ROS 2 Wrapper exists in an external repository for general package implementations: External repository
Install the recommended ROS2 distribution for your operating system**
In order to prepare the system to run the ROS wrapper in the general catkin workspace make sure to install correctly the following libraries:
git clone
cd ToF
mkdir build && cd build
- In case you have the Depth-Compute library for the SDK, use the following command:
cmake -DWITH_NETWORK=1 -DWITH_ROS2=on -DROS_HOME_DIR="/home/${USER}/.ros" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/glog;/opt/protobuf;/opt/websockets" -DUSE_DEPTH_COMPUTE_STUBS=0 ..
- Otherwise, if the Depth-Compute library is not added, plese use the following command:
cmake -DWITH_NETWORK=1 -DWITH_ROS2=on -DROS_HOME_DIR="/home/${USER}/.ros" -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/opt/glog;/opt/protobuf;/opt/websockets" -DUSE_DEPTH_COMPUTE_STUBS=1 ..
sudo cmake --build . --target install
- Build the aditof_roscpp package
sudo cmake --build . --target tof_ros2_package
For usage information please refere to section 3
from: ROS Usage