Released on April 23, 2015
- Changed default STATICFILES_STORAGE to cached.
- Moved visualization to new section (DC view).
- Added networks to top menu with option to hide it (HIDE_MENU setting).
- Added mechanism generating demo data as CLI command.
- Fixed getting name of default pool for load balancers.
- Transactional save on scan form.
- Removed lck.activitylog from Ralph.
- Fixed unicode error and empty country by default in LDAP login.
Released on April 13, 2015
- Added data center and racks visualization.
- Ralph requires ralph_assets package.
- Improved Xen detection.
- Better ssh communication with cisco switches.
- Added possibility to store databases in Ralph and better support for storing load balancers virtual servers.
- Updated docs for Don Pedro agent and Ralph's installation process.
- We've moved documentation to the rtd:
- Docker is the official way to easy install Ralph.
- Detaching logical subdevices not found by scan: Previously only physical subdevices not found by scan were detached. Extended this feature on logical children.
- Detect Dell family in scan, when headers not contains Server
- Puppet-plugin: added expanduser call on cert paths.
- Puppet plugin can get data from puppetdb-api.
- 'Force autoscan' is now triggered only when SNMP name is missing.
- Added two missing features to deploy/clean plugin: The hostname is now copied from deployment and copying venture/role from deployment.
- Changed the required permission for VM creation - You need core access to create a VM via API.
- Added new entry point to API to provide possibility to change IP address after deployment.
- GUI:
- Added management IP in 'Addresses' tab (device view).
- Scan form - now it's possible to add some new components to the existing device.
- Set CI.state default value to ACTIVE.
- The design of top bar is now in line with the Scrooge UI.
- Scrooge API: Databases and Load balancer virtual servers added.
- Added department to search form.
- Functionality to inject custom tracking code.
- Admin panel: changing management and management ip addresses blocked.
- ralph makeconf set pluggable apps to the reasonable defaults.
- For devices with assigned Asset (only without is_blade flag) it is no longer possible to change position.
- You can now set user's country using LDAP attribute.
- Added Powerdns Record resource to REST API.
- Fix for MAC detecting in IDRAC plugin.
- Parent and management fields are now readonly when an asset is assigned. Before this change we could't save form.
- Updated parse_lshw(..) to work with puppetdb_api. Used better msg when no facts found.
- Fixed docker installation.
- Scan form now creates IPAddress object when does not exist.
Released on October 14, 2014
This version contains huge code clean-ups (some really old parts were removed), several bugfixes, slightly redesigned UI, improved integration with other componenets (i.e. Assets, Scrooge) and some new features as well (concepts of 'Services' and 'Environments', 'Pending Changes' view, detection of network connections between devices via LLDP).
- CORE: Added service/environment validation to device editing/creating forms.
- CORE: Fixes for displaying device's components and changes for 'parts' in scan results.
- CORE: Fix for propagating changes of parent rack/dc.
- CORE: Improved checks for required asset.
- CORE: 'Services' view added.
- CORE: Fix for 'Home Page' option in user's preferences view.
- CORE: Network connections detected via LLDP.
- CORE: Improved handling of assets that should be linked to devices.
- CORE: Improved handling of ventures that shouldn't be shown in Ralph.
- CORE: Improvements for the GUI.
- CORE: Added search fields for 'service catalog' and 'device environment'.
- CORE: Removed significant parts of obsolete code.
- CORE: After sign in, redirect to home of user-accessible module.
- CORE: Improved deployment API.
- SCAN: Better changes detection.
- SCAN: Improved handling of blacklisted serial numbers.
- SCAN: Scan status view.
- CMDB: API shows more data.
Released on August 20, 2014
This is a bugfix release, with some small improvements here and there and one new feature ('notifications' module).
- CORE: (CI/Travis/Coveralls) Added Sphinx checker.
- SCAN: Small fix for the 'force autoscan' routine.
- SCAN: Improved detection of Juniper switches.
- CORE: Added new filter to the sidebar search ('Devices without linked asset').
- CORE: Added possibility to bulk-edit 'name', 'venture', 'role' and 'physical parent device'.
- CORE: Improved 'DNS Records' form validation (detection of duplicate records).
- CORE: Some small improvements related to integration with 'ralph_assets' and 'ralph_pricing' (e.g. a script for uploading data re: venture/IPs ownership).
