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How to Evaluate Expression in HOL Light

Before reading: By default, REWRITE_CONV and REWRITE_TAC will do some simplifications even when its rewrite rule list is set to empty ([]). This is because they have a list of built-in rewrite rules that can be checked through basic_rewrites() (doc) as well as built-in conversions basic_convs() (doc). Therefore, if you are in a hurry, you will want to simply try REWRITE_TAC[] and see whether it makes any change.

# REWRITE_CONV[] `(\x y. x + y) 10 20`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x y. x + y) 10 20 = 10 + 20

If the result has a numerical expression, try adding ARITH:

# REWRITE_CONV[ARITH] `(\x y. x + y) 10 20`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x y. x + y) 10 20 = 30

If it did not help, please proceed and read the text below. :)

Given a term t, you might want to create a theorem |- t = t' where t' is a result of computation/reduction/etc. Creating the theorem is typically implemented as a conversion term -> thm (also called conv) returning an equality. HOL Light has several handy conversions that can be used to evaluate expressions, and multiple conversions can be sequentially composed using THENC or ORELSEC (as THEN and ORELSE do for tactics).

If the term that needs to be simplified is embedded in a goal state, the conversion can be converted through CONV_TAC (doc) or CONV_RULE (doc) and used. Simplifying a conclusion can be done by converting a conversion of interest to its tactic form using CONV_TAC. Simplifying an assumption can be done by converting a conversion to its rule form using CONV_RULE and then feeding the result to RULE_ASSUM tactic to apply the rule to assumptions. Unless there already exists a proven rewrite rule that can be used to simplify the goal, you will want to know the conversions that HOL Light supports.

In this chapter we will primarily focus on the first case which is building |- t = t' from t. On top of it, we will also explain a few useful rewrite rules that can also be directly applied to a goal state using the REWRITE_TAC family without needing the complexity of using conversions.

1. Function application

BETA_CONV is a conversion that performs function application:

# BETA_CONV `(\x. x + 1) 2`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x. x + 1) 2 = 2 + 1

A REWRITE_CONV without any rewrite rule can be also used to do this:

# REWRITE_CONV [] `(\x. x + 1) 2`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x. x + 1) 2 = 2 + 1

This is because REWRITE_CONV internally adds a list of rewrite rules that are registered in basic_rewrites() (doc), and the list contains BETA_THM. To avoid rewriting subexpressions and only applying this rule to the top-level operator, you can use GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [BETA_THM]. GEN_REWRITE_CONV does not (1) use basic_rewrites(), and (2) does not visit subexpressions by default (I).

# GEN_REWRITE_CONV I [BETA_THM] `(\x. x + 1) 2`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x. x + 1) 2 = 2 + 1

The most basic form of beta reduction ((\x. e) x -> e[x]) is implemented as an axiom called BETA in HOL Light, but it does not implement the full algorithm of substitution.

Generalized abstraction. For generalized abstractions (which is a jargon for a lambda function that has a structured argument), GEN_BETA_CONV can be used.

# GEN_BETA_CONV `(\(x,y,z). x + y + z) (1,2,3)`;;
val it : thm = |- (\(x,y,z). x + y + z) (1,2,3) = 1 + 2 + 3
# GEN_BETA_CONV `(\[a;b;c]. b) [1;2;3]`;;
val it : thm = |- (\([a; b; c]). b) [1; 2; 3] = 2

Since GEN_BETA_CONV is also in basic_convs(), you can simply use REWRITE_CONV[] to reduce it.

