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252 lines (196 loc) · 7.28 KB

File metadata and controls

252 lines (196 loc) · 7.28 KB

Progress [2/6]

Identifying an untested feature Using APISnoop

According to this APIsnoop query, there are still an endpoint which is untested.

  -- k8s_action,
  -- path,
  FROM untested_stable_core_endpoints
  -- FROM untested_stable_endpoints
  where path not like '%volume%'
  -- and kind like ''
  and operation_id ilike 'delete%CollectionNamespacedPod'
 ORDER BY kind,operation_id desc
            operation_id             |       description        | kind 
 deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPod | delete collection of Pod | Pod
(1 row)

API Reference and feature documentation

The mock test

Test outline

  1. Create a set of 3 Pods with a static label within a Namespace.

  2. Confirm that all 3 Pods with the label in the Namespace are created.

  3. Delete the set of Namespaced Pods with a label via DeleteCollection.

  4. Confirm that all Pods with the label have been deleted.

Test the functionality in Go

package main

import (
  v1 ""
  metav1 ""

const (
  podRetryPeriod  = 1 * time.Second
  podRetryTimeout = 1 * time.Minute

func main() {
  // uses the current context in kubeconfig
  kubeconfig := flag.String("kubeconfig", fmt.Sprintf("%v/%v/%v", os.Getenv("HOME"), ".kube", "config"), "(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file")
  config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", *kubeconfig)
  if err != nil {
  // make our work easier to find in the audit_event queries
  config.UserAgent = "live-test-writing"
  // creates the clientset
  ClientSet, _ := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)


  // create a set of pod test names
  podTestNames := [3]string{"test-pod-nginx-1", "test-pod-nginx-2", "test-pod-nginx-3"}

  // create a set of test pods with a label in the default namespace
  for _, podTestName := range podTestNames {
    _, err = ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods("default").Create(context.TODO(), &v1.Pod{
      ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
        Name: podTestName,
        Labels: map[string]string{
          "type": "Testing"},
      Spec: v1.PodSpec{
        Containers: []v1.Container{{
          Image: "nginx",
          Name:  "nginx",
        RestartPolicy: v1.RestartPolicyNever,
      }}, metav1.CreateOptions{})

    if err != nil {
      fmt.Println("[error]", err)
    fmt.Println("[status] created", podTestName)

  // wait as required for all 3 pods to be found
  fmt.Println("[status] waiting for all 3 pods to be located")
  err = wait.PollImmediate(podRetryPeriod, podRetryTimeout, checkPodListQuantity(ClientSet, "type=Testing", 3))

  if err != nil {
    errMsg := "[error] 3 pods not found" + fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", err)

  // delete Collection of Pods for the label in the default namespace
  _ = ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods("default").DeleteCollection(context.TODO(), metav1.DeleteOptions{}, metav1.ListOptions{
    LabelSelector: "type=Testing"})
  fmt.Println("[status] DeleteCollection processed")

  // wait for all pods to be deleted
  fmt.Println("[status] waiting for all pods to be deleted")
  err = wait.PollImmediate(podRetryPeriod, podRetryTimeout, checkPodListQuantity(ClientSet, "type=Testing", 0))

  if err != nil {
    errMsg := "[error] found a pod(s) " + fmt.Sprintf("%v\n", err)

  fmt.Println("[status] complete")


func checkPodListQuantity(ClientSet *kubernetes.Clientset, label string, quantity int) func() (bool, error) {
  return func() (bool, error) {
    var err error
    ns := "default"
    fmt.Println("requesting list of pods to confirm quantity")

    list, err := ClientSet.CoreV1().Pods(ns).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{
      LabelSelector: label})

    if err != nil {
      return false, err

    if len(list.Items) != quantity {
      return false, err
    return true, nil
[status] created test-pod-nginx-1
[status] created test-pod-nginx-2
[status] created test-pod-nginx-3
[status] waiting for all 3 pods to be located
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
[status] DeleteCollection processed
[status] waiting for all pods to be deleted
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
requesting list of pods to confirm quantity
[status] complete

Verifying increase in coverage with APISnoop

Discover useragents:

select distinct useragent from audit_event where bucket='apisnoop' and useragent not like 'kube%' and useragent not like 'coredns%' and useragent not like 'kindnetd%' and useragent like 'live%';
(1 row)

List endpoints hit by the test:

select * from endpoints_hit_by_new_test where useragent like 'live%';
     useragent     |            operation_id             | hit_by_ete | hit_by_new_test 
 live-test-writing | createCoreV1NamespacedPod           | t          |               3
 live-test-writing | deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedPod | f          |               1
 live-test-writing | listCoreV1NamespacedPod             | t          |              10
(3 rows)

Display endpoint coverage change:

select * from projected_change_in_coverage;
   category    | total_endpoints | old_coverage | new_coverage | change_in_number 
 test_coverage |             476 |          224 |          225 |                1
(1 row)

Final notes

If a test with these calls gets merged, test coverage will go up by 1 points

This test is also created with the goal of conformance promotion.

/sig testing

/sig architecture

/area conformance