- CORE: Added 'notifications' module (a simple app for sending and archiving e-mails when you want to be notified of certain events, e.g device's configuration change).
- SCAN: Fix for 'ssh_xen' plugin (reference to a non-existing variable).
- CORE: Added 'DeviceEnvironment' model along with adding 'service' and 'device_environment' fields on 'Device' model (needed for future features).
- CORE: Added 'venture' field to the 'IPAddress' resource in API.
- SCAN: Minor fixes for 'ssh_cisco_catalyst' and 'ssh_cisco_asa' plugins (e.g. NotConfiguredError could break all Scan processes).
- SCAN: 'management' field on 'Device' model is no longer ignored ('ssh_proxmox' plugin mostly).
- CORE: Fix for syncs with LDAP.
- SCAN: Fix for sysinfo extraction in 'ssh_3par' plugin.
- DonPedro: added normalization of WWNs and some additional command-line options for the output generation.
- SCAN: Enabled saving of the results in 'mount_shares' postprocessing plugin.
- CORE: Added missing permissions checks to the views.
Released on July 9, 2014
This is a stable release.
- SCAN: Disk shares detection - disk shares without physical volume in OS are now detected, better merging of results.
- SCAN: ssh_proxmox changes - root user is now not required.
- SCAN: SNMP - AES priv protocol support.
- SCAN: SSH AIX - added normalization for wwns from aix plugin.
- SCAN: Scan postprocess is not disabled by default.
- SCAN: MAC addresses normalization.
- SCAN: [vmware plugin] subdevices w/o MAC addresses shouldn't be included in scan results.
- SCAN: Fixed 3par plugin #892 return results instead device_info.
- SCAN: Fixed ascii encoding problem in ssh_xen plugin.
- SCAN: Onstor now collects diskshare mounts.
- SCAN: Fixed getting info from multipath when there are multipath config warnings.
- Feature/pricing api - shares - venture and virtual filters - pricing api: shares changed (back) to share mounts; added venture param and virtual mounts filter
- CMDB: New semantics - used uid instead of id for JIRA.
- CMDB: Inactive CI's are not displayed by default, use checkbox to include them optionally.
- CMDB: Changes importing are now handled by searching by creation date.
- CMDB: Collecting events that can possibly affect a CI (events on children).
- DHCP: Fix protect against IP addresses with the same domain tests.
- CORE: Pluggable apps permissions and ralph_permission decorator. Improved permissions to pluggable apps; ralph_permission decorator could now be applied to dispatch method (before only to post/get/etc methods);
- CORE: Fixed sorting by network address/gateway in admin (incl. migration). Network model gets new field gateway_as_int, which is used for sorting by "Gateway address" column ("Network address" column now uses min_ip field for this).
- CORE: Implemented 3 bound permissions per Ralph application (has_core_access, has_asset_access, has_scrooge_access).
- CORE: Disk shares in admin are now loading faster.
- CORE: Added getting device by ip address or remark to the pricing api.
- CORE: Fixed sorting by network address/gateway in admin (incl. migration).
- CORE: Pillow upgraded to 2.2.0.
- CORE: Added FC cards to the pricing API.
- CORE: Readonly widget has better appeareance.
- CORE: Added Docker installation method.
- DonPedro: Better FC and share mounts detection.
- DonPedro: Additional logging and mac addresses normalization.
Released on June 3, 2014
This is a final bugfix RC Release with new features. It brings Quickscan feature and better API compatibility, as well as many scan, networks and ui stability improvements.
- SCAN: Added "Quick scan" features which is the quickest way to scan given ip address.
- SCAN: Now scan post processings plugins are running from main scan job.
- SCAN: [hp_oa plugin] added 'Apache' to known HTTP family names.
- SCAN: Manual prescan (autoscan) shouldn't be run as a separate job.
- SCAN: Fix for UnicodeEncodeError. Sometimes plugins can return non ASCII characters...
- SCAN: Timeout of rq_jobs is now configurable.
- SCAN: Fix for Proxmox3 (family recognizing + listening port).
- SCAN: ssh_ibm_bladecenter fixed better choices finding (for components or device types).
- SCAN: Added autoscan (prescan) at the beginning of the manual scan.
- SCAN: Added Quickstan feature for quickly scanning given IP Address.
- SCAN: [vmware plugin] subdevices w/o MAC addresses shouldn't be included in scan results.
- SCAN: 3par plugin now works correctly - return results instead device_info.