# REWRITE_CONV [] `(\(x,y,z). x + y + z) (1,2,3)`;;
val it : thm = |- (\(x,y,z). x + y + z) (1,2,3) = 1 + 2 + 3

Converting generalized abstraction into a plain abstraction (and vice versa). When a generalized abstraction appears in a goal state, you may want to rely on rewrite rules that convert it into a plain abstraction. This is especially useful because some tactics like MATCH_MP_TAC or MESON cannot work well if generalized abstractions exist. LAMBDA_PAIR and LAMBDA_TRIPLE are such rewrite rules that do the trick.

val it : thm = |- forall f. (\(x,y). f x y) = (\p. f (FST p) (SND p))
val it : thm =
  |- forall f.
         (\(x,y,z). f x y z) = (\t. f (FST t) (FST (SND t)) (SND (SND t)))
# g `(\x. (\(y1,y2). (P:A->B->C) y1 y2) x) = (\(y1,y2). P y1 y2)`;;
Warning: Free variables in goal: P
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(\x. (\(y1,y2). P y1 y2) x) = (\(y1,y2). P y1 y2)`
val it : goalstack = No subgoals

In a specific case that cannot be covered with these rules, you will want to prove your own theorem that does an analogous thing. Writing and proving your own theorem isn't hard because the existing proofs can be good templates for this.

A few more useful inference rules.

  • ETA_AX: |- forall t. (\x. t x) = t (this is one of axioms in HOL Light)
  • FUN_EQ_THM: |- forall f g. f = g <=> (forall x. f x = g x)
  • BETA_THM: |- forall f y. (\x. f x) y = f y);
  • FORALL_PAIR_THM: |- forall P. (forall p. P p) <=> (forall p1 p2. P (p1,p2))
  • EXISTS_PAIR_THM: |- forall P. (exists p. P p) <=> (exists p1 p2. P (p1,p2))

2. Numerical expression

To compute a numerical expression like 1 + 2 * 3, you can use NUM_REDUCE_CONV (doc) like this:

# NUM_REDUCE_CONV `1 + 2 * 3`;;
val it : thm = |- 1 + 2 * 3 = 7

HOL Light also has corresponding *_REDUCE_CONVs for signed integers, real numbers, rational numbers and bit-vectors (WORD_REDUCE_CONV).

These *_REDUCE_CONV conversions simulate computation by (1) recursively visiting its subexpressions and trying to reduce using a smaller reduction conversion, *_RED_CONV, and (2) also applying rewrite rules that are registered in basic_rewrites(). *_RED_CONV is implemented using smaller reduction conversions, each of which is tailored to a specific operator (NUM_ADD_CONV for addition, NUM_SUB_CONV for subtraction, ...). These smallest units succed only when the expression is has an operator with constant operands.

For natural numbers, there is also a rewrite rule ARITH that can 'evaluate' a numerical expression for a few selected operators. ARITH is useful if you want to keep your proof short by using only few REWRITE_TAC.

# g `(1 + 2) + x = x + 3`;;
Warning: Free variables in goal: x
val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`(1 + 2) + x = x + 3`

val it : goalstack = 1 subgoal (1 total)

`3 + x = x + 3`

When the input expression cannot be evaluated to a single constant, *_REDUCE_CONV tries to do its best and still computes its subexpressions whenever possible. If the input t is something that can always be fully evaluated, *_COMPUTE_CONV can be used instead and it is usually faster than *_REDUCE_CONV. For example, using NUM_COMPUTE_CONV is typically faster than NUM_REDUCE_CONV if the expression can be reduced to a constant. If the expression cannot be fully reduced, however, the result of NUM_COMPUTE_CONV may diverge from that of NUM_REDUCE_CONV.

# NUM_COMPUTE_CONV `if x then (1 + 2) else (1 + 3)`;;
val it : thm = |- (if x then 1 + 2 else 1 + 3) = (if x then 1 + 2 else 1 + 3)
# NUM_REDUCE_CONV `if x then (1 + 2) else (1 + 3)`;;
val it : thm = |- (if x then 1 + 2 else 1 + 3) = (if x then 3 else 4)

3. Conditional/logical operations and let

For basic conditional/logical operations like if-then-else and x /\ y, basic_rewrites() will already have a list of rewrite rules that can be used to reduce the expression. Therefore, REWRITE_CONV[] can be used to reduce the expression.

