalSyntaxique
but with import replaced by open to help the compilation)
First, go in areaWhile/ directory
cd areaWhile/
Then, compile area program using make command, there is already premade little programme like fibonnaci or a solution to the day 6 part 2 problem of advent of code
You are now able to execute area program !
./area.byte <file_path_of_.ar_program>
./area.byte --interactive <file_path_of_.ar_program>