- CMDB: Events are now bound many-to-many to CIs.
- CMDB: Inactive CIs are not displayed by default.
- CMDB: Unified the search of CIs in CMDB.
- CMDB: Corrected icon class for venturerole.
- CMDB: New ralph-independent way of setting icons for CIs.
- CMDB: provided correcting ownership duplicates.
- CMDB: Event is propagated from parent CI to its children.
- API: fixed api for pricing.
- API: State is no longer copied in Service API.
- CORE: Fix test-with-coveralls make command - convert spaces to tab. Ommit test files in coverage.
- CORE: Update Travis badge.
- CORE: Override for a django bug with "View on site".
- CORE: Improved mapping ad groups -> django groups.
- CORE: Fixed 'Bulk edit' button on 'Ventures' and 'Racks' views.
- CORE: Networks - Fixed Handling networks with gereric IDs instead of names.
- NETWORKS: Networks performance improved - extended caching timeout.
Released on May 15, 2014
This is a 7th Release Candidate release with bugfixes only.
- CORE: Fixed 'Bulk edit' button on 'Ventures' and 'Racks' views.
- CORE: Handling networks using IDs instead of their names.
- CORE: Fixed and improved/cleaned 'Bulk edit' form.
- CORE: Got rid of 'Model Group' and 'Model' columns in 'Software' tab.
- CMDB: Additional CIs for CMDB events.
- CMDB: sAMAccuntName can be synchronised from AD for CIOwners.
- SCAN: Whole new SCAN documentation prepared.
Released on April 28, 2014
This is a 6th Release Candidate release with more testing.
- SCAN: Stability improvements and fixes.
Released on May 15, 2014
This is a 5th Release Candidate release.
- many fixes
Released on May 15, 2014
This is a 4th Release Candidate release.
- Scan - special queues for UI calls
- many fixes
Released on May 15, 2014
New features:
- CORE: added logical parent for stacked devices, when physical parent is not enough.
- DHCP: configuration file for DHCP can be generated for multiple environments or data centers at once.
- NETWORKS: performance improvements: reduced unresponsive rendering of networks tree to ~ 1 sec
- SCAN: performance improvements: reduced time of traversing through large number of intersecting networks
- CORE: many cmdb, scan, deployment fixes.
Released on May 15, 2014
New features:
- SCAN: Much more advanced Scan module with great performance and real plugins architecture with JSON API.
- SCAN: New vmware plugin for discovering virtual machines.
- SCAN: Cisco Catalyst and Juniper switches detection with recognizing stacked subswitches added.
- NETWORKS: Completely new Network panel which allows you to manage IP addresses and netmasks easily.
- DNS: Added additional validation for DNS form (one PTR is required now).
- DHCP: Added additional validation for DHCP form.
- Environments - place where you can configure discovery queue or hosts naming temeplate.
- LDAP group mapping allows you to more specific permissions setting directly via LDAP.
- DHCP config - fixes for networks and entries.
- DHCP config - large (10x) speed improvements while generating configs.
- Updated ralph_dhcp_agent.
- New white theme.
- Ralph CLI integrated into the UI.
Core changes:
- CORE: Reworked Dependency Injection of Ralph submodules thanks to DjangoPluggableApp, giving more power and DRY-ness.
- SCAN: Upgraded detection of newer Dell machines using IDRAC protocol.
- SCAN: Fixed xen hypervisor discovery, where virtuals were incorrectly assigned to the master cluster.
- Fixed bug where gateway was always required.
- CMDB: Fixed compatibility with Zabbix where zabbix_id was out of range (#726)
- CMDB: Fixed filtering Incidents/Problems using start date, end date.
- CMDB: API: Added impact links to the CI's.
- CMDB: Improved CMDB API documentation.
- CMDB: Fixed Jira<->CMDB integration where only first 1000 issues were imported.
- CMDB: Fixed CMDB bugs where customfields where not visible correctly on particular CITypes.
- CMDB: Allowed CMDB to register own CITypes via Admin Panel.
Released on May 15, 2014
This is release with new features.
- Added completely new Scan module - new DC discovery mechanism which allows you to better maintain periodic scans, and much easier to write new discovery plugins using JSON API.
- Custom fields defaults (from venture_role) now appears correctly in the API.
- Added API for Scan module.
- CMDB Api documentation refactored.
- Tastypie API fixed.