# basic_rewrites();;
val it : thm list =
  [|- FST (x,y) = x; |- SND (x,y) = y; |- FST x,SND x = x;
   |- (if (x:?3094) = (x:?3094) then (y:?3087) else (z:?3087)) = (y:?3087);
   |- (if true then t1 else t2) = t1; |- (if false then t1 else t2) = t2;
   |- ~ ~t <=> t; |- (@y. y = x) = x; |- x = x <=> true;
   |- (true <=> t) <=> t; |- (t <=> true) <=> t; |- (false <=> t) <=> ~t;
   |- (t <=> false) <=> ~t; |- ~true <=> false; |- ~false <=> true;
   |- true /\ t <=> t; |- t /\ true <=> t; |- false /\ t <=> false;
   |- t /\ false <=> false; |- t /\ t <=> t; |- true \/ t <=> true;
   |- t \/ true <=> true; |- false \/ t <=> t; |- t \/ false <=> t;
   |- t \/ t <=> t; |- true ==> t <=> t; |- t ==> true <=> true;
   |- false ==> t <=> true; |- t ==> t <=> true; |- t ==> false <=> ~t;
   |- (forall x. t) <=> t; |- (exists x. t) <=> t; |- (\x. f x) y = f y;
   |- (x:?851) = (x:?851) ==> p <=> p]

if-then-else. Reducing if-then-else can be done by applying the COND_CLAUSES rewrite rule which can be found from of HOL Light. Note that it is already included in basic_rewrites().

let. Reducing let x = e in e' to e'[e/x] (zeta reduction) is done by let_CONV (doc).

4. match operation

MATCH_CONV (doc) is a conversion that looks into the first pattern clause of the match expression, and matches the pattern if possible or eliminates it.

# MATCH_CONV `match [1;2;3;4;5] with CONS x (CONS y z) -> z`;;
val it : thm =
  |- (match [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] with CONS x (CONS y z) -> z) = [3; 4; 5]

# MATCH_CONV `match [1;2;3;4;5] with [] -> [] | CONS x (CONS y z) -> z`;;
val it : thm =
  |- (match [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] with [] -> [] | CONS x (CONS y z) -> z) =
     (match [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] with CONS x (CONS y z) -> z)

This can be repeated using REPEATC.

# REPEATC MATCH_CONV `match [1;2;3;4;5] with [] -> [] | CONS x (CONS y z) -> z`;;
val it : thm =
  |- (match [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] with [] -> [] | CONS x (CONS y z) -> z) =
     [3; 4; 5]

Since the match conversion is registered to basic_convs() by default, REWRITE_CONV[] can reduce such expressions too.

# REWRITE_CONV [] `match [1;2;3;4;5] with [] -> [] | CONS x (CONS y z) -> z`;;
val it : thm =
  |- (match [1; 2; 3; 4; 5] with [] -> [] | CONS x (CONS y z) -> z) =
     [3; 4; 5]

5. Inductive data type

distinctness (doc) and injectivity (doc) creates useful (in)equality theorems that can be used to simplify (1) an inequality between constructors, and (2) equality between same constructor with different arguments.

# define_type "btree = LEAF A | NODE btree btree";;

# distinctness "btree";;
val it : thm = |- forall a a0' a1'. ~(LEAF a = NODE a0' a1')

# injectivity "btree";;
val it : thm =
  |- (forall a a'. LEAF a = LEAF a' <=> a = a') /\
     (forall a0 a1 a0' a1'.
          NODE a0 a1 = NODE a0' a1' <=> a0 = a0' /\ a1 = a1')

6. Composing multiple conversions

How can we compute an expression that has both function application and numerical expression, e.g., (\x. x + 1) 2 to 3? You can compose multiple conversions, say BETA_CONV and NUM_REDUCE_CONV, to do a wanted computation.

# let my_eval_conv = BETA_CONV THENC NUM_REDUCE_CONV;;
# my_eval_conv `(\x. x + 1) 2`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x. x + 1) 2 = 3

If you want to repeatedly apply this conversion, you can use REPEATC (BETA_CONV THENC NUM_REDUCE_CONV):

# my_eval_conv2 `(\x. x + (\y. y + 3) (x+1)) 2`;;
val it : thm = |- (\x. x + (\y. y + 3) (x + 1)) 2 = 8

You can also use combinators like CHANGED_CONV (doc) to repeat until there is no change, or DEPTH_CONV (doc) to make e.g., BETA_CONV visit subexpressions.

