Releases: appirio-tech/connect-app
Minor fixes around Products
Issues resolved:
Products MVP
Introduced Products as first class citizen of Connect.
Products offered:
- Application Visual Design - Concepts
- Application Visual Design - Concepts
- Wireframes
- Prototype
- Websites
- Application Development
Minor release to fix few P1 and P2
Minor release to fix few P1 and P2 before Products MVP release
Minor release to fix few P1 and P2
Github issue #605, Project Listing || Browser's back button does not take to previous page
Github issue #372, [Pagination] - keep fixed pagination option displaying 5 pages.
Github issue #596, Status update: a comment post remains in the composer window after being posted
Github issue #593, Increase timeout when posting topics / comments to message service
Github issue #599, Followed links -- need a better color
First release after beta
Fixed following issues after last beta release:
Github #166, Messaging: unposted content alert
Github issue #579, General: allow "admin" role to have same rights as "manager" role
Github issue #574, Discussions: no footer on Discussion tab
Github issue #568, Dashboard: status update thread is too "sticky"
Github issue #572, Messaging: Owner response post missing from status update
Github issue #561, General: Redirect to
Github issue #587, Comments Sort order within a topic is incorrect
Github issue #585, Ignore 'user-joined' type posts in Topic comments
Updated footer links
Removed beta from logo