A Python library for Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Models.
Information on the installation and usage can be found in the documentation.
- Dynamic properties:
- Wang andd Stokoe (2018)
- Wangit, Dejong, and Shantz (2012)
- Ground motion:
- Rezaeian et al. (2014) damping scaling factor
- Rathje et al. (2005) mean, average, and predominant periods
- Abrahamson et al. (2016) Arias intensity
- Slope displacement methods:
- Rathje & Saygili (2008)
- Rathje & Antonakos (2011)
- Watson-Lamprey & Abrahamson (2006)
- Bray & Travasarou (2007) model for crustal earthquakes
- Bray, Travasarou, and Macedo (2018) model for subduction earthquakes
When authors provide test cases, those test cases are implemented or test cases are found.
If you want to see a model added, add it and supporting test cases. The code is formatted using black and the docstrings are formatted to the numpy standard.
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