Download and compile redis, then start it up with appropriate handling of port forwarding.
curl -O -L
tar xf redis-5.0.5.tar.gz
cd redis-5.0.5
# configure pw so we can use redis outside localhost, on a given port
echo "requirepass mypass" > myconf.conf
echo "port 50013" >> myconf.conf
echo "loglevel verbose" >> myconf.conf
# launch it
./src/redis-server myconf.conf
More succinctly:
( curl | tar -xz ) ; cd redis-stable/ ; make -j8 ; src/redis-server --port 50124
Note that compiling from source will work on SLC6 or SLC7 without CMSSW.
In cases where redis is not bound to a public-facing port, you may have to use ngrok
to bind your local port (50013) in this case to something ngrok will give you.
(note that the free ngrok
shouldn't/can't be used with more than 4 connections, so use it for testing only)
Download an unzip ngrok
from here. Then do
./ngrok tcp 50013
and you'll see the public-facing port (e.g., tcp://
Now check to make sure the redis server is visible from another host, replacing the ngrok link if that step is not needed/applicable
nc -z -v -w5 16890
The redis url for use with redis.Redis.from_url()
is of the form
redis://:[email protected]:6379
redis://:[email protected]:16890
Redis has a docker container, so we can just use that. With Singularity, the incantation matching the instructions from the previous section would be
singularity exec docker://redis redis-server --port $((RANDOM%1000+50000)) --requirepass mypass --loglevel verbose
# or instead of using tcp port, use a unix socket per user
singularity exec docker://redis redis-server --unixsocket /tmp/redis${USER} --loglevel verbose
Once it's running, we can test it from another host with netcat:
# if you included `--requirepass mypass`
(printf "AUTH mypass\nPING\n";) | nc <hostname> 12345
# otherwise
(printf "PING\n";) | nc <hostname> 12345
# if using a unix socket
(printf "PING\n";) | nc -U /tmp/redis${USER}