Released on November 06, 2013
This is semi-final :) hotfix release.
- Fixed API problem.
- Fixed incompatible inquiry problem.
Released on November 04, 2013
This is hotfix release - fixes broken dependency.
- Fixed django-bob dependecy.
Released on October 31, 2013
This is as bugfix release.
- Added new search field in device - Deprecation (based on Device.deprecation_kind)
- Added Asset tab for views with informations about devices
- Added info on form validation errors (wishlist 15); added terabytes as unit in size_divisor.
dropdown onInfo
now displays items in proper hierarchy.- Fixed links to Jira tickets in CMDB's Jira Changes, Problems and Incidents.
- Venture's deletion in admin is now disabled; name/symbol cannot be changed once verified (schema migration on
model). - Fixed
plugin - recognition Cisco ASDM 7.1 - Improved asynchronous report logic
- New column in assets - is discovered
- New search field in devices - deprecation kind
- New search field in assets - deprecation rate
- Some changes in load balancer addresses view
Released on August 08, 2013
This is as bugfix release.
- Fixed plugin
- plugin not responding, - Added new resources to API: Network, NetworkKind.
- Added
to Ipaddress API resource. - Extra costs that don't appear in the given time range are not displayed in the venture summery view.
Numeric position
field no longer required.Barcode
field (in admin) can be set to None for more than one devices.- Fixed owners links in admin/business/ventures; fixed admin history change.
Released on July 17, 2013
This is a minor bugfix release. Bugfixes in the discovery module and documentation enhancements.
- Added documentation for the discovery subsystem.
- Added new Xeon processors support.
- Added data_center and rack to the puppet classifier output.
- Fixed DonPedro 'ipaddress' KeyError.
- Disabled reboot plugin for the deployment.
- Fixed XEN disk discovery.
- Added property_types to the puppet classifier response.
- Ralph search results are now unique.
- Fixed border-case for lshw discovery when response tag is none.
- Fixed OpenStack plugin - assigning costs to the wrong device
Released on June 18, 2013
This is a bugfix release.
- Bugfixes in discovery module.
- Extended APIs for assets and pricing.
Released on June 7, 2013
This is a bugfix release.
- Enhancements to the Ventures - added Profit Center and Business Segment information.
- Added ability to import Ventures data(PC, Business Segment) from CSV file.
- Added API integration with Ralph Pricing and Ralph Assets.
- Fixed puppet classifier crashing on models without model group.
- Fixed 3PAR detection.
- Better error reporting for discovery errors.
- PostgresSQL support provided.
- Fixed hostname validation in the deployment area.
- Testing profiles updated.
- Fixed out of range error while discovering devices with unknown Networks.
Released on April 23, 2013
This is a bugfix release.
- Removed Git, hostname and stty process forking.
- Cleaned up plugins chains.
- Fixed pagination, templates and filters in the CMDB.
Released on April 16, 2013
This is a bugfix release.
- Fixed bug in the Catalog and Account areas.
- API permissions fixed.
Released on April 15, 2013
This is a major release. It brings new big features and bugfixes. Added new modules: asset management, ralph beast command line client, windows software discovery. Replaced workers architecture with RQ. New integrations with external systems. And much more.
- Replaced Celery asynchronous worker engine with RQ, see:
- Introduced Ralph commandline tool - Beast, see:
- Introduced Offline Asset Mgmt module for Ralph, see:
- Discovery improvements: added Ganeti devices support, Juniper and Nortel switches, 3ware controllers. Added new Puppet REST integration.
- Introduced discovery for Windows Sofware via Don-Pedro plugin and extended ability to search software versions using complex operators (<, <=, >, >= etc).
- CMDB-Splunk integration introduced.
- Reports are now asynchronous (don't block the UI anymore, happen on the queue).
- Added User Preferences framework - for now with the ability to change landing page per user.
- REST API extended - new filters and new resources (owners).
- Deployment improvements: statuses plugin fixed, duplicating networks added,
function fixed. - Performance improvements in the CMDB.
- Many Ralph UI bugs and discovery fixes.
Released on March 19, 2013
This is a major release. It brings new big features and bugfixes. Introduced 3rd party module for Ralph - Offline Assets Management Added CMDB - Splunk integration. Added archivization feature for CMDB. Added AutoCI feature for CMDB. Improved Jira integration. Added ability to discover Windows software using don pedro plugin. Discovery of hardware fixed and improved.
