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Write CoreV1 APIService Lifecycle Test (v4)

Progress [6/6]

Identifying an untested feature Using APISnoop

According to this APIsnoop query, there are still some remaining APIService endpoints which are untested.

  FROM testing.untested_stable_endpoint
  where eligible is true
  and endpoint ilike '%APIService%'
  order by kind, endpoint desc
  limit 10;
                  endpoint                   |                           path                            |    kind
 replaceApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus    | /apis/{name}/status | APIService
 replaceApiregistrationV1APIService          | /apis/{name}        | APIService
 patchApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus      | /apis/{name}/status | APIService
 deleteApiregistrationV1CollectionAPIService | /apis/               | APIService
(4 rows)

API Reference and feature documentation

E2E Test

Using a number of existing e2e test practices the current conformance test has been extended to cover the outstanding APIService endpoints. There has been some helpful feedback from Jordan around how the current Conformance test is using RBAC, which is optional and not part of Conformance. Those calls will now only happen if e2eauth.IsRBACEnabled is true. The e2e logs for this test are listed below.

[sig-api-machinery] Aggregator Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
  STEP: Creating a kubernetes client @ 01/20/23 07:38:47.458
  Jan 20 07:38:47.458: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /home/heyste/.kube/config
  STEP: Building a namespace api object, basename aggregator @ 01/20/23 07:38:47.458
  STEP: Waiting for a default service account to be provisioned in namespace @ 01/20/23 07:38:47.481
  STEP: Waiting for kube-root-ca.crt to be provisioned in namespace @ 01/20/23 07:38:47.484
  Jan 20 07:38:47.499: INFO: >>> kubeConfig: /home/heyste/.kube/config
  STEP: Registering the sample API server. @ 01/20/23 07:38:47.5
  Jan 20 07:38:47.866: INFO: Found ClusterRoles; assuming RBAC is enabled.
  Jan 20 07:38:47.941: INFO: deployment "sample-apiserver-deployment" doesn't have the required revision set
  Jan 20 07:38:51.432: INFO: deployment status: v1.DeploymentStatus{ObservedGeneration:1, Replicas:1, UpdatedReplicas:1, ReadyReplicas:0, AvailableReplicas:0, UnavailableReplicas:1, Conditions:[]v1.DeploymentCondition{v1.DeploymentCondition{Type:"Available", Status:"False", LastUpdateTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 47, 0, time.Local), LastTransitionTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 47, 0, time.Local), Reason:"MinimumReplicasUnavailable", Message:"Deployment does not have minimum availability."}, v1.DeploymentCondition{Type:"Progressing", Status:"True", LastUpdateTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 48, 0, time.Local), LastTransitionTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 47, 0, time.Local), Reason:"ReplicaSetUpdated", Message:"ReplicaSet \"sample-apiserver-deployment-55bd96fd47\" is progressing."}}, CollisionCount:(*int32)(nil)}
  Jan 20 07:39:11.437: INFO: deployment status: v1.DeploymentStatus{ObservedGeneration:1, Replicas:1, UpdatedReplicas:1, ReadyReplicas:0, AvailableReplicas:0, UnavailableReplicas:1, Conditions:[]v1.DeploymentCondition{v1.DeploymentCondition{Type:"Available", Status:"False", LastUpdateTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 47, 0, time.Local), LastTransitionTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 47, 0, time.Local), Reason:"MinimumReplicasUnavailable", Message:"Deployment does not have minimum availability."}, v1.DeploymentCondition{Type:"Progressing", Status:"True", LastUpdateTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 48, 0, time.Local), LastTransitionTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 38, 47, 0, time.Local), Reason:"ReplicaSetUpdated", Message:"ReplicaSet \"sample-apiserver-deployment-55bd96fd47\" is progressing."}}, CollisionCount:(*int32)(nil)}
  Jan 20 07:39:13.588: INFO: Waited 129.184707ms for the sample-apiserver to be ready to handle requests.
  STEP: Read Status for @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.662
  STEP: kubectl patch apiservice -p '{"spec":{"versionPriority": 400}}' @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.666
  STEP: List APIServices @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.683
  Jan 20 07:39:13.691: INFO: Found in APIServiceList
  STEP: Adding a label to the APIService @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.691
  Jan 20 07:39:13.712: INFO: APIService labels: map[e2e-apiservice:patched]
  STEP: Updating APIService Status @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.712