7. Building a call-by-value evaluator using the Compute module

Writing a custom evaluator by composing multiple conversions as previously described has a limitation. If it is necessary to write a fast evaluator that must run on a large expression (e.g., a decoder of an assembly file, which can contain several thousands of instructions), using DEPTH_CONV/CHANGED_CONV combinators can make it slow because the input/intermediate expressions will be large. In fact, visiting every subexpression might not be necessary; we can choose only one subexpression to reduce and apply a proper conversion (such a subexpression is often called a 'redex').

Another similar concern is that it is hard to selectively unfold definitions of constants and/or functions. Definitions can be unfolded by adding REWRITE_CONV[my_definition] between invocations of other conversions, but this can make the expression infinitely grow when the definition is recursive and also unfold constants in unwanted subexpressions.

To deal with these issues, the Compute module can be used. The OCaml module is defined in the file and loaded from HOL Light by default. It is possible to construct a custom evaluator (which again has the conv type) that uses the call-by-value strategy with multiple conversions and constant-unfolding rewrite rules registered.

If your definition is a combination of num expression and word expression, you can make your custom evaluator like this:

# needs "Library/";;

# let my_add = new_definition `my_add x y = word_add (word (x + y):int32) (word 10)`;;
val my_add : thm =
  |- forall x y. my_add2 x y = word_add (word (x + y)) (word 10)

# let rw = Compute.bool_compset();;
(* Let's make a Compset that already has default evaluation rules on bool ops. *)
val rw : Compute.compset = <abstr>

# word_compute_add_convs rw;;
- : unit = ()

# num_compute_add_convs rw;;
- : unit = ()

# Compute.add_thms [my_add] rw;;
val it : unit = ()

# let my_conv = Compute.WEAK_CBV_CONV rw;;
val my_conv : Hol_lib.term -> Hol_lib.thm = <fun>

# my_conv `my_add 20 30`;;
- : thm = |- my_add 20 30 = word 60

Compute.WEAK_CBV_CONV receives a Compset and returns a conversion that does call-by-value evaluation. Note that there is Compute.CBV_CONV as well, which is in fact more aggressive than the actual call-by-value stragey because it also tries to evaluate the body of a lambda function even if it is not being applied. Compute.WEAK_CBV_CONV implements the known call-by-value strategy.

Compute.add_thms receives a list of equalities, understands how to unfold relevant constants from it, and applies the equality rule necessary. If you want to apply a specific conversion to an expression starting with a constant, Compute.add_conv can be used. One useful case will be adding GEN_BETA_CONV to your rewrite rule because {WEAK_}CBV_CONV cannot handle generalized abstractions by default.

# Compute.add_conv (`GABS`, (* A generalized abstraction starts from the `GABS` constant. *)
                    2,      (*GABS constant has two operands*)
                    GEN_BETA_CONV) rw;;

# let my_conv2 = Compute.WEAK_CBV_CONV rw;;

# my_conv2 `(\(x,y,z). word_add (my_add x y) z) (10,20,word 5)`;;
val it : Hol_lib.thm =
  |- (\(x,y,z). word_add (my_add x y) z) (10,20,word 5) = word 45

Another example Compute function that folds EL n list:

let my_conv =
  let rw = Compute.bool_compset () in
  (* avoid folding the branches of conditional expression before evaluating
     its condition *)
  set_skip rw `COND: bool -> A -> A -> A` (Some 1);
  num_compute_add_convs rw;
  Compute.add_thms [EL_CONS] rw;
  Compute.WEAK_CBV_CONV rw;;

my_conv `EL 1 [10;20;30;40]`;; (* - : Hol_lib.thm = |- EL 1 [10; 20; 30; 40] = 20 *)

The reason why the EL rewrite rule does not work was that it was relying on matching on the SUC constructor, which is not the default constructor that numerals in HOL Light use (they are rather in binary representation).