Procedural macros for converting TOML format configurations to equivalent Rust constant definitions.
are-you-ok = true
one-two-three = 123
"one-two-three" = "456" # int
array = [1, 2, 3] # [uint]
tuple = [1, "abc", 3]
assert_eq!(ARE_YOU_OK, true);
assert_eq!(ONE_TWO_THREE, 123usize);
assert_eq!(hello::ONE_TWO_THREE, 456isize);
assert_eq!(hello::ARRAY, [1, 2, 3]);
assert_eq!(hello::TUPLE, (1, "abc", 3));
Value types are necessary for generating Rust constant definitions. Types can be specified by the comment following the config item. Currently supported types are bool
, int
, uint
, str
, (type1, type2, ...)
for tuples, and [type]
for arrays. If no type is specified, it will try to infer the type from the value.
The above example will generate the following constants:
pub const ARE_YOU_OK: bool = true;
pub const ONE_TWO_THREE: usize = 123;
pub mod hello {
pub const ARRAY: &[usize] = &[1, 2, 3];
pub const ONE_TWO_THREE: isize = 456;
pub const TUPLE: (usize, &str, usize) = (1, "abc", 3);
You can also include the configuration file directly: