Important: Keybinds is difference from rxi/lite
Use LuaJIT-2.1.0-beta3 instead of Lua 5.2.
Check directory changed based on last write time instead of file diffs.
Add premake5 to generate Visual Studio project, for debugging purpose.
Add clang build script on Windows.
Display MessageBox when app failed to launch.
Add clang-format.
Skip opening binary file.
Fix BOM on Unicode files.
. -
Double click log line to open file.
Refactory C sources.
Align line numbers near code.
Display icon to show log type.
Draw intent guide line. (may be need more mechanic for syntax highlight)
Display project name in title bar and status bar.
Convert to use native API instead of large library like SDL. (Still have fallback to SDL when native API version is buggy)
Separated mouse button events:
- Left Click for selection
- Right Click for open menu context (WIP, currently no-ops)
- Middle Click for close tab
- X1, X2 for backward and forward (WIP, currently no-ops)
Fix bugs:
- Some time single mouse click cause select token, line.
- Extra space for end of file is too large
- TreeView have no scroll rect
- Project directory end with '' or '/' resulting empty project directory name
- Toggle comment not work when:
- Prefix have no space between content
- Prefix does not start at begin of the line
- Cannot open file with command when focus TreeView (or locked view) -> fix with TreeView cannot focus
- Cannot return from TreeView to DocView -> fix with TreeView cannot focus
- Scope line wrong position (should be have the position of the first non-space char)
- Modal tabbing (Vi-like) does not trim. Does it should trim?
Better mouse interacting.
Fallback version for fixing scripts (safe mode).
Bootstrap version for debugging and development.
- Realize that thing exactly what above things did, but with different words, the problem turn out was very simple.
Software distributing:
- Add item to OS context menu
- Add update script
- Add install script
- Add sync fallback script
Ignore folders, files (blacklist)
Better log and log style
Custom titlebar, borderless window:
- Fix maximize wrong size
- Add window border
- Resizing window
- Corecting moving window when holding titlebar
- Have an fallback version when
failed to edit code
- Have an fallback version when
VSCode features (what I feel its' good):
- Select empty space with double clicks
- Soft tab VSCode-like
- Toggle comment with right indent
- Add indent should jump to next level indent
Add polyfill
. (Lua52 compat, may help work with other plugins)- Not reliable anymore, LiteXL use Lua54
- But can use old Lite plugins
- Maybe Pragtical plugins (it use LuaJIT by default)
- Reload syntax when syntax module is reloaded
- Default space size for language
Auto indent:
- Simple auto indent base on block