- Add your ideas in
. You can find the format below.
"id": 20, //increment accordingly, (manually put latest number)
"title": "Idea Title", // put the idea title short and meaningful (check example below)
"description": "Idea Description", // put idea description brief as possible.
"technology": ["PHP", "Javascript", "Python"], // put technology that we can achieve this.
"difficulty": "easy", // easy | medium | hard
"time_taken": 60, // time in minutes
"source": "https://github.com/yogesh7401/calculator" // if you have source, add your github link
- Commit and push! 😊👍
"id": 20, //increment accordingly
"title": "Simple Calculator with Addition, Subtraction & Multiply operations",
"description": "Calculators is a great way to understand UI and event processing in an application. In this problem you will create a calculator that supports basic arithmetic calculations on integers.",
"technology": ["PHP", "Javascript", "Python"],
"difficulty": "easy",
"time_taken": 60,
"source": "https://github.com/yogesh7401/calculator"