jSlack is a Java library to easily integrate your operations with Slack. Currently, this library supports the following APIs.
- Incoming Webhook
- Real Time Messaging API
- API Methods
- api.test
- auth.*
- bots.*
- channels.*
- chat.*
- conversations.*
- dialog.open
- dnd.*
- emoji.*
- files.*
- files.comments.*
- groups.*
- im.*
- mpim.*
- oauth.*
- pins.*
- reactions.*
- reminders.*
- rtm.*
- search.*
- stars.*
- team.*
- team.profile.*
- usergroups.*
- usergroups.users.*
- users.*
- users.profile.*
Check the latest version on the Maven Central repository.
The following is a Maven example. Of course, it's also possible to grab the library via Gradle, sbt and any other build tools.
<version>{latest version}</version>
See also: Getting started with groovysh
Incoming Webhook is a simple way to post messages from external sources into Slack via normal HTTP requests.
jSlack naturally wraps its interface in Java. After lightly reading the official guide, you should be able to use it immediately.
import com.github.seratch.jslack.*;
import com.github.seratch.jslack.api.webhook.*;
// https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
String url = System.getenv("SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL");
Payload payload = Payload.builder()
.username("jSlack Bot")
.text("Hello World!")
Slack slack = Slack.getInstance();
WebhookResponse response = slack.send(url, payload);
// response.code, response.message, response.body
Real Time Messaging API is a WebSocket-based API that allows you to receive events from Slack in real time and send messages as user.
When you use this API through jSlack library, you need adding additional WebSocket libraries:
The following example shows you a simple usage of RTM API.
import com.github.seratch.jslack.*;
import com.github.seratch.jslack.api.rtm.*;
import com.google.gson.*;
JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
String token = System.getenv("SLACK_BOT_API_TOKEN");
try (RTMClient rtm = new Slack().rtm(token)) {
rtm.addMessageHandler((message) -> {
JsonObject json = jsonParser.parse(message).getAsJsonObject();
if (json.get("type") != null) {
log.info("Handled type: {}", json.get("type").getAsString());
RTMMessageHandler handler2 = (message) -> {
// must connect within 30 seconds after issuing wss endpoint
} // #close method does #disconnect
The message
, argument of messageHandler, is a string value (it's JSON data). You need to deserialize it with your favorite JSON library.
jSlack already depends on google-gson library. So you can use Gson as above example shows. If you prefer Jackson or other libraries, it's also possible.
There are lots of APIs to integrate external sources into Slack. They follow HTTP RPC-style methods.
When the API call has been completed successfully, its response contains "ok": true
and other specific fields.
"ok": true
In some cases, it may contain warning
field too.
"ok": true,
"warning": "something_problematic"
When the API call failed or had some warnings, its response contains "ok": false'
and also have the error
field which holds a string error code.
"ok": false,
"error": "something_bad"
jSlack simply wrap API interface. Find more examples in this library's test code.
import com.github.seratch.jslack.*;
import com.github.seratch.jslack.api.methods.request.channels.*;
import com.github.seratch.jslack.api.methods.response.channels.*;
Slack slack = Slack.getInstance();
String token = System.getenv("SLACK_BOT_TEST_API_TOKEN");
ChannelsCreateRequest channelCreation = ChannelsCreateRequest.builder().token(token).name(channelName).build();
ChannelsCreateResponse response = slack.methods().channelsCreate(channelCreation);
You can find more examples here: https://github.com/seratch/jslack/tree/master/src/test/java/com/github/seratch/jslack
String token = "api-token";
Slack slack = Slack.getInstance();
// find all channels in the team
ChannelsListResponse channelsResponse = slack.methods().channelsList(
assertThat(channelsResponse.isOk(), is(true));
// find #general
Channel general = channelsResponse.getChannels().stream()
.filter(c -> c.getName().equals("general")).findFirst().get();
// https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage
ChatPostMessageResponse postResponse = slack.methods().chatPostMessage(
.text("Hello World!")
assertThat(postResponse.isOk(), is(true));
// timestamp of the posted message
String messageTimestamp = postResponse.getMessage().getTs();
ChatDeleteResponse deleteResponse = slack.methods().chatDelete(
assertThat(deleteResponse.isOk(), is(true));
String token = "api-token";
// Required. See https://api.slack.com/dialogs#implementation
String triggerId = "trigger-id";
Slack slack = Slack.getInstance();
DialogTextElement quanityTextElement = DialogTextElement.builder()
.hint("The number you need")
.placeholder("Required quantity")
DialogSelectElement colourSelectElement = DialogSelectElement.builder()
.placeholder("Choose your preferred colour")
Dialog dialog = Dialog.builder()
.title("Request pens")
.elements(Arrays.asList(quanityTextElement, colourSelectElement))
DialogOpenResponse openDialogResponse = slack.methods().dialogOpen(
Slack slack = Slack.getInstance();
ApiToken token = ApiToken.of(System.getenv("SLACK_BOT_TEST_API_TOKEN"));
Shortcut shortcut = slack.shortcut(token);
List<Message> messages = shortcut.findRecentMessagesByName(ChannelName.of("general"));
ReactionsAddResponse addReaction = shortcut.addReaction(messages.get(0), ReactionName.of("smile"));
ChatPostMessageResponse response = shortcut.post(ChannelName.of("general"), "hello, hello!");
Attachment attachment = Attachment.builder().text("text").footer("footer").build();
List<Attachment> attachments = Arrays.asList(attachment);
ChatPostMessageResponse response = shortcut.postAsBot(ChannelName.of("general"), "hello, hello!");
(The MIT License)
Copyright (c) Kazuhiro Sera