  Jan 20 07:39:13.733: INFO: updatedStatus.Conditions: []v1.APIServiceCondition{v1.APIServiceCondition{Type:"Available", Status:"True", LastTransitionTime:time.Date(2023, time.January, 20, 7, 39, 13, 0, time.Local), Reason:"Passed", Message:"all checks passed"}, v1.APIServiceCondition{Type:"StatusUpdated", Status:"True", LastTransitionTime:time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), Reason:"E2E", Message:"Set from e2e test"}}
  STEP: Confirm that /status was updated @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.733
  Jan 20 07:39:13.737: INFO: Observed APIService with Labels: map[e2e-apiservice:patched] & Condition: {Available True 2023-01-20 07:39:13 +1300 NZDT Passed all checks passed}
  Jan 20 07:39:13.737: INFO: Found APIService with Labels: map[e2e-apiservice:patched] & Condition: {StatusUpdated True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC E2E Set from e2e test}
  Jan 20 07:39:13.737: INFO: Found updated status condition for
  STEP: Replace APIService @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.737
  Jan 20 07:39:13.766: INFO: Found updated apiService label for ""
  STEP: Delete APIService "dynamic-flunder-2077748942" @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.766
  STEP: Recreating test-flunder before removing endpoint via deleteCollection @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.785
  STEP: Read /status before patching it @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.793
  STEP: Patch APIService Status @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.795
  STEP: Confirm that /status was patched @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.808
  Jan 20 07:39:13.812: INFO: Observed APIService with Labels: map[e2e-apiservice:patched] & Conditions: {Available True 2023-01-20 07:39:13 +1300 NZDT Passed all checks passed}
  Jan 20 07:39:13.812: INFO: Observed APIService with Labels: map[e2e-apiservice:patched] & Conditions: {StatusUpdated True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC E2E Set from e2e test}
  Jan 20 07:39:13.812: INFO: Found APIService with Labels: map[e2e-apiservice:patched] & Conditions: {StatusPatched True 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC E2E Set by e2e test}
  Jan 20 07:39:13.813: INFO: Found patched status condition for
  STEP: APIService deleteCollection with labelSelector: "e2e-apiservice=patched" @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.813
  STEP: Confirm that the generated APIService has been deleted @ 01/20/23 07:39:13.823
  Jan 20 07:39:13.823: INFO: Requesting list of APIServices to confirm quantity
  Jan 20 07:39:13.830: INFO: Found 0 APIService with label "e2e-apiservice=patched"
  Jan 20 07:39:13.830: INFO: APIService has been deleted.
  Jan 20 07:39:14.057: INFO: Waiting up to 3m0s for all (but 0) nodes to be ready
  STEP: Destroying namespace "aggregator-2455" for this suite. @ 01/20/23 07:39:14.093
• [26.684 seconds]

Verifying increase in coverage with APISnoop

Listing endpoints hit by the new e2e test

This query shows the following APIService endpoints are hit within a short period of running this e2e test

select distinct  substring(endpoint from '\w+') AS endpoint, right(useragent,95) AS useragent
from testing.audit_event
where endpoint ilike '%APIService%'
and release_date::BIGINT > round(((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NOW()))::numeric)*1000,0) - 60000
and useragent ilike 'e2e%should%'
order by endpoint
limit 10;
                  endpoint                   |                                            useragent
 createApiregistrationV1APIService           | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 deleteApiregistrationV1APIService           | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 deleteApiregistrationV1CollectionAPIService | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 listApiregistrationV1APIService             | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 patchApiregistrationV1APIService            | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 patchApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus      | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 readApiregistrationV1APIService             | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 readApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus       | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 replaceApiregistrationV1APIService          | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
 replaceApiregistrationV1APIServiceStatus    | Should be able to support the 1.17 Sample API Server using the current Aggregator [Conformance]
(10 rows)

Final notes

If a test with these calls gets merged, test coverage will go up by 4 points

This test is also created with the goal of conformance promotion.

/sig testing

/sig architecture

/area conformance