- Added CMDB - Splunk integration.
- Added archivization feature for CMDB.
- Added Autoci feature for CMDB.
- Improved jira integration.
- Added ability to discover Windows software using don pedro plugin.
- Discovery of hardware fixed and improved.
Released on February 19, 2013
This is a bugfix release.
- Editable layers in CMDB.
- Bugfixes in discovery plugins and CMDB.
- Performance improvements in CMDB report.
Released on February 07, 2013
This is a major release with new features.
- Adding next-server to DHCP configuration for devices in deployment.
- A new report for device costs.
- Improved CMDB impact report.
- The ability to import DNS records from a CSV file.
- Show separate count for physical devices in ventures report.
- More bugfixes in the discovery plugins.
Released on January 16, 2013
This is a major release with new features.
- Added custom DHCP configuration for networks and DHCP servers.
- Networks can now be marked as non-unique, which prevents their IP addresses from being added to devices.
- Next free hostname and IP address are now displayed in the Addresses tab.
- Bugfixes in discovery plugins.
Released on January 07, 2013
This is a bugfix release.
- Add detailed costs to the Ventures report,
- Fix incorrect use of concurrent_get_or_create in discovery plugins
- Fix the clean deployment plugin to re-connect the ip address
Released on December 31, 2012
This is a bugfix release.
- Allow bulk deployment to re-use existing devices
- Clean up the way in which the discovery plugins create components
- Allow racks in different data centers to have the same name
Released on December 20, 2012.
This is a bugfix release.
- Dell PowerEdge servers supported
- introduced pricing groups for disk shares
- interpolation of variables in preboot files supported
- simplified deployment workflow (no issue tracked based acceptance involved)
- mass deployment
- discovery fixes
Released on December 5, 2012.
This is a bugfix release.
- Fix bugs in the search and add device forms
Released on December 5, 2012.
This is a bugfix release as well as new discovery and usability features.
- support for SNMPv3 in discovery
- DHCP config improvements: proper hostnames from PTR records; support for syncing entries and networks from a specific DC only
- DNS/DHCP addresses tab redesigned for usability and performance
- improved search for software components and discovering software versions
- discovery fixes
Released on November 26, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Fixes regressions in discovery from version 1.1.9 and introduces DiscoveryWarnings for tracking problems with discovery.
- Fixes for discovery regressions from 1.1.8
- DiscoveryWarnings introduced
Released on November 22, 2012.
This is a major release. Includes system-level storage detection, improved CPU information for Windows machines, ability to edit DNS information straight from the Addresses tab on a device. CMDB now includes an impact report.
- system-level storage detection stored in the OperatingSystem component
- improved CPU information in DonPedro Windows agent
- CPU information is stored in history for financial reports
- DNS entries can be edited on the Addresses tab for every device
- CMDB: impact report introduced, API for CI changes, layers and types
- Installed software packages reported by Puppet are stored in the inventory database
- Base64 support for compressed Puppet fact values
- Minor bugfixes
Released on November 8, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes fixes in IPMI, SSG and Xen discovery as well as minor CMDB and DNS admin improvements. DHCP agent script is now compatible with Python 2.4 (for usage in RedHat 5.x environments).
- Stability improved for discovering SSG firewalls
is now compatible with Python 2.4- Uses the forked
package for improved PowerDNS support - Xen discovery support fixed (memory was reported in wrong units)
- IPMI discovery improved for Sun and Supermicro servers
- Minor CMDB improvements
- Minor bugfixes
Released on October 29, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes fixes in CMDB, device admin, device report and unit tests.
- CMDB fixes: owners not required when saving a CI, cycles in relationships are detected, only manual changes generate tickets in external trackers
- fixed issue #183: "Unknown" rack unsupported
- device admin fixes: model validatation, saving uses priorities
library used for SSH connectivity instead of thessh
fork- minor device report fixes
- unit tests improved
Released on October 19, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Fixes order of database migrations and several problems with running unit tests. Django version bumped to 1.4.2.
- bumped Django version to 1.4.2
- fixes order of database migrations
- fixes a problem in Django 1.4.x with built-in unit tests failing because of settings used
- minor CMDB fixes
- more unit tests
Released on October 15, 2012.
This is a minor release. Adds role properties to the RESTful API. Fixes deprecation so that deprecated devices no longer report a monthly cost.
