Package with wrapper arround MemoryCache with specified functions to get/set, cache objects.
Install the package via NuGet: "Anexia.Caching.GlobalCache"
public class CacheApp : BaseCache<AppModelToCache>
//for MemoryCache
public CacheApp()
: base(sizeLimit: null, serializer: UTF8JsonSerializer.Instance)
//for RedisCache
public CacheApp(RedisConfigModel config)
: base(config, typeKey: nameof(AppModelToCache))
protected void Application_Start()
IBaseCache<AppModelToCache> bsCache = new CacheApp();
"key as object",
"value as object",
It's a threadsafe implementation for Caching with .Net Standard 2.1. Used in every possible application needed.
If you want to use RedisCache, test the Text.Json serializer with your model that you want to cache.
If Text.Json delivers error messages you have to create your own serilizer with the IBaseSerializer.
If you want to run the Redis cache tests, you have to have a Redis cache running on localhost
- Alex Peruzzi APeruzzi@anexia-it
- Joachim Eckerl [email protected]
- Andreas Aigner [email protected]