- role properties available in API
- virtual CPU count in the main ventures report
- deprecated devices now have a zero monthly cost
Released on October 10, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Contains fixes in UI and discovery code, as well as shows cloud usage in the main venture report.
- cloud usage is visible in the main ventures report
- several minor fixes in UI and new plugins
Released on October 8, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes a new experimental discovery agent for Windows called Donpedro as well as two new discovery plugins for Xen hypervisors and Linux machines not controlled by Puppet. Fixes bugs in UI, CMDB and discovery.
introduced: a new dedicated discovery agent for Windows. Works as a background Windows service; a lightweight alternative to SCCM- a new plugin to discover Xen hypervisors (with support for information about pools and hardware usage)
- a new
plugin that discovers Linux machines by logging into them; an alternative to Puppet storeconfig - lots of minor bugfixes in UI, CMDB and discovery
Released on September 24, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes fixes in discovery and UI code, as well as updates in the price catalog: history of changes is tracked and the UI for specifying price per unit of size is now easier to use.
- Price catalog updated: history of changes tracked, a more intuitive UI for prices per unit of size
- bug fixes in discovery and UI
Released on September 19, 2012.
This is a feature release. Includes support for deployment of physical hosts using PXE, simplified financial model (components can be now priced by unit of size, e.g. by core or GiB) and upgraded reporting system. Includes minor bug fixes.
- Deployment of new machines using PXE implemented
- CMDB: change acceptance
- DHCP can be served and reconfigured remotely
- Improved reports: new report types for devices, main menu entry for generic reports, a details view for devices in reports
- API supports throttling
- A new component kind,
, with information about CPU, memory and disk storage visible from the operating system - Operating system components included in pricing
- OpenStack pricing now includes pricing margins
- Extra costs are now a dictionary
- Improved date pickers in UI
Released on August 20, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes fixes in CMDB and UI code, as well as a preliminary timeline view for CMDB, usability improvements in editing CI relations.
- Pricing: cached prices updated after changes in the catalog; component price calculation includes custom sizes when relevant
commands no longer display the unhelpful "Error opening file for reading: Permission denied" message- Usability improvements in editing CI relations
- Preliminary timeline view for CMDB added
- Git configuration change from Puppet agent now knows if a change was successful
- minor bugfixes
Released on August 13, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes fixes in CMDB, discovery and UI code, as well as the possibility to specify extra queries for OpenStack. Local storage costs are now also counted for Proxmox virtual machines.
- OpenStack plugin now accepts OPENSTACK_EXTRA_QUERIES setting, containing a list of tuples in the form (url, query) of additional data sources to check.
- make the discovery plugins use soft delete
- the proxmox discovery plugin now counts local storage used
- added a "delete" link in the addresses view
- positions in racks are now numbered from the bottom
- CMDB: enabled removing relations, faster git handling
- bugfixes in CMDB and UI code
Released on August 08, 2012.
This version has report and rack views, as well as some improvements in the user interface and important bug fixes in the discovery plugins. You can now delete from the database old devices that are no longer needed.
- edit links for devices and components
- soft-deletable devices
- a view showing physical layout of racks
- add a filter form in the networks view
- small usability improvements in the history user interface
- added a "zabbixregister" command for automatically creating hosts and host templates in Zabbix
- bugfixes in the CMDB
- bugfixes in the discovery plugins
Released on August 01, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. Includes fixes for minor issues in the Web app and ability to run CMDB integration plugins remotely. It introduces a rudimentary reports tab on device lists.
- a rudimentary reports tab on device lists to filter devices according to specified rules
- venture tree collapsible
- CMDB integration scripts integrated into framework
- CMDB supports distributed plugins
- minor fixes in the Web app
Released on July 23, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. It introduces the ability to create new devices manually (without autodiscovery) and fixes several minor issues.
ralph chains
command to list available plug-in chains- fixed regression from 1.0.1:
works correctly again - ability to create new devices from the web application
- several minor bugfixes
- added cmdb charts for dashboard
Released on July 18, 2012.
This is a bugfix release. It fixes several small problems with initial setup and configuration, and makes it easier to manage settings.
management command introduced as a shortcut topython
ralph makeconf
management command introduced to create configuration from a template- PyPI package fixed by including all resources in the source package
- minor fixes for the SQLite backend
- minor documentation fixes and updates
Released on July 16, 2012.
This is the first release of Ralph